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[媒體名稱] AviationWeek [新聞日期] 12/13/2022 [網址] https://aviationweek.com/air-transport/airlines-lessors/ united-orders-100-boeing-787s-revises-airbus-a350-delivery-schedule 美國聯合航空向波音下訂100架 787 (可彈性選擇 -8/-9/-10 的數量) 加上100架 選擇權. 45架 Airbus A359 訂單數量暫不受影響 (交付日期從 2027 推遲到 2030). UA CFO 表示 A359 是不錯的 777 替代選項. 這 100架 787 主要替換 767 和部分 777. UA 預計於 2030 前淘汰所有 767 [內文] United Airlines has opted to order Boeing 787s to support a significant portion of its widebody replacement program, but the airline's long-standing order for Airbus A350s remains intact—for now. The Chicago-based operator has ordered 100 787s and has options for 100 more. Deliveries are scheduled to begin in 2024 and continue through 2032. United said it has the flexibility to choose among the 787-8, 787-9 and 787-10 variants. It is not surprising United opted to stick with Boeing for the bulk of its widebody replacement. The airline operates 61 787s—16 787-10s, nine 787-8s and 36 787-9s—according to Aviation Week Network’s Fleet Discovery database. Only All Nippon Airways, with 68, has more. United still has 45 A350-900s on order stemming from a 2012 agreement for 25 that was revised in 2013 and then again in 2017. During a conference call to discuss United’s future widebody fleet, the airline's CFO Gerry Laderman said the company has entered into an agreement with Airbus to modify the delivery schedule of the aircraft. It is not the first time deliveries of those widebodies have been pushed back. Laderman stated the A350 deliveries are not scheduled to start until 2030 and added the Airbus widebody was a “really great option” as a 777 replacement. “But given the age of a good chunk of our 777s, the ultimate decision on what to replace the 777s with in their entirety is something we don't have to decide right now,” United's CFO said. During the time period of the scheduled 787 deliveries, United will have roughly 120 aircraft—its 767s and some 777s—that will reach 30 years of age , Laderman said. The 100 new 787s will replace the 767s and some of the 777s, he confirmed. United has declared all of its 767 should exit its fleet by 2030. [心得] 737 MAX 方面, UA 同時執行44架選擇權並加訂56架新機 前幾個月UA的CEO公開表示廣體訂單是贏者全拿,不會拆分給兩家製造商 UA未來10年機隊更新計畫在這批訂單後大致底定: 廣體部分777-300ER機隊相當新, 入手價格便宜, 還可再戰20年以上. 這批新787優先汰換: 1. 767-300: 平均27歲, 是最急迫更新的機種. 大量用於跨大西洋和國內航線 用座位數和籌載略多的787-8汰換 2. 19架1995-2000年交機的原UA 777-200A. 主要用於國內和夏威夷航線. 用787-9/10汰換 3. 1997-2002年交機的原UA 777-200ER. 這批目前仍是國際線主力. 但年事已高, 很大機率被787-10汰換 CO合併進來的767-400也20歲了, 最多只能撐到 2030. 到時或許用相近的787-9/10汰換或和原CO 777-200ER一起處理 原CO的22架777-200ER都是2010年交機, 應該還能再戰15年. 到時有機會被A359汰換, 畢竟777-9大太多, 除非Boeing正式推出787-10ER. 或許這是UA至今一再推遲A359訂單卻不取消或轉單的原因. 窄體早已明朗, 和763一樣老到不行的757-200/300已確定被A321neo/A321XLR汰換 A319, A320, 738,739 機隊2005年前交機的老機將直接被更多737MAX取代 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1671090957.A.01D.html ※ 編輯: acomp ( 美國), 12/15/2022 15:58:17 ※ 編輯: acomp ( 美國), 12/15/2022 15:58:53
takuma: 波音開心... 12/15 17:35
Casteil: 美國三雄只能買美國製造的 12/15 18:57
s1494041: 呃 樓上的 達美買空巴買的非常開心欸 12/15 21:15
s1494041: 359之類的都沒在美國產吧 12/15 21:16
AMartial: 原CO的777-200ER機齡跟原UA的沒差多少啊 2010是合併的年 12/15 21:20
AMartial: 份 12/15 21:20
Metro123Star: 那些772早該下去了 遇過通訊系統故障害我機票重訂 12/16 03:42
Metro123Star: 753應該是續戰 要改艙 752才是預計淘汰 12/16 03:44
Metro123Star: 畢竟目前還沒有能直接取代753的機型 12/16 03:44
zeta: 那日本兩大的767......好像只有聽說ANA要用A321取代? 12/16 08:10
odkmse: 日航前陣子也說準備進A321neo分散風險 12/16 09:55
bzez: 他們同時還要招2500個機師唷 12/16 11:06
t7101271328: 若要替換753... 321neo稍嫌少 788又嫌大 12/16 12:34
js52666: 居然買這麼多台灣人討厭的787 12/16 14:42
dunkylu: 日航跟ANA已經用788取代不少原本767的航線 12/16 15:42
roddicandy: 那有BR的A321後續機種的卦嗎? 12/16 16:06
temu2035: 私心737MAX 12/16 16:42
driver0811: 日航耶,波音鐵粉 12/16 18:55
klementhsu: JAL這次買了不少A359 還計畫要用35X取代77E/77W 12/16 19:28
t7101271328: 只是照老美的體型安排座位 應該是242配置? 不是討厭 12/16 21:15
t7101271328: 787系列 而是太多航司的787經濟艙配置都是333 不舒適 12/16 21:15
s21mo9025: 全世界只有JAL的787經濟艙是2-4-2 12/16 22:59
cityport: 老美的體型?老美的椅距可以小到27”耶 12/16 23:09
FTICR: 不知道總價多少錢... 12/16 23:42
taxlaw1991: UA現役的787就是3-3-3 不太可能改2-4-2 12/17 01:21
Metro123Star: 753不只是沒有對應大小也沒有對應性能的飛機 12/17 08:14
Metro123Star: 787有沒有可能2-5-2配置?UA的777以前就是2-5-2 12/17 08:14
zzzz8931: 他們真的愛用 787 12/17 11:59