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Newshub 16/04/2020 Dan Lake https://reurl.cc/AqdLvY Coronavirus: Air New Zealand plans to axe all Boeing 777 cabin crew as part of company downsizing 肺炎:紐航將砍掉所有 777 組員來進行瘦身計畫 Details of where Air New Zealand plans to cut nearly 1000 cabin crew jobs from its international fleet were released to staff on Thursday afternoon, according to documents supplied to Newshub. 約近千名國際線組員將被砍。 In a live video address, the company outlined which roles would be affected by its 30 percent size reduction due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 因應肺炎將瘦身 30%。 In total, the number of crew employed on the airline's mid to long-haul routes will reduce from 1533 to 583. 長程組員將從 1533 減為 583。 Air NZ expects its Boeing 777s to remain grounded until April next year, so as a result it plans to cut its 777 staff completely. 紐航預計 777 將會躺在地面上直到明年四月,所以將把 777 組員全部砍掉。 The number of employees who work on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner fleet will also be reduced. Service manager roles will reduce from 157 to 142, and flight attendant numbers will be cut from 514 to 443. 部分 787 組員也會減少,經理將從 157 減為 142,空服則是 514 減為 443。 However, according to a staff member who contacted Newshub, contract variations may mean many staff who operate the 777s will be 'given priority' over their Dreamliner colleagues. 因為合約簽的不一樣,77W 將優先於 787 組員。 Air New Zealand job cuts: 預計砍 Inflight service managers - Cut from 87 to 70 Deputy service managers - Cut from 72 to 70 Flight attendants - Cut from 514 to 443 Flight service managers - Cut from 98 to 0 Inflight service coordinators - Cut from 79 to 0 Flight attendant premium services - Cut from 367 to 0 Pacific class cabin crews - Cut from 316 to 0 "Based on our forecasted schedule over the next 12 months which includes significantly reduced international travel, we are proposing a reduction of 950 wide-body cabin crew roles," crew were told in the video. 依照未來十二個月的預測,國際旅行將會減少非常多。 紐航計劃減少約 950 個大型機組員 (787/777)。 Wide-body refers to the size of the aircraft - in this case the airline's Boeing 787s and 777s. "The proposal is based on the assumption that there will be a relatively slow return of demand to international travel with no passenger flying on the 777 until April 2021." The airline told staff it couldn't accommodate the large cost of carrying "such significant numbers of surplus crew", and while it was open to expressions of interest for those willing to take leave without pay, large cuts would still be needed. 紐航告知組員他們無法負擔這麼多額外的組員。 就算有組員願意留職停薪,大規模減少依舊無法避免。 "Based on the forecasted schedule we would still have an unimaginable level of surplus crew," the message said. 依照預測的班表我們還是會有無法想像多的組員。 Air NZ has been contacted for comment. 紐航已被聯繫評論。 這樣看紐航預計大部分越太平洋航線將不會運行,因為他把所有專職於越太平洋組員都砍 了。不過 789 還是可以飛越太平洋,所以應該未來就會用 789 來執飛部分航點。依照目 前的班表來看,最有可能維持的就是洛杉磯 (四月一週三班 789)。 紐航的機隊: 8x773 44J/54PY/244Y 8x772 26J/40PY/246Y 14x789 27J/33PY/215Y v2 18J/21PY/263Y 假設大部分的 773/772 航班將用 789 營運,那原先 789 營運的航點肯定會受影響,台 北這種爹不疼娘不愛的航點可能也要掰掰了。不過依照目前疫情控制的狀況,台紐要不要 考慮雙方提早開放入境管制 XD 紐航原先夏季班表計畫:AKL-TPE 3x772 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1587103778.A.0DC.html
moaice: 真的慘,而且這專業在這段期間也幾乎不可能找到工作 04/17 14:35
flyaway1030: 希望疫情趕快結束 04/17 14:39
Answerme: 所以祥富水產倒閉員工就會比較好找工作嗎 04/17 15:26
ggyyhippo: 這是真的開除還是讓他們申請失業救濟而已阿? 04/17 15:28
依照文章內容應該是掰了,明年四月是否會飛 777 都是個問號。
danic: 各家今年恐怕都掰了 砍人真的只是早晚 果斷點不然連命都沒 04/17 15:41
yoshilin: 領半年失業救濟後再回聘 04/17 15:58
Jobseeker Support 錢沒有很多也跟你前一份工作領多少無關。 ※ 編輯: coolfish1103 ( 臺灣), 04/17/2020 16:15:13
abyssa1: 無疫情國家來開個免檢疫聯盟啊 帛琉可以加入 04/17 16:22
xvited945: 哇靠 直接大砍 04/17 16:26
sinohara: AC直接砍整個夏季班表 04/17 17:11
nyrnu: 若外籍航空淡出亞洲-北美線,似乎對長榮來說是短空長多 04/17 17:42
tarjan33167: 還好B16717回來惹 04/17 17:42
abyssa1: 台灣紐西蘭加帛琉可以開放自己互相觀光免14天檢疫嗎 04/17 17:45
ABBOBO: 帛琉的機票實在太貴了,不然真想去看看 04/17 17:49
qf852741963: 這種航空公司砍人的案例,疫情結束後是會把舊組員找 04/17 17:57
qf852741963: 回來,還是就找新人了? 04/17 17:57
crux101: 砍千名cabin那flight deck呢?777到明年4月不會營運,看 04/17 19:18
crux101: 是要phase out吧~這新聞怪怪滴~ 04/17 19:18
nyrnu: 澳洲維珍快errr.機師3周前天上駕A330,這周地上農場開拖拉機 04/17 20:00
nyrnu: https://bit.ly/3crK17G 04/17 20:01
yinrw: 台灣也是遲早的 04/17 20:55
alphanet: 種花快裁啊,體質改善從頭開始就看這次了 04/17 21:58
dbdudsorj: 韓國易斯達航空裁員50% 沒事兒沒事兒 04/17 22:59
rootpresent: 7777777這一定是歧視 04/18 04:38
rootpresent: 我可以收留空姐了嗎 04/18 04:39
skhuang: 剛好...可以汰弱留強...加速轉型 04/18 11:03
ic1101: 開拖拉機也蠻賺的啊 04/18 11:29
alstonfju: 哩程票更難換了,就算延期也沒用 04/18 14:28
Answerme: 想看在拖拉機拍onlyfans 04/18 20:24
nyrnu: https://i.imgur.com/EAVmfJp.jpg 04/18 22:04
jay1089: 說帛琉可以的,去洗洗睡吧。 04/19 01:25
Lindbergh: 開拖拉機有帥 人帥真好 04/19 07:32
xvited945: 其實開重機具的薪水都不錯 04/19 08:32
xvited945: 但機師帥氣程度完勝其他 04/19 08:33
chbio: 航空公司裁員,他們工會沒有出來抗議嗎? 04/20 07:24
maxddr2009: 怎不罷工。出來抗議 04/22 00:49