看板 BTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
210513 The Rolling Stone Cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIoms4zFQPI
cr.Rolling Stone 相關SNS (以下為goemillisa大所整理) Rolling Stone .@BTS_twt appears on our June cover. Inside the boundary-smashing global success and musical evolution of the world’s biggest band - and what’s next. #BTSxRollingStone https://t.co/OtjE1zFVeV?amp=1 https://twitter.com/RollingStone/status/1392812137303654406 └ BTS’ magical levels of charisma, their genre-defying, sleek-but-personal music — every bit of it feels like a visitation from some brighter, more hopeful timeline. #BTSxRollingStone https://t.co/rkUpBaNGpG?amp=1 https://twitter.com/RollingStone/status/1392813336975364096 (影片) └ For years BTS cheerfully mentioned how behind on sleep they were. Last year, they finally got some rest, and all of them speak of months of reflection and self-discovery. #BTSxRollingStone https://t.co/rkUpBaNGpG?amp=1 https://twitter.com/RollingStone/status/1392813876950020098 └ The bond between BTS and their ARMY is real, and the guys have genuinely missed their fans, missed the road. #BTSxRollingStone https://t.co/rkUpBaNGpG?amp=1 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E1REjh1X0AYocqb.jpg
https://twitter.com/RollingStone/status/1392813881375010816 └ It’s not uncommon for BTS members to shed a tear or two while addressing fans onstage. Along with their comfort with makeup and iridescent hair dye, it reflects their instinctive rejection of rigid conceptions of masculinity. #BTSxRollingStone https://t.co/rkUpBaNGpG?amp=1 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E1RE_o0XIAEjKZu.jpg
https://twitter.com/RollingStone/status/1392814289459814400 └ BTS is eternal. #BTSxRollingStone https://t.co/rkUpBaNGpG?amp=1 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E1RFFGzWQAoJUGb.jpg
https://twitter.com/RollingStone/status/1392814294547550218 └ Bonus BTS: Check back throughout the next seven days for digital covers featuring exclusive interviews with each BTS member. #BTSxRollingStone https://twitter.com/RollingStone/status/1392814360800681984 How @BTS_twt rewrote music-biz rules and became the biggest band in the world #BTSxRollingStone https://twitter.com/i/events/1392814860073844746 https://twitter.com/RollingStone/status/1392816037003943937 ----- wow登上權威老牌音樂雜誌滾石的封面,真的別具意義啊!是雜誌創刊54年來首次有全亞 裔的音樂人登上封面,而且還是The Future of Music Issue。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BTS/M.1620914754.A.545.html
A10401725 : 推~照片影片都拍得很好 訪談也蠻棒的QQ 05/13 22:07
tothesky : 樓上A大你可以在網站上直接看到完整訪談文章嗎?我 05/13 22:35
tothesky : 點開來出現要付費訂閱才能看文章的信息@@ 05/13 22:36
may917118 : t大是指這篇訪談嗎? 05/13 22:47
may917118 : https://rol.st/3y6se1c 05/13 22:47
may917118 : 可以看到全文 05/13 22:48
cjwen1018 : 推推 訪談很有意義 05/13 22:51
tothesky : 對的謝謝may大,但你的連結我打開往下拉看就還是會 05/13 22:56
tothesky : 要我要付費才能看完整文章@@ 不過我找到另個滾石的 05/13 22:56
tothesky : 文章連結了,如果有人跟我一樣看不了文章一直要求付 05/13 22:57
tothesky : 費的話 可以試試這個網址 https://reurl.cc/bz04ly 05/13 22:57
sodavoxyi : 感謝to大和g大整理~建議外標可以加上專訪喔! 05/13 23:37
tothesky : 好唷已加上~ 05/13 23:43
Flexa : 幕後影片裡的造型實在太好看了~ 05/13 23:47
goemillisa : 辛苦了!謝謝~ 05/14 00:26
tzuchun0214 : 照片好好看 05/14 00:47
tzuchun0214 : 沙發照色調太美了 05/14 00:48
UniKorn : 好好看! 05/14 00:53
jenny75 : 超好看!! 05/14 01:03
tothesky : 沙發照時全員是Givenchy,難怪那麼優雅洗練 05/14 01:06
※ 編輯: tothesky ( 臺灣), 05/14/2021 01:21:31
thebluesea : 影片跟照片都好好看~ 05/16 01:46