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活動訊息【追。夢 百老匯之夜】 I Hope I Get It - A Night of Dreams and Broadway Musicals 有人說「紐約是夢想的製造地」,但真是如此嗎?來自紐約的 Madeline 與 Leo 將帶來 他們勇闖百老匯的故事,並用他們最擅長的方式唱出夢想,引領大家進入百老匯的音樂世 界! 相較在這波全球疫情蔓延下,許多藝術家失去了表演舞臺,對於能夠回到家鄉台灣演出, 特別珍惜且倍感興奮,期待能為觀眾呈現他們所鍾愛的百老匯音樂世界裡令人嚮往的魅力 。 本場音樂會將安排多首百老匯膾炙人口的選曲,例如〈A Million Dreams 百萬個夢想〉 (選自《大娛樂家》)、〈Audition (The Fools Who Dream)〉(選自《樂來樂愛你》 )...... 等等,Leo 與 Madeline 將使出渾身解數,呈現經典與當代百老匯的風情萬種 ,帶領大家前往另一個國度,絕對讓大家有個難忘且餘音繞樑的夜晚,這將是一場不容錯過的音樂饗宴。 *演出者: 歌手/張祐寧Leo Chang、藍紫綾Madeline Blue 音樂總監/郭孟玫 製作人/周加雯 吉他/雷昇 特別嘉賓/張雅涵(4/14)、薛定洲(4/21) *演出場次: 4.14(三)20:00 露西亞咖啡 Café Rossiya 4.21(三)20:00 露西亞咖啡 Café Rossiya (台北市中山區南京東路二段124號9F,捷運松江南京站四號出口) 3/14前享購票享早鳥優惠!(票價含飲料一杯) 購票請上OPENTIX:https://pse.is/3c9xbn Have you ever Dreamed a Dream about something you've wanted so badly? They say New York is where dreams are made of, but is it? New Yorkers, Madeline and Leo are here to tell you their story about how they navigated their way into the industry and New York City in the way they know best: breaking out into show tunes. Just like many who have lost their jobs due to the global pandemic, these artists have had their stage taken away from them. With the uncertainty of when they will be able to be under the spotlight again, they are so excited to be here back home to perform and unveil the aspiring charms of the Broadway world they fell in love with in New York. Come see them perform some of Broadway's most cheerful, and even melancholy songs. Featuring some of the most popular musical numbers, such as A Million Dreams (The Greatest Showman) and Audition (The Fools Who Dream) (La La Land), Leo and Madeline will be performing a showstopping arrangement of Broadway tunes-- along with a sensational selection of contemporary ones-- that will sweep you away into another world and leave you humming these songs for the rest of the night! Tickets are limited so get them while they're still available; this is a show you won't want to miss! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BROADWAY/M.1615190381.A.245.html