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[媒體名稱] Airlive [新聞日期] 2020/09/25 [網址] https://reurl.cc/m90axl [內文] https://i.imgur.com/jitASe3.jpg
An An-26 plane has crashed near the city of Chuguev in the Kharkov region of U kraine during landing, Ukrainian Air Force Command said Friday. According to the command, there were injuries and deaths, but the head of the Kharkov region, Oleksiy Kucher, said that there were also survivors in the cra sh. Please reload for updates: UPDATE An engine failure reportedly caused the An-26 crash. UPDATE At Least 22 Killed, 2 Survived, 4 Unknown. UPDATE There Were 28 People on Board of Crashed AN-26: 7 Crew Members And 21 C adets. Citing a source in the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, local news agency Depo.Khar kiv reported that there were cadets on board. If they were trained on the AN-2 6Sh, there could be 10 cadets and one instructor on the plane, the media outle t said. According to the agency’s source, the disaster occurred at about 20.45 (17:45 GMT) near the city of Chuguev. The source added that the cadets of the Kharko v Air Force University performed a training flight on the plane. A special commision to investigate the AN-26 military plane crash in Kharkiv r egion will be created in Ukraine, according to the Ukrainian President’s offi ce. [心得] 1.疑似發動機故障 在降落時墜毀 2.22人死亡 2人生還 4人下落不明 3.墜毀的An-26有28人 7名機組員 21名學員 4.大約發生於9/25 GMT 17:45 (如有錯誤請推文告知) 2020真的很慘 RIP -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1601065503.A.0FC.html ※ 編輯: ganlinlowmo ( 臺灣), 09/26/2020 04:31:28
tripot: 螺旋槳飛機落地發動機失效墜毀很難吧 09/26 04:44
erty2852: 失速後強姦地球 09/26 07:17
Sizu7064: 2樓的 不要自以為幽默好嗎? 09/26 07:56
pttshian: 我的天…惡靈20到底怎麼了 09/26 09:02
nickchen1202: 2樓是在? 09/26 10:23
nickchen1202: RIP 09/26 10:23
summerleaves: R.I.P. 09/26 10:44
temu2035: 空中浩劫又有題材了 09/26 11:09
s094155: 2020越來越2020了 09/26 11:18
domago: 起飛3分鐘 降落7分鐘 飛行最危險的時候 09/26 13:53
yak141: 這種冷戰流下來的老軍機應該沒黑盒子吧 09/26 19:19
Rinehot: 其實黑盒子也有用在軍機上,印象中同期生產的C5A在1975越 09/26 19:57
Rinehot: 南嬰兒空運行動事故就有黑盒子。 09/26 19:57
blanka: https://tinyurl.com/y2v5rq85 有找到黑盒子啦 09/26 21:36