看板 BLACKPINK 關於我們 聯絡資訊
《告示牌》雜誌 2019年第5期 http://tinyurl.com/y2enxqjd Inside Blackpink's U.S. Takeover: How the K-Pop Queens Are Changing the Game 探究BLACKPINK的攻美之旅: K-Pop皇后們正如何改變遊戲 (承前文) Stars who come through companies like YG are called “idols” in Korea and have historically been expected to maintain a squeaky-clean image. When Blackpink debuted, Jennie says YG was very selective about its promotional appearances: “We were trained to be a little more...” “Closed in?” Rosé suggests. 出身自YG這類公司的明星,在南韓被稱作「偶像」,他們一直以來都被預期保持著毫無 瑕疵的純潔形象。當BLACLPINK出道時,Jennie表示YG對於其形象宣傳非常慎重,「我們 被訓練成更加地...」「閉俗?」Rosé幫忙提出適合的用詞。 “Closed in” is exactly what the outspoken women ruling the U.S. charts now, from Grande to Halsey, are not -- they make deeply personal, even raw, music. But while Blackpink may well find success catering to an audience craving its kind of TRL-era pop spectacle -- Interscope’s Erlich calls the group “the modern Spice Girls” -- lately the band has been less concerned with appearing perfect, both onstage and off. “We always wanted to be out there, to be more true to ourselves and a little more free,” says Jennie. “Even we can get things wrong sometimes. We want to just show them the real us.” 「閉俗」正是Grande、Halsey等當今主宰美國排行榜的坦率女性們不具備的風格,她們 製作的是深入私人乃至赤裸的音樂。然而當被新視鏡的Erlich稱為「當代辣妹合唱團」 的BLACKPINK,有機會在渴求屬於他們的「《互動全方位》(註)類型」流行代表的觀眾 身上取得成功之際,近期以來,不管是台上台下,BLACKPINK開始不再那麼極力追求完 美。Jennie說:「我們總是想要跳脫框架,變得更忠於自我與再多一點的自由。即使我 們可能有時會犯錯,我們仍想像人們展現真正的自己。」 (註:已停播的美國音樂電視節目,Britney Spears、Justin Timberlake、Avril Lavigne等明星都曾演出。) Jennie and Lisa do just that when I ask how they expect to be received as rappers in America. Lisa lets out an embarrassed groan, withdrawing into her fleece. She has loved hip-hop since childhood and is obsessed with Tyga (“I love his swag,” she says, blushing). But she and Jennie seem well aware that a group of Asian women adopting a style pioneered by black American artists might be a hard sell for some stateside listeners who are keenly attuned to debates about cultural appropriation. 當我(採訪者)詢問Jennie和Lisa,如何預期以饒舌歌手的身份被美國接受時,兩人正 好展現了上述所言的部分。Lisa害羞地叫了一聲,縮進她的抓絨衣裡。她從小就喜愛嘻 哈音樂,並對Tyga深深著迷(她臉紅著說:「我喜愛他的swag。」)但她與Jennie似乎 也充分了解,以亞洲女性團體之姿表現由非裔美國歌手引領的風格,對於部分熱衷於挑 起「文化挪用」辯論的美國聽眾而言,可能會有點吃不開。 “Me and Lisa don’t talk about it out loud, but I know we have this big pressure,” says Jennie, who adds that she studied artists like Lauryn Hill and TLC when she first started rapping. She looks across the room at Lisa: “She’s going to kill it.” Lisa just scrunches up her face. 補充自己最初開始學習饒舌時,研究對象是Lauryn Hill與TLC的Jennie表示:「我跟 Lisa並未討論過這件事,但我知道我們都肩負巨大壓力。」她朝房間另一邊的Lisa望去: 「她會幹得很好的。」Lisa則把五官全皺在一起。 That kind of vulnerability may be what ultimately endears Blackpink to an American pop audience. “The artists that are the most successful in these situations are really authentic with how they can relate to a coming-of-age experience” in their music, says Goldenvoice’s Rosenbluth. “There’s a certain amount of authenticity to Blackpink that I really love. The dedication is heartfelt.” 類似這樣的弱點,最終或許反而能讓BLACKPINK獲得美國流行樂聽眾的青睞。Goldenvoice 的Rosenbluth說:「在這種情況下最為成功的藝人們,對於如何將『成長、成熟』,與 自己的音樂做連結皆極具口碑。我真的喜愛BLACKPINK具備的部分特點,她們的努力是 真誠可見的。」 Back at the showcase, the band finishes its set with the reggaetón-tinged “Forever Young,” featuring an intricately choreographed, hair-flipping dance break. As the beat reaches its booming climax, the bandmembers whip toward each other and strike a statuesque pose with their hands on their hips, just in time for the music to stop. They hold still for a moment as the lights dim, then drop their arms and turn toward each other, catching their breath and grinning like four young women who can’t quite believe they’re here. 回到展示舞台現場,BLACKPINK帶有雷鬼動色彩,以及編舞複雜、秀髮飄逸dance break 的《Forever Young》進入尾聲。當節奏來到最高潮時,團員們迅速朝彼此靠攏,恰好在 音樂停止的瞬間手擺臀上,展現如雕像般的姿態。在燈光漸暗時,她們仍保持靜止不動, 片刻後才放下手臂轉向彼此,一邊緩氣一邊燦笑著,像是不敢相信自己居然身在此處 的4位年輕女士。 (完) https://i.imgur.com/5F1mtdj.jpg
===== 終於趕在回歸前翻完了!最後2句的描寫好生動,我還特別找了影片重新看1次。 繼續成長茁壯吧4位仙女!Kill This Love回歸大發!在全世界走錘子路啊! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BLACKPINK/M.1554025143.A.4D2.html
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yurie53: 推一個推一個~辛苦了! 03/31 18:15
brianhxy: 推~ 03/31 18:24
NongTea: 感謝!!!!辛苦了~~ 03/31 18:26
shumei: 推~ 03/31 18:57
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tyjason0509: 感謝翻譯~~ 04/01 04:09