看板 BB_Online 關於我們 聯絡資訊
韓版FB原文丟GOOGLE翻譯照登 Hello, this is Dodo. Recently, the issue of 'Degrom' live card rating It seems to be very hot among users of us. I talked to the English people about it. I did not make a formal announcement Approximately, a starting pitcher who meets the following criteria: I was giving a rare grade. ====================== 1. Win 12 or more & less than 3.6 ERA 2. Win 13 or more & less than ERA 4.0 3. W 14 or more & ERA 5.0 or less ====================== MLB also has to give this player "CySim" as an issue It was a loud run. Magu Magu is based on classic criteria (wins, defense rate, etc.) The principle is to grade cards. KBO and MLB were similar. But, like 'DiGrom', 'the bad luck' Just undervaluing with classical grades It does not seem appropriate. How do you like the opinions of the users? If you comment on the comments, So that more convincing players can be rated I'll do it. Thank you. ^^ 大意是說 很多玩家針對18deGrom卡色的問題議論紛紛 雖然不算正式的公布 但是WLB先發投手紅卡的標準大概是照以下規則給的 1. 12勝或以上 防禦率低於3.6 2. 13勝或以上 防禦率低於4 3. 14勝或以上 防禦率低於5 美國那邊對於deGrom能不能得賽揚獎這個話題也一直延燒 韓版原則上會基於以上標準對卡牌進行評分 但是像deGrom這種地獄倒楣鬼類型的球員 基於以上這種原則而低估了他的卡色 覺得越想越不對勁 你的意見如何? 可以說看看 如果有強大的說服力 我們會做的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 我覺得啦 能撈就撈 能出就出 不然兄弟第一張二壘高速紫卡可能還沒出遊戲就倒了 -- NuCat: 煩死了 整天大谷 事不過三 這場再開轟我自盡 04/07 08:38 作者 thnlkj0665 (灰色地帶) 看板 Baseball 標題 [炸裂] 大谷翔平 時間 Sat Apr 07 10:52:07 2018 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BB_Online/M.1536737045.A.BB0.html
HansonBobo: 有賽揚就可以給紫啊 沒賽揚就不需要特地出紫了 09/12 15:28
bowen5566: 韓wlb新卡11月初出 賽揚獎11月中公布 09/12 15:34
改了一下內容 原文沒提到要不要給紫卡 ※ 編輯: bowen5566 (, 09/12/2018 15:38:45
biyombo: more convincing players can be rated. 09/12 16:01
biyombo: 這邊指的是球員重評嗎? 09/12 16:02
nyya: #越想越不對勁 09/12 16:05
hooliya: 師兄現在出協同和速+1後已經好太多了,二世紫大概只有自 09/12 16:08
hooliya: 由會用,師兄去一壘吧 09/12 16:08
zxcv820421: 我梅這打線...QQ 09/12 17:09
zehow: 打擊框改回1379 應該還是大師兄這種巨砲比較受歡迎 09/12 17:36