看板 Aviation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
[媒體名稱]Reuters [新聞日期]2022/7/28 [網址] https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/taiwans-china-airlines- eyes-a330-replacement-future-freighter-options-2022-07-28/ [內文] 好像沒甚麼人注意到. 貼一下好了 Taiwan's China Airlines eyes A330 replacement, future freighter options By Jamie Freed July 28 (Reuters) - Taiwan's China Airlines Ltd (2610.TW) is "actively" looking at options to replace its ageing fleet of 22 Airbus SE (AIR.PA) A330 widebodies and is also starting to examine next-generation freighter planes, the company's president told Reuters. The carrier, which has been profitable during much of the pandemic because of a shift to cargo services, is now starting to gear up for a rebound in passenger travel when Taiwan lifts quarantine rules for arrivals. China Airlines is looking to phase out its A330s, a mainstay on regional routes, as it modernises its fleet to reduce emissions and cut its fuel bill, President Kao Shing-Hwang said in a written interview. "We are actively studying our options for the A330 fleet's successor," he said on Thursday. "China Airlines has invited a number of manufacturers to submit their proposals." He declined to comment on the timing of the planned order and the types under consideration. At other airlines, A330s are most often being replaced by the Airbus A330neo and Boeing Co's (BA.N) rival 787, although options like the A350 and A321XLR, both from Airbus, have been selected in some cases. China Airlines had 14 A350s and 7 A320neos in its fleet as of June 30. The carrier also has a large fleet of Boeing widebody freighters, including 18 747-400Fs and 4 777Fs, with the latter expected to reach 10 planes by 2024. "We plan to continue retiring the 747-400F freighters from service, so new models will still need to be introduced in the future," Kao said. "The (Boeing) 777X and (Airbus) A350F freighters are both candidates for our next freighter, though the decision is still being reviewed." He declined to comment on the timing of the potential order. The airline benefited from a surge in freight rates during the pandemic because the grounding of passenger planes cut cargo carrying capacity, but Kao said the space shortage was easing as travel demand rebounded and airlines added more flights. "The increase in belly cargo capacity will catch up to freighter capacity causing more competitive freight rates to appear on the market," he said. "Demand in Asia and the U.S. will, however, remain strong as they are key manufacturing and consumer regions." [心得] 簡單翻一下 1. 華航正積極評估22架老舊A333的替代機種 2. RFP (request for proposal) 應已發給相關飛機製造商 (i.e. 波音+空中巴士) 來提案報價 (China Airlines has invited a number of manufacturers to submit their proposals.") 3. 其他航空大多選擇A330neo 或787 作為替代機種, 也有某些案例是選擇A350 或 A321XLR 作為替代機種 4. 華航也計畫持續的汰換老舊的744F機隊; 777X 及 A350F 則是主要的候選對象 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 正值美國眾議院議長裴洛西有可能訪問台灣之前夕, 再加上波音在前陣子的 英國法茵堡展中, 獲得的雙走道客機訂單只有少到不能再少的區區幾架. 現在這情勢之複雜詭譎與華航當年下單購買A333有87%類似. 長榮自從疫情期間起,多次使用787-10 飛長程線的溫哥華/西雅圖 的實戰經驗應該 也會給華航一些選擇上的啟發. 甚至787-10也可放在松山機場飛台日航線也ok. 各位看倌希望搭哪種機型呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1659075935.A.12D.html ※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 07/29/2022 14:27:27
domago523: 上次不是來推銷787 07/29 14:54
t7101271328: 繼續買359好了 07/29 14:56
t7101271328: 長榮的7810沒有豪經艙真的是一大敗筆 07/29 14:58
ATR72: 感覺787-10不買不行XD 07/29 15:27
LewisRong: 裴洛西應該也會來推銷787? 07/29 15:28
ms0443001: 看一下其他跟團議員選區是不是在西雅圖 07/29 15:34
pwseki206: Pelosi:有批787好便宜的 07/29 15:47
TsukimiyaAyu: 787啊 議長要來不給面子是不是啊 07/29 15:53
Daniel104: 787啊!! 07/29 16:04
tom3333: 有確定要來嗎?行程表不是寫暫定兩個字。 07/29 16:04
ken3388732: 小道消息有聽說是787 07/29 16:11
t7101271328: 議長要來 787當然是加價賣阿 怎麼可能給便宜的XD 07/29 16:14
TsukimiyaAyu: 美台關係史上最佳 07/29 16:15
js52666: 外交大突破 07/29 16:37
jim19911126: 787+350已經幾乎是大航空們的標配了 07/29 16:49
sk5566: 裴洛西: 沒有朕的允許 不准蕞爾小島 買空巴 07/29 17:24
kimi255085: 比較想知道貨機會是什麼飛機來接 哈哈 07/29 17:25
zzzz8931: 787 07/29 17:37
yanzistart: 貨機應該777X 全747F的卡拉已經先衝了 07/29 17:40
ju06080719: 787啦 載旗航空要負責做外交 07/29 17:41
jamesgmp: 330真的趕快換掉,舊了 07/29 17:50
driver0811: 買波音載貨買空巴載人 07/29 18:01
flyover01: https://youtu.be/LeLkD1ygcHE 07/29 18:39
s21mo9025: 理性上應該增購359 加強機隊運用彈性 07/29 18:42
s21mo9025: 但感覺就是會被逼吞78X 07/29 18:42
takuma: 買787會練就金手指! 07/29 18:59
dekirin: 359 07/29 21:39
c52chungyuny: 787沒豪經根本敗筆 07/29 21:45
tsuyoshi2501: 不用看了就是787,議長來台總要伴手禮 07/29 22:18
mukuro: 星宇的330neo轉給華航好了 07/29 22:25
Answerme: 新航都787了 07/29 22:36
mimicck: 787沒豪經艙敗筆+1 07/29 23:57
dunkylu: 買359來取代333是什麼神邏輯? 07/30 00:07
doraemon129K: 新航確實有用短程版的A359 07/30 00:15
taxlaw1991: SQ兩種都用 07/30 00:28
linlos: 787比較彈性運用吧? 07/30 01:03
kevabc1: 359取代333這麼好的邏輯哪來的神邏輯??? 07/30 01:16
s21mo9025: 359 333載客差不多 359航程長了更多 加上華航本來已經 07/30 01:51
s21mo9025: 有359機隊 如果把廣體機隊統一的話 維修也會更加方便 07/30 01:51
s21mo9025: 缺點是萬一350系列出問題需要全面停飛檢修的話會很麻 07/30 01:51
s21mo9025: 煩 07/30 01:51
s21mo9025: 某樓嗆人之前先自己做點功課好嗎 可憐 07/30 01:51
s21mo9025: 不過話說回來 買787就可以當萬一350出問題要全面停飛 07/30 01:56
s21mo9025: 時的保險 倒也沒什麼不好 07/30 01:56
s21mo9025: 另外 以乘客出發點來說 350肯定是比787舒服些 07/30 02:00
s21mo9025: 350機身比787寬 但經濟艙都是一排9個位子 07/30 02:01
kimi255085: 兩種都用的航空公司真的是滿多的欸 07/30 02:27
dunkylu: 對航迷而言最貴的買下去就對了,大砲打小鳥就是爽! 07/30 19:14
jamesgmp: 拜託買350,不要787 07/30 19:42
t7101271328: A359座位數比789多 但更為寬廣 舒適度較佳 起飛時跑 07/30 20:35
t7101271328: 道所需長度也較短 其實RCSS是可以讓A359起降的 07/30 20:35
akira30: 我記得350的對手算是777 07/30 21:39
dunkylu: 350翼展超過松山操作限制 07/30 23:07
choper: 787 有比350省油嗎? 07/31 01:45
sj4: 要能停松山的吧 07/31 09:47
sj4: 但350真的是舒適度大勝 07/31 09:47
coconew: 這四台沒有誰取代誰的問題,剛好定位都差一點330<787<350 07/31 10:57
coconew: <777,讓中長程寬體的選擇更多 07/31 10:57
acomp: 787-10 最初為中程區域航線設計,座位數最多,沒有設豪經 07/31 10:59
acomp: 艙也合理. 航程能飛到美西算是額外 bonus. 不過最經濟的營 07/31 10:59
acomp: 運距離還是中程航線 07/31 10:59
acomp: 789 較適合客源略少的長程線. A359/10 比較適合和 77W 對 07/31 11:03
acomp: 比 07/31 11:03
acomp: A333汰換應該就A339 vs 787-10 07/31 11:04
domago523: 差不多就看維護成本哪個低 一台飛10年維修誰比較省 07/31 11:15
maskwearer: 借這篇文問一下為何板上幾篇和裴洛西專機有關的文章 07/31 13:06
maskwearer: 都被刪掉了? 07/31 13:06
Kazamatsuri: 那是發文者自刪的 你可以寫信問他 07/31 13:34
coolfish1103: 松山不改成能操作 359 華航就不太可能全部買 359。 07/31 14:07
s21mo9025: 可是339聽說也是翼展問題不能在松機操作? 07/31 14:26
TsukimiyaAyu: 議長 議長 在哪裡 07/31 15:07
dabochi: 359有很多個WV可以選 比如說JL的WV018 MTOW就只剩218T 07/31 17:01
dabochi: 所以放區域用老實講也是行得通 但是考慮到RCSS操作這點 07/31 17:03
dabochi: 所以個人猜會是78X中獎的機率高 但是CI有可能會把744F跟 07/31 17:05
dabochi: 777F換成359F來平衡 07/31 17:06
dabochi: 321XLR 除非CI打算把RCKH甚至RCMQ加入飛紐澳或是夏威夷 07/31 17:15
dabochi: 不然機會不高 07/31 17:16
weijinsusu: 星宇的339驗證飛行就沒去過松山,翼展跟359一樣,所以 07/31 21:06
weijinsusu: 松山要飛虹橋跟羽田,787比較合適 07/31 21:06
kimi255085: 也不一定要能停松山啦 松山改用321也不是不行 但最後 08/01 00:09
kimi255085: 我猜還是乖乖吞78X XD 08/01 00:09
astushi: 339的營運成本比較低呀,單價也低,印象中跟359不是同一 08/01 00:32
astushi: 個級別的吧,不能只用座位數來看 08/01 00:32
dunkylu: 買一堆359結果不能放松山,然後松山羽田這黃金航線只能 08/01 01:04
dunkylu: 用座位數最少的321飛?當航空公司開身體健康的?購機規 08/01 01:04
dunkylu: 劃如果出問題是會把公司搞倒的,買飛機都不用考慮價格? 08/01 01:04
dunkylu: 買了一堆大而無當的機型只會拖垮整間公司,國內之前就有 08/01 01:04
dunkylu: 個真實案例 08/01 01:04
domago523: 買737max也是 08/01 11:02
acomp: 買飛機是看營運和後勤成本. 新機價格一直都可以談,幾乎沒 08/01 17:37
acomp: 有大型航空用牌價買飛機 08/01 17:37
acomp: 座位數越高,CASM 越低阿. 所以近年客機座位越塞越多. 如 08/01 17:45
acomp: 果考量載貨能力,那 MTOW 也能拿來比較. 航程反而是夠用就 08/01 17:45
acomp: 好. 疫情前運量爆發, 大家都想買座位越多的機型 08/01 17:45
acomp: 現在航空業比較保守。若大型機銷路差,搞不好正是個跟製造 08/01 17:52
acomp: 商砍價的好時機 08/01 17:52
NYC3: 華航貨運比較賺,以載貨調度為主優先考量比較好 08/01 20:01
loworld: 787啦 你以為不用交保護費嗎 08/04 15:33