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[媒體名稱]worldbuzz/NY Post [新聞日期]2020/2/14 [網址] https://www.worldofbuzz.com/aircrafts-locked-at-heathrow-airport- including-one-from-malaysia-due-to-a-coronavirus-suspect/ https://nypost.com/2020/02/14/eight-planes-locked-down-at-heathrow-airport- over-coronavirus-fears/ [內文] UA/BA等8架客機抵倫敦機場因檢疫一度無法下機 不過在延誤幾小時後,應該都已下機入關了. UA901的回程為UA900 則延後約3hrs. A total of eight planes were locked down when authorities at the Heathrow Airport found out that passengers were suffering from Covid-19 related symptoms. Reported in the New York Post, passengers on-board United Airlines Flight 901 from San Francisco were told to stay put after landing because someone on board was affected. A British Airways flight, flying in from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia were also part of the eight plane entourage to be halted from deboarding following the coronavirus scare. In a follow up to the announcement, the staff of the United Airlines flight has brought the passenger to the back of the plane while waiting for health officials to arrive. Recalling the ordeal, passenger Andy West shared his experience: “We landed at about 9 am and the captain came on the tannoy to say there was a suspected coronavirus patient on board.” “I think the passenger was taken right to the back of the plane, so I didn’ t get to see what they looked like.” “We were told to stay put until authorities came on board, and he [the captain] said that seven other flights had landed and had a similar situation. ” “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried, my mind started to race.” Finally leaving the plane 25-minutes later, travellers onboard the flight were told to expect future contact from the authorities should they become a suspect of having the coronavirus. “There was no forward-looking, no information about what we can expect or if we will hear from someone.” “So I think no news will be good news because I doubt they’ll contact us if they don’t suspect we have it. But it would be nice to hear we have nothing to worry about.” With Heathrow Airport officials not releasing an official statement on the matter just yet, there have been no confirmed cases thus far from the eight grounded flights of the Covid-19 infection. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [心得] 隨著法國出現歐洲第一例死亡案例, 英國也被自己的超級傳播者搭機帶病毒 回法/英, 並感染一卡車人士. 前幾日中國籍人士搭機抵英後,沒多久叫UBer 去倫敦的醫院, 結果導致駕駛也要 自主隔離14天.甚至可能導致停權失業. 現在抵英國的班機大概是機上一人如出現可疑症狀,整機先扣再說, 再一一檢查放人下機. 根據英國政府的宣佈- 過去14天來自中港澳/日韓新馬泰/台灣入境的旅客,如有疑似症狀,應 1. stay indoors and avoid contact with other people as you would with the flu 2. call NHS 111 to inform them of your recent travel to the country 不可以自己跑到醫院 -- Sent from my Nokia 3310 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1581772100.A.2AA.html ※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 02/15/2020 21:19:23
mithralin: 跟日本接下來準備的作法一樣 02/15 21:34
asdfghjklasd: 台灣因為在中國的台勞被國外ban 機會愈來愈大了 02/15 21:34