看板 Aviation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
[航空公司]:捷星 [購買途徑]:官網線上購票 [狀態]:原本班機是2/26(三)臺灣飛澳洲,已取消轉成代金券1次 [延長代金券分享]: 繼上次換成代金券後,時間也過了半年, 然後竟然在最後一天最後1個小時要買票時已經無法使用, 所以還是得來詢問線上客服。 不過又因為線上客服有營業時間的關係, 就無法於當天解決, 眼看代金券要血本無歸了, 但是9/5(六)又嘗試找到線上客服後,竟然解決了~ 客服說明可以再協助展延"過期的代金券"!(後續待14天內重獲代金券) 實際只等到9/7(一)就拿到了! https://imgur.com/14bZZTp 詳細對話紀錄的網誌版:https://tinyurl.com/yyerk6me 以下部分圖片沿用3月時的資料,畢竟方式相同, 都要透過線上客服~ https://imgur.com/5Aiz6EV https://imgur.com/iN2vGzO 點選置頂的連結 https://www.jetstar.com/hk/zh/travel-alerts , 後續往下拉,找到Chat Now就趕快點進去, 因為這樣才能直接面對線上客服人員! 步驟二:在點選Chat Now之後, 就必須填寫基本資料, 包含1.名字、2.姓氏、3.電子信箱、 4.機票的訂位代號。(雖然已換成代金券,但還是打上次訂票的代號吧) 填寫完,才有辦法與線上客服聊天,然後這個網頁不能關閉,一關閉就要重來! https://imgur.com/3N9Kfx1 順利的話,等待不到1分鐘,就會有有空的客服出現, 這時可以喘口氣,休息一下,然後開google翻譯以備不時之需。 ((可利用假日下午時段)) 步驟三:開始問答, 線上客服會先告知注意事項,然後說名字後,詢問有什麼需要幫忙的事情。 可以先打招呼,告知因為武漢肺炎而要求退款。(hello OOO! i would like to request the refund due to Corona virus.) 然後請協助展延代金券使用期限等。 實際對話如下,歡迎參考。 https://imgur.com/h469i7L 其實說明完武漢肺炎要退款後,客服人員就會先協助查詢目前狀態, 就發現我已經退成代金券了, 然後也有查到我的代金券已到期, 不過他們基於善意及禮貌(google翻譯), 願意協助再幫忙把代金券重新發行(reissue)展延6個月效期! 後續就待14天內就可以再拿到了。 另外, 線上客服的時間是 澳洲雪梨時間的 8am~8pm, 相當於臺灣的11am~11pm喔 (夏令時間至10月初)! 或是10am~10pm(冬令時間差距2小時) 請大家要注意一下。 [後記] 時間序紀錄: 9/5(六) 下午完成線上對話、 9/7(一) 下午從電子信箱中收到代金券,不過這次的版本是簡體字。 以下節錄對話,因為後續捷星會將對話紀錄寄到您的信箱中, 來確保雙方沒有其他問題! ( 1s ) OOO: *Please do not share your credit card information, security code or CVV in this chat window.* Hi, my name is OOO. How can I help you today? ( 39s ) 我: hello OOO! i would like to request the refund due to Corona virus. → 打招呼,告知因為武漢肺炎而要求退款。 ( 1m 13s ) OOO: Hi 我, sure let me assist you for your concern, one moment please as I check your booking. ( 1m 41s ) 我: OK! thank you. ( 2m 3s ) OOO I'll just need another minute or two - thanks for sitting tight. ( 4m 43s ) OOO: Thank you for patiently waiting 我, I’ve reviewed your booking and see that you took up our Exceptional Circumstances policy and elected to cancel your booking, at a time your flight was still scheduled to operate, and obtain a credit voucher. Given this, I am unable to convert your credit voucher to a refund now since each of your voucher will be valid for 12 months and You can use your credit voucher on any available flight within 12 months of issue, effectively giving them up to the end of 2021 to make a booking. NNN客服:無法把代金券退款,因為每張代金券效期有12個月。 (不過我的代金券已過期QQ) ( 6m 5s ) 我: ok! please help me ( 7m 1s ) OOO: Sure one moment please as I confirm the validity of your vouchers. OOO客服:先確認我的代金券效期 ( 7m 38s ) 我: ok! thank you ( 10m 0s ) OOO: I'll just need another minute or two - thanks for sitting tight. ( 10m 17s ) 我: ok, please. ( 13m 1s ) OOO: Thank you for patiently waiting 我 for the 4 vouchers I can see here that all 4 are already expired and for this as a gesture of goodwill and one time courtesy I can request this to be reissued once again to be valid for the next 6 months, shall we proceed? OOO客服:發現我的4張代金券都已到期, 不過願意重新發行一次,然後展延效期6個月! (實際拿到後是展延了一年!) ( 13m 41s ) 我: yes, please! ( 14m 38s ) OOO: Sure would you like me to reissue your voucher for the whole amount or process the reissue for each with an amount of 2x $OOO TWD and one $OOO TWD and $OOO.O TWD? ( 15m 22s ) 我: yes, i think that will be awesome :)) ( 15m 42s ) OOO: Sure to confirm you will still have 4 vouchers correct? ( 16m 4s ) 我: yes!! ( 16m 30s ) OOO Thank you for confirming, please bear with me as I will now request for your vouchers to be reissued. ( 17m 20s ) 我: Thank you, please! 結果:OOO客服又竟然消失了.... 馬上換了一位客服NNN。 code or CVV in this chat window.* Hi, my name is NNN. How can I help you today? ( 21m 51s ) 我: hello NNN! i would like to request the refund due to Corona virus. (by the way, where is OOO) ( 22m 20s ) 我: I'm at the last step. >< ( 22m 48s )NNN: Hi 我, I am unsure what happened with you chat with OOO, but let me help you here. ( 22m 53s ) NNN: Hold on please. ( 23m 10s ) 我: ok! thank you ( 23m 54s ) 我: I would like to request the refund due to Corona virus ( 27m 0s ) NNN: As I can see here that OOO was about to reissue you new vouchers as the existing ones are already expired. NNN客服:正如我在這裡看到的那樣,OOO將為您重新發行新憑證,因為現有憑證已經過期。 ( 27m 12s ) NNN: One moment please. ( 27m 23s ) 我: ok, thank you ( 30m 43s ) NNN: As per checking here that you have 4 vouchers that are expired, 2 vouchers worth OOO TWD each, 1 voucher worth OOO TWD and 1 voucher worth OOO.OO TWD. I will reissue these vouchers only once as gesture of goodwill, bear with please okay? NNN客服說明願意重新發行只有一次機會的代金券! ( 31m 14s ) 我: okay, please. ( 33m 7s ) NNN: I successfully requested new voucher credits to be sent to your email address [email protected] within 14 business days. NNN客服告知14個工作天會將新的代金券寄到mail裡! ( 33m 11s ) NNN: Is there anything else I can help you with today? ( 34m 0s ) 我: wowwww~~ thank you NNN. You are so nice. 以上資訊提供大家參考 :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- fb粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/WillBeJohnsJourney/ 臺灣北部飯店及旅遊blog:https://river8698.pixnet.net/blog/category/3234071 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1599922229.A.F27.html
Sizu7064: 我比較好奇,萬一重新給的代金又過期了,那怎麼辦? 09/15 03:26
vikimsw: 好問題,明年如果有碰到,再來問 09/15 18:47