看板 Badminton 關於我們 聯絡資訊
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西班牙名將瑪琳。(資料照,歐新社) 〔體育中心/綜合報導〕三屆世錦賽冠軍、里約奧運金牌的25歲西班牙名將瑪琳(Caroli na Marin)日前接受專訪時說,世界女單前十好手都在同一個等級,也提到世界球后戴資 穎打球有很多的假動作,表現真的很棒。 根據印度媒體《Sportstar》報導,瑪琳認為,女單前十好手都在同一個等級,每位球員 都能贏得巡迴賽,「我認為必須準備好要對抗她們所有人,因為某天我贏了其中一人後, 另一天卻輸給對方。現在前十好手的等級都相同。」 https://i.imgur.com/symD3sc.jpg
世界球后戴資穎。(資料照,法新社) 《Sportstar》提到,戴資穎似乎比其他人更技高一籌,對此瑪琳指出,戴資穎有很多的 假動作,表現非常好,整年都維持高檔表現。瑪琳說,「對我來說,很難整年都有著高檔 表現,因為我們必須參加許多比賽,希望今年自己能保持健康」 對於羽球頂尖好手一年至少要打12站巡迴賽,瑪琳表示,「大多球員都覺得這很瘋狂,因 為不可能一整年都保持健康,有時候受傷了,我們需要休息。」 此外,對於2020年東京奧運,瑪琳渴望想再獲另一面金牌,也提到地主日本好手奧原希望 、山口茜將會非常努力。 https://i.imgur.com/u8lHkcN.jpg
西班牙名將瑪琳昨天在印尼大師賽決賽中傷退。(資料照,歐新社) 不過,瑪琳昨天在印尼大師賽冠軍戰中右腿受傷,無法再戰,她當下落淚,無奈因傷退賽 。她賽後也在社群媒體推特上發文,感謝球迷們的關心。 https://i.imgur.com/zaxuTKj.jpg
————————- 擷取Sportstar部分片段分享 原文內容比較豐富,有興趣可以直接去瞧瞧 連結: http://bit.ly/2S98jgc Carolina Marin: The top 10 are at the same level Rio gold medallist Carolina Marin says any player can win any tournament at th e moment and that she’d like to play in at least one more Olympics and perhap s two. While Chinese Taipei’s Tai Tzu-ying has taken the women’s badminton world by storm in the last three years, winning 19 titles in the Badminton World Feder ation calendar and the continental Games and championships, Spain’s Carolina Marin has built her reputation by winning some of the most coveted titles in w omen’s singles. The 25-year-old from Spain has won three World Championship titles, an Olympic gold medal and virtually remained unbeatable in the European Championships. S he is the only European player to feature in the top rankings, which is domina ted by the Asian countries. Marin, speaking to Sportstar during the fourth season of the Pro Badminton Lea gue in Ahmedabad, said any player can win any tournament at the moment and tha t she’d like to play in at least one more Olympics and perhaps two. Many different women have won singles titles in the last three years. Has the sport become very competitive? The top-10 women badminton players are at the same level. Any player can win a ny tournament. I think we have to be ready to play against all, because one da y one can win against a player and another day one can lose against the same p layer. The level is like being equal now in the top 10. Still, Tai Tzu-ying looks a cut above the rest... She really has a good game with many trick shots. Her performance is really go od. She sustains the performance the whole year. For me, it’s difficult to ke ep my performance at a high level the whole year, because we have so many tour naments to play. I will try to be fit this year. The top players have to play a minimum of 12 tournaments now... The BWF has changed all the tournaments to a new level. They are trying to per suade the players to play all those tournaments. Most of the players feel that this is really crazy because we cannot be fit during the whole year. Sometime s we suffer from injuries and we need a break. Sindhu won the World Tour Finals in China... Maybe because I was not there (laughs)... I think she had not won a tournament the whole year; it was the last and perhaps she was very hungry to win that. I don’t know if that was the reason. ———————— 昨天看馬琳倒地痛哭的瞬間真的很不捨,她也只是個女孩啊啊 我相信她的淚不只身體的痛,也包含著懊惱、可惜 祝馬琳早日康復(雙手合十) 再看到專訪中關於BWF的參賽規定她也提到 「this is really crazy because we cannot be fit during the whole year.」 投資有賺有賠、比賽有贏有輸,也希望小戴團隊今年以身體健康為第一優先備戰東奧。 (手機發文,排版不順請見諒) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Badminton/M.1548652303.A.53B.html ※ 編輯: kelly51633 (, 01/28/2019 13:13:12
s12030213 : QQ 01/28 13:23
berserkman : QQ 01/28 13:51
ayenyayaya : 真的很崩潰 01/28 13:59
capser : 聽BWF英文主播說,類似狀況大概需六至八個月可以重 01/28 14:32
capser : 返球場。 01/28 14:32
capser : 受壓迫的繞頭拍回球,女單奧原希望應該算是代表,她 01/28 14:32
capser : 擊球時身體延展的程度看了有時會讓人心驚。 01/28 14:32
comesome : 要花6~8月!!! 都世錦賽了 01/28 15:07
kelly51633 : 奧原跟小茜的繞頭真的都很C 01/28 15:29
yuuuying : 好喜歡這批天才女單折損真的崩潰 01/28 16:01
yuuuying : 日本電視台特指「柔軟性」是奧原的利器 01/28 16:04
berserkman : 小茜奧原辛度都有大C型繞頭 01/28 16:08
adamsuit : 練好反拍 事半功倍 01/28 16:15
kelly51633 : https://i.imgur.com/NvFUBNe.jpg 莫忘d大提供圖 01/28 16:48
soria : 看她這樣 真的蠻難過的 01/28 17:19
cindy070707 : 推~希望早日康復 01/28 18:09
coimbra : 矮個就不像長人隨便伸手蹬腿四分之三球場都涵蓋得 01/28 23:24
coimbra : 到阿。。。只好多往折腰繞頭發展了! 可是繞頭好容 01/28 23:24
coimbra : 易閃到腰 01/28 23:24
sa074463 : 看她哭成這樣真不忍 01/29 01:40
Rx770 : 馬琳ig說準備迎接最艱難的挑戰 01/29 09:41
Rx770 : Time to be ready for the hardest battle, but I h 01/29 09:44
Rx770 : ave no doubts I'll be back stronger. 01/29 09:44
Rx770 : 奧原和小拉剛剛都獻上祝福 01/29 09:45