看板 BTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
201220 BigHit Entertainment [新聞] #防彈少年團《Life Goes On》MV突破2億次...總計19隻 https://t.co/FbewP0fZdQ?amp=1 https://twitter.com/BigHitEnt/status/1340458448744398851 BIGHIT OFFICIAL MERCH (麥克風) 運動風及時髦風格的 MIC Drop主題 室內可輕便穿著,室外可作為外套內搭使用的絨布材質單品。 @lottedpt_kpopup @umusic_popup #BTS_POPUP #SPACE_OF_BTS https://twitter.com/bighit_merch/status/1340522331865661440 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Epp5jO7UUAADa69.jpg
夾克、背心、拉鍊外套、相關衣服、漁夫帽、化妝包以及室內托等等,也看看溫暖風格的 單品吧! #BTS_POPUP #SPACE_OF_BTS https://twitter.com/bighit_merch/status/1340522340635930626 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Epp5nqXUwAAebwa.jpg
BANGTANTV @ Youtube 'Life Goes On' hits 200M views on YouTube! (https://youtu.be/-5q5mZbe3V8)
https://www.youtube.com/post/UgxOIxKSmMoSoJFh7Pt4AaABCQ https://i.imgur.com/WoDJKhX.jpg
201221 BTS JAPAN OFFICIAL #CDTVLiveLive #BTS 帶來的禮物般的舞台 (禮物) 大家都接收到了嗎 謝謝你給我這麼棒的禮物 (愛心笑臉) HAPPY HOLIDAY (聖誕樹)(派對拉炮) #BTS #Dynamite #CDTV https://twitter.com/BTS_jp_official/status/1340995751405449216 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EpwshftVoAA0JC0.jpg
Weverse #BTS BREAK THE SILENCE: THE MOVIE COMMENTARY VOD 線上獨家公開(閃光) #防彈少年團親自公開的紀錄片後季,現在用VOD與大家相見! (圓形圖釘) 紀錄片組合包購買後,任何時間都能看 (地球) 提聽韓語/英語/日語/中文字幕 觀看連結→https://weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/a00325e8 https://twitter.com/weverseofficial/status/1340945340719980547 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Epv4vyeVgAEXdv8.jpg
https://twitter.com/weverseofficial/status/1340945345669316608 (英文版本) https://twitter.com/weverseofficial/status/1340945350438187009 (日文版本) BIGHIT OFFICIAL MERCH [BTS POP-UP : MAP OF THE SOUL] 被韓國&全球喜愛的主題 Items loved in KOREA & GLOBAL ▶ LOGO Tumbler Signature Blue ▶ LOGO DIY Bracelet ▶ ON Hoodie 08 ▶ BLACK SWAN Cardigan 02 #BTS_POPUP @weverseshop https://twitter.com/bighit_merch/status/1340899876557651968 (影片) [BTS POP-UP : MAP OF THE SOUL] Items loved in the US ▶ LOGO Cable protector ▶ LOGO Power bank ▶ Varsity Hoodie 07 ▶ ON Denim Jacket 01 #BTS_POPUP @weverseshop https://twitter.com/bighit_merch/status/1340901125025763328 (影片) RT 樂天百貨公司 kpopup [BTS POP-UP : SPACE OF BTS] MIC Drop theme products D-1 ! MIC Drop 商品 12.22(明天) 上將 運動風和Hip hop風格的MIC Drop主題商品正在準備當中 See u soon(火)(火)(火) #BTS_POPUP #SPACE_OF_BTS #BTS #防彈少年團 #樂天免稅店 #MICDrop https://twitter.com/lottedpt_kpopup/status/1340936892955545602 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Epv2_gnUwAEqYsA.jpg
其他相關SNS BT21 What? A surprise gift for BT21...? (禮物) BT21 ORIGINAL STORY <The Uninvited Guest> Wondering what it is? Go check out BT21 YouTube now! → https://lin.ee/APECUkH/hntj #BT21_ORIGINAL_STORY #ANIMATION #BT21 #BASECAMP #HOLIDAY #SURPRISE #GIFT https://twitter.com/BT21_/status/1340852020677279744 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EpuppkGUwAEg1Zd.jpg
The more, the merrier. BT21 UNIVERSE Theme Finally together in strength! Wonder what they're going to be doing? Join us at LINE FRIENDS CREATOR now and design your very own #BT21_UNIVERSE themed products! Shop now → https://lin.ee/lRJg3uf #BT21 #fullhouse #bettertogether https://twitter.com/BT21_/status/1340862617766690819 (GIF) BTS WORLD Official [公告] 為了更新活動,BTS WORLD將準備進行維修檢查。 <維修時間> 12/22(二) 14:00 ~ 16:30 (韓國時間) 我們會努力提供更加優質的服務。 [公告連結] ▶https://forum.netmarble.com/btsworld/view/1/1595190 https://twitter.com/BTSW_official/status/1340972529767251970 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EpwXF38VQAE09_y.jpg
https://twitter.com/BTSW_official/status/1340972531675615232 (英文版本) Dicon_BTS [Dicon 10th] 滿滿的棉花香味 (BTS) - #BTS_goes_on! - 含有棉花613%的視覺效果(非禮勿言的猴子) 喜愛清純的防彈少年團 白色Ver. 製作film(攝影機) 現在馬上來看看(閃光) (場記板) https://youtu.be/nmea8fPymDg
#BTS #DICON#Dispatch #kpopimages @BTS_twt https://twitter.com/Dicon_korea/status/1340857518252204032 cr.BigHitEnt / bighit_merch / BTS_jp_official / weverseofficial / lottedpt_kpopup / BT21_ / BTSW_official / Dicon_korea @ Twitter BANGTANTV @ Youtube 翻譯: guha4832 @ PTT-BTS -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BTS/M.1609254937.A.5CB.html
summer0625 : 感謝整理 12/29 23:56
gbyw : 感謝整理! 12/30 00:06
sunny61629 : 感謝整理! 12/30 00:48
Paliari : 感謝整理 12/30 14:53