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[媒體名稱] CNN [新聞日期] Updated 4:58 AM ET, Mon February 3, 2020 [網址] https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/03/business/china-eastern-coronavirus/index.html [內文] Hong Kong (CNN Business) China Eastern has become the first major Chinese carrier to suspend flights to and from the United States because of the escalating Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. 東方航空成為中國第一個停駛往返美國的航空公司,因為武漢病毒關係 The virus has killed 361 people and sickened more than 17,000 in China so far, with nearly 180 cases confirmed in countries such as the United States, Germany and Japan. One man has died in the Philippines. Due to "the recent public health incident," China Eastern is canceling flights from Shanghai (PVG) to Los Angeles and New York (JFK) from February 2 through February 10, according to a notice circulated to travel agents and seen by CNN Business. Flights to the major US hubs were unavailable to book on China Eastern's website until March 29, however. [針對疫情部分不翻] 基於『最近發生的公共衛生事件』,東方航空決定取消上海(PVG)飛洛杉磯 和紐約(JFK)的航班,從2月02日至10日。根據根據發給旅行社的通知以及CNN 的調查,目前在東航的官網上,無法預訂美國主要樞紐的航班,直到3月29日為止 China Eastern is also canceling flights from Shanghai (PVG) to San Francisco on February 6 and February 9, to Chicago on February 8 and to Honolulu from February 3 until March 27, according to the notice. 東方航空也取消上以下航班: - 上海(PVG)飛舊金山(SFO)的航班,日期為2月06日至09日 - 上海飛芝加哥,日期為2月08日 - 上海飛檀香山,日期為2月03日至3月27日 Several flights to Los Angeles, San Francisco and Vancouver, Canada, that originate in Chengdu or Kunming with layovers in Nanjing or Qingdao have also been canceled this week. 本週自成都或是昆明啟程、中停南京或青島,飛往洛杉磯、舊金山和加拿大溫哥華的 幾個航班也遭取消 "In the days to come, China Eastern will pay close attention to the epidemic, and may further adjust the arrangements of flights," the notice said. China's two other major carriers, Air China (AIRYY) and China Southern (ZNH), did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Direct flights to the United States were still available to book on Air China and China Southern's websites on Monday. Shares in all three companies fell by about 10% — the daily maximum limit — in Shanghai on Monday, the first day of trading following the extended Lunar New Year holiday. The wider market closed down 8%. A growing number of countries, including the United States, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea, have begun barring entry to all foreigners who have traveled to mainland China, with Italy and Israel stopping all incoming air traffic from the country. Many more countries have told their citizens not to travel to mainland China. Beijing officials said on Sunday that the outbreak has nearly wiped out all inbound travel to China's capital city. Train and flight bookings to Beijing in the coming days has plunged more than 70% compared to a year earlier, Rong Jun, deputy commissioner of the Beijing Transportation Commission, told reporters on Sunday. He did not specify a time frame. Travel to and from Beijing also fell more than 60% during the Lunar New Year period, China's peak travel season, Rong added. [以上不翻] [心得] 現在連中國的主力航空公司也開始減班了,看起來全球航空業和旅遊業開始進入 寒冬時期了,接下來看看南方、廈門這幾家會不會開始跟進。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1581025645.A.130.html
Mroy: 是自我隔離?還是因為疫情影響,沒人要搭他們家? 02/07 08:05
eagle552162: 是因爲美國不讓他們入境好嗎 笑屎 02/07 08:10
countryair: 美國不讓中國人入境 根本沒人要搭 02/07 08:23
acomp: 國航把美國線改成PEK->LAX->SFO->PEK和PEK->JFK->IAD->PEK 02/07 08:31
acomp: 單純為了保持最基本的運力 02/07 08:33
coolfish1103: 南航從下星期起減班然後陸續取消 LAX/SFO/JFK/YYZ 02/07 08:58
acomp: 南航直接解僱 220 名外籍機師 02/07 09:06
pwseki206: 據說旅行社十分愛用PVG作為長途線的轉機點(尤其是美東 02/07 09:34
pwseki206: ),不知道接下來他們會如何處置? 02/07 09:34
silversteven: 國航的IAH應該不能飛了 IAH不給疫區來的人入境 02/07 09:57
sinohara: 他們家現在因為包機更黑了 02/07 10:00
coolfish1103: 南航那 220 個外籍好像是無限期無薪停飛 XD 02/07 10:08
Answerme: 要連續送5台包機強迫中獎了 02/07 10:39
cka: 應該是沒人搭喔 02/07 11:47
cka: 這種情況 中國人沒綠卡的無法去美國,反過來美國人往中國 02/07 11:48
cka: 也是非必要不會去 就算搭也只會搭美系航空 02/07 11:48
sinohara: 剛看一下 台灣線也開始砍 02/07 16:35
cutesakai: 敝司中國同事去美國的輪調計畫全部停止,也飛不了了 02/07 16:49
acomp: 美籍航空全面停飛中國和香港.就算回國也要居家隔離 14 天 02/07 17:13
acomp: 東航那天值飛台灣的組員應該很ooxx, 沒想到上面有個確診 02/07 17:18