看板 BTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
191018 RADIO.COM 專訪 (美國專訪) BTS 'Make It Right' in this interview with Lauv - and tell us when they hope to meet Ed Sheeran! https://youtu.be/TLjWB400k9U
BTS update us on Halsey, fave new artists, and collab wishlist (Post Malone, Travis Scott, and... ?) https://youtu.be/l0iganFtBJY
cr.ENTERCOM 中字 https://youtu.be/sQh47_rZhFk cr.Pathfinder 0613
相關SNS RADIO.COM Oh my my my #BTSArmy... while talking #MakeItRight + @lauvsongs, @BTS_twt launches into a hysterical a cappella "#BoysWithLauv" throwback and begins comparing time off, time on, fave artists and collab wishlists (psst: @PostMalone & @trvisXX). EXCLUSIVE: https://link.radio.com/32pzfKh https://twitter.com/Radiodotcom/status/1185119377932333056?s=20 #BTSArmy outside of the US, you can watch our first interview here @BTS_twt @lauvsongs #makeitrght https://twitter.com/Radiodotcom/status/1185121261392932864?s=20 And our second interview here! #BTSARMY #MakeItRight @BTS_twt @lauvsongs: https://twitter.com/Radiodotcom/status/1185121263129415681?s=20 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BTS/M.1571471552.A.7C5.html