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星宇航空(A350)將成為空巴客戶中首家採用電子調光窗(Electro-dimmable windows) 其實空巴新聞稿也提到星宇航空為首家採用 Electro-dimmable windows https://bit.ly/3f7Fo9Q 空巴介紹其新版A350最新進展 1. A350 PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS A. up to 1.2t weight reduction B. enhanced performance C. 3t MTOW increase 2.A350 AIRSPACE CABIN INNOVATIONS A. 4-inch cabin wider B. Longer cabin(rear pressure bulkhead shift; cockpit wall relocation) 3. Electro-dimmable windows – blocks 99.999% of light, reduces weight and is easy to maintain (這部分有提到星宇航空) 我記得先前星宇航空有提到會採用上述2, 電子調光窗則是現在才首度披露. 上述1/2/3 稱為NPS (New Production Standard) 主要就是MTOW from 280t to 283t 內部客艙較先前版本寬了4-inch (這或許對某些希望經濟艙高密度需求的航空公司而言是一誘因, 如日航A350國內線. 不過日航傾向A350國內線經濟艙仍維持3-3-3 配置) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Source: https://paxex.aero/starlux-a35-dimmable-windows/ Dimmable windows coming to the A350 with Starlux 26 OCTOBER 2022 BY SETH MILLER Taiwan’s Starlux Airlines is on the cusp of a major shift in the carrier’s operations. It will take delivery of its first A350 this week, opening up long-haul markets from its home base in Taipei. The delivery also represents a first for the Airbus A350, as the Starlux plane will be the first to offer electro-dimmable windows in the cabin. Speaking at the APEX EXPO conference in Long Beach this week, Airbus’s VP Cabin Marketing Ingo Wuggetzer revealed this bit of interiors news, while saving the remaining details for Starlux to share. But the details on the new dimmable windows are impressive in their own right. This is not a new technology, of course. Boeing has had it flying on the 787 Dreamliner for more than a decade. Business jets also fly with it on board. But Wuggetzer believes now is the time for Airbus to bring it to market, as it has matured significantly since the initial version. Among the improvements, he cited an increased transition speed for the dimming, as well as the ability to block more of the light with the new system. Still to be seen, however, is whether the flight attendants will lock out control of the windows. That can be a challenge in some cases. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1666864228.A.DDE.html ※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 10/27/2022 17:51:07
FTICR: 手持式GPS會收不到訊號 10/27 18:00
fman: 用在飛機上蠻酷的 10/27 18:12
taxlaw1991: 787乘客毀譽參半的功能 結果Airbus也學了 10/27 19:00
taxlaw1991: 至於2對想搞343經濟艙的業者誘因更大了 10/27 19:02
acomp: 目前只有 Lufthansa 要求未來交機的 A350 仍需使用傳統窗 10/27 19:03
acomp: 戶 10/27 19:03
Luao47: 調光窗真心難用 但就是新奇就是了 10/27 19:29
chenyei: 期待 10/27 19:43
ATR72: 電子窗很煩,泰航都強制永夜XD 10/27 20:02
ATR72: 印象中星宇的359不是出廠很久一直沒裝發動機嗎?怎麼有這 10/27 20:05
ATR72: 麼多暗黑科技XD 10/27 20:05
yuzuki: 不知道什麼時候會改成裝led螢幕播廣告 10/27 20:23
Metro123Star: A350好像本來就可以選配窗戶種類 但沒人用電子XD 10/27 21:12
先前空巴沒有這個選配(電子調光窗). 2020年 電子調光窗的供應商才打進空巴供應鏈. 這技術也一直不斷的演進. 從最早用於早期787的第一代, 現在空巴採用的應該已經是第三代了. ※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 10/27/2022 21:29:09
jojojo: 超討厭787的電子調光窗 10/27 22:19
skyteam55535: 客艙最討人厭的功能呵 10/27 23:52
kkia: 為何大家這麼討厭?第一次搭到還覺得蠻酷的XD 10/28 03:31
APC: 787 最暗的還是藍藍路,然後可鎖定不讓乘客調 10/28 04:27
c52chungyuny: 因為航迷要拍引擎,客艙強制暗螢幕很煩 10/28 06:16
c52chungyuny: 應該學Ryanair連遮陽簾都沒有xd 10/28 06:16
tokai: 而且反應慢 按了幾秒後才會變 10/28 06:28
zeta: 反應慢的可能是第一代?尤其是要調亮時,但最近坐的都很快了 10/28 07:13
oboesoul: 講黑科技根本外行人 10/28 07:20
weyward: 第一次搭很酷 之後就無感 10/28 08:01
bluecoldon: 我是覺得很酷,但被鎖會很賭爛 10/28 09:45
domago: 電子窗故障還能逃生嗎 10/28 10:41
Kazamatsuri: 逃生不是開窗吧?一般窗能逃生? 10/28 12:31
Polestar: 對付起降時不配合開窗的奧客很好用 10/28 12:49
abyssa1: 空服表示感到欣慰不用跟奧客溝通開關窗 10/28 13:23
taxlaw1991: 某樓少在那搞笑 當飛機窗和車子一樣可以擊破當逃生窗 10/28 14:40
taxlaw1991: ? 笑死 10/28 14:40
yuzuki: 他會不會是指降落要打開遮光板那件事 10/28 14:47
電子調光窗(Electro-dimmable windows) 實際影片 (可能媒體記者已經上去參觀了) https://twitter.com/i/status/1585872063067480065
zeta: 看起來是展示品非機艙內,不過真的超快 10/28 18:22
對,應該是展示品,剛瞄一下也沒細看. ※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 10/28/2022 19:11:39
driver0811: 4 inch讚,不知道是怎麼變出來的 10/28 20:49
akira30: 不用一直強調開窗大概是唯一德政XD 10/29 00:18
zeta: 不只宣導,靠窗睡死時也不用再自己伸長手或麻煩鄰座開關窗 10/29 09:24
upeo: 雞肋功能 10/29 11:15
wadening: 白天飛上去靠近窗會很熱 10/30 22:50
pippen2002: ˊ這樣複雜?? 11/01 14:00
YuenYang405: 對 真的很熱 連開到最暗還是熱 11/01 19:16