看板 BTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
211231RM @rkive(已刪除) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYHc956vSUh/ https://imgur.com/rN6p8M1.jpg
(已刪除) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYHdPMfv-Z7 https://imgur.com/snKPqGx.jpg
(已刪除) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYHdfnVvrgE https://imgur.com/rpFTcd7.jpg
in terms of eternity https://www.instagram.com/p/CYHfmgfPNQV https://imgur.com/q2JJ9dy.jpg
bora drops https://www.instagram.com/p/CYHfw0DPE5E/ https://imgur.com/nqnA30V.jpg
jinkyu, otani https://www.instagram.com/p/CYHf4gQvKTm/ https://imgur.com/Bbe2zho.jpg
Goodbye 2021.. Happy 2022 (行星環繞) . . . 大家都辛苦了。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CYI6fa9vEDP/ https://imgur.com/6oo4QyK.jpg
j-hope @uarmyhope║ 2021年對我來說是怎樣的一年呢? 真的是做了各種嘗試的一年。 這一年,讓我再一次關注一般人鄭號錫的人生。 無論對j-hope還是對BTS來說,都是像終場煙火一樣華麗的一年。 如果要以此定義的話,這是被賦予太多意義的一年。 第一次以完整的我度過了年末年初 似乎可以讓我重新回顧和整理2021年。 讓我感受到「這真的是為了我而存在的時間啊...」的此刻。 得到了很多喜愛,許多期待,眾多應援,除了感謝之外還是感激 為了能在2022年報答大家,我也會做好準備。 巨大的結局和另一個開始的中間點。 我現在的心情只有一個!!到現在還是很激動。 如果沒有太大的意外,我會繼續做我喜歡的音樂和表演。 這又是為了讓我走向幸福的一步吧!! 雖然很累但是很開心也很幸福 再見~ 2021年 (雙眼緊閉吐舌) What kind of a year was 2021 for me? A year of trying lots of new and different things. A year of reflecting on the person Jung Ho-seok and his life. Maybe a year like the brilliant flames of a finale for both j-hope and BTS. The definitions if I look for them are innumerable. For the first time I’m spending the end of the year as my own self, with a chance to look back on 2021 and contemplate its meaning. “This is what it really means to have time just for me,” that’s how I feel now. It was a year of boundless love, expectations and encouragement for which I’ m thankful and thankful again, and I ready myself so that in 2022 I can give back what I’ve received. The midpoint between a great end and another beginning. I feel only one thing now!! I still feel excitement. Barring something unforeseen, I think I’ll continue doing music and performance that I love. I think that’s how I take a step towards happiness for myself!! It was so hard but I had fun and I was happy. Adieu~ 2021. (雙眼緊閉吐舌) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYI1KhMJqK4/ https://imgur.com/EafvQM5.jpg
https://imgur.com/qQeXiyJ.mp4@rkive (拍手)(拍手) └ @uarmyhope 我們南俊!想你了(火)(眼冒愛心) └ @jin 罪厚 幫我概括三行吧 ║JungKook @abcdefghi__lmnopqrstuvwxyz║ 一年很快就過去了,迎接新的一年 託大家的福沒有受傷,幸福圓滿地度過了今年 真的非常感謝大家,大家都辛苦了 大家不要生病,一起幸福吧 阿for防for #hny #btsarmy https://www.instagram.com/p/CYJqH4dvDCk/ https://imgur.com/Dyiaslw.jpg
@rkive 曾九啊 └ @rkive 新福多@uarmyhope 鐘格啊 └ @uarmyhope 新福多 (拍手) *新福多=新年福氣滿滿=新年快樂,至於名字的部分都是亂念的。BTS official @bts.bighitofficial限時動態 今天一天辛苦了/和我做同樣的夢吧 https://imgur.com/TNsjR3I.jpg
雖然不能用這個來演奏 https://imgur.com/0sTNtBP.jpg
紫色 https://imgur.com/nkdetDT.jpg
希望在家也記得Hobi/希望在外面也記得Hobi https://imgur.com/fZJEE5r.jpg
BTS official 官推 RT HYBE MERCH #防彈少年團 帶著各自的喜好製作了想和ARMY一起使用的單品。經過一年多的大長征, 會誕生哪些商品呢? (閃光)ARTIST-MADE COLLECTION BY BTS(閃光) (電視)Project Teaser SPOT https://weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/d511c3f4 https://twitter.com/HYBE_MERCH/status/1476569003212808197 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FH3Ok41akAM8iqx.jpg
ARTIST-MADE COLLECTION BY BTS (日曆)Release Schedule #BY_BTS #BY_RM #BY_Jin #BY_SUGA #BY_jhope #BY_Jimin #BY_V #BY_JungKook https://twitter.com/HYBE_MERCH/status/1476569014591979523 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FH3QGQAakAARvXu.jpg
RT BIGHIT MUSIC [Weverse Magazine] #BTS 2021: The Year of the Most Famous Pop Icon in the World (雙眼)請看一下互動式內容! (雙眼)See interactive content! KOR: http://bit.ly/3mFIH8D ENG: http://bit.ly/3EwxzRr JPN: http://bit.ly/3JC3qEn https://twitter.com/BIGHIT_MUSIC/status/1476762560682930177 BIGHIT MUSIC [Weverse Magazine] #BTS 2021: The Year of the Most Famous Pop Icon in the World (雙眼)請看一下互動式內容! (雙眼)See interactive content! KOR: http://bit.ly/3mFIH8D ENG: http://bit.ly/3EwxzRr JPN: http://bit.ly/3JC3qEn https://twitter.com/BIGHIT_MUSIC/status/1476762560682930177 [新聞] #防彈少年團,〈Dynamite〉舞蹈版MV點閱率達到兩億...共23支兩億次 https://entertain.naver.com/now/read?oid=112&aid=0003515858 https://twitter.com/BIGHIT_MUSIC/status/1476801566460252160 cr.rkive / jin / uarmyhope / abcdefghi__lmnopqrstuvwxyz / bts.bighitofficial @ Instagram bts_bighit / BIGHIT_MUSIC / HYBE_MERCH @ Twitter 翻譯:sodavoxyi@PTT-BTS -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BTS/M.1641029345.A.FB6.html
summer0625 : 感謝整理 01/01 21:25
gbyw : 感謝整理! 01/01 22:22
mieki : 感謝整理 2022 一開始就值得期待 01/02 00:32
snoocatta : 謝謝整理! 01/02 11:00
Venus113 : 感謝整理 01/03 15:02