看板 Aviation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
[媒體名稱] Fox News [新聞日期] 5/8/2020 [網址] https://fxn.ws/2YGVj4h [內文] A Southwest Airlines jet struck and killed a person after landing at an airport in Austin, Texas on Thursday night, authorities said. According to preliminary information released by the Federal Aviation Administ ration (FAA), Southwest Airlines Flight 1392 reported seeing a person on the r unway, shortly after the Boeing 737 touched down at Austin-Bergstrom Internati onal Airport around 8:12 p.m. Officials don't believe the unidentified man was authorized to be on the runwa y at the time, airport spokesman Bryce Dubee said. The FAA said the driver of an airport operations vehicle later found the victim's body on the runway. “Austin-Travis Emergency Medical Services responded to the incident and prono unced the victim deceased at the scene," the airport said in a statement on Tw itter. The Austin Police Department said the person killed was not dressed as an airp ort worker and did not have identification, according to Austin's KEYE-TV. Officials said an investigation is continuing. As off early Friday, the crime scene has been cleared and maintenance was prep aring the runway to reopen, according to the airport. Operations were expected to resume as normal. [心得] 西南航空在德州奧斯丁機場 (KAUS)落地時撞到人了..... 可能看到也來不及 R.I.P. https://youtu.be/jxsNCCZ958o
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1588943610.A.A41.html
akira30: 就算有機會閃也不能閃吧...等等換飛機失控05/08 21:16
akira30: 感覺是個道德議題(? 05/08 21:17
ampicillin: 塔台還不相信有人 ~"~ 05/08 21:17
※ 編輯: TaipeiKen ( 臺灣), 05/08/2020 21:21:08
cow9602195: RIP 05/08 21:44
detective14r: 哪有甚麼道德問題 是人去撞飛機 跟人去撞火車一樣 05/08 21:46
detective14r: 飛機降落時那裡就不是人該出現的地方 05/08 21:47
asdf0923: 太扯了...這個要跟他的遺族索賠啦,自殺不要害人啊 05/08 22:08
akira30: 回的還真認真 05/08 23:31
JasonHuang: 這是...新型的自殺手段? 05/08 23:36
ihl123456: 為什麼跑道上面會有人? 05/08 23:42
ctl: 為了要閃他的話可能會死更多人...只好撞了! 05/09 03:49
FeiFeiA: 塔台沒有不相信有人吧,只是問清楚而已。 05/09 10:27
JasonHuang: 完整的對話紀錄來了 05/09 10:38
JasonHuang: https://reddit.app.link/WnxH0q1Tk6 05/09 10:38
darbyjoun: 這地勤與機組人員的心理陰影… 05/09 15:07
flightheory: 跑道上有人並不奇怪,看鋪面的航站航務員、修跑道燈 05/09 22:21
flightheory: 的區台工務員都很常上跑道,重點是有無先用無線電呼 05/09 22:21
flightheory: 叫地面席申請進跑道,地面席交接時有無告知接班的人 05/09 22:21
flightheory: ? 05/09 22:21
flightheory: 以前教新進航務員時,總是跟他們說,隨時注意降落方 05/09 22:26
flightheory: 向,一看到落地燈亮起,即使地面席沒叫脫離跑道,也 05/09 22:26
flightheory: 要立刻詢問地面席是否要立刻脫離?因為萬一地面席交 05/09 22:26
flightheory: 接忘了跑道上還有人就發落地許可,死的人可是自己呀 05/09 22:26
flightheory: ! 05/09 22:26
flightheory: 航務員的眼力要能在大白天看得到飛機的落地燈,這是 05/09 22:28
flightheory: 保命能力。 05/09 22:28
JackChung: KAUS 周邊的圍牆要爬進去不難 05/10 00:08
yuinghoooo: 有點狂阿 竟然有人 05/10 23:31
Kazamatsuri: C教官表示:還好後面OZ教官有看到 05/11 01:04