看板 Badminton 關於我們 聯絡資訊
請問大帝怕不怕?(不怕) 只是「有可能」參加世錦賽而已 但光是有可能都已經很厲害啦 「我很開心復健進度都跟計畫的一樣」 羽球西班牙女皇有說到她的復健菜單(每天10小時) 也有提到她的運科團隊 一個月內她將恢復她腿部的肌肉量(或甚至更多) 物理治療、技術訓練、心理諮詢.... 運科團隊包括「兩位心理專家」:運動的心理專家、日常的心理專家 她覺得這很重要(對這種競爭性很強的一對一運動來說) 「心理專家不是只有給瘋子的,他們只是對我們凡人每天的生活都很有幫助的人」 以下來自BWF官網世錦賽專區今天的新文章 https://tinyurl.com/y4ypvb3e https://tinyurl.com/yxaefwxz Marin's hunger, dedication and discipline has seen her progress well in her comeback. 標題:Marin on the Mend and Eyes Return Saturday, June 22, 2019 TEXT BY BWF Staff | Badminton Photo If you hadn’t noticed, reigning world and Olympic champion Carolina Marin has been making quite the progress. Since injuring her anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) on 29 January in the final of the DAIHATSU Indonesia Masters 2019, Marin has publicly documented her rehab and return to training. The initial verdict was that she may be out for up to nine months, but if recent reports are anything to go by, she may be a chance of making the TOTAL BWF World Championships 2019 in Basel, Switzerland. That would be incredible. She is still currently inside the top 10 in the world rankings, and while her protected ranking can’t guarantee her a place in the World Championships, she should still be high enough to earn an entry. “I’m really happy with how the recovery is going. My knee is responding really well and everything is within the target dates we set,” she told Spanish newspaper El Pais earlier this month. In March, she had indicated that if she could make it, she wouldn’t be going to make up the numbers. Now, it’s still about ticking off those major milestones. “In a month we should regain the muscle mass I had on my leg, or even more. I ’m feeling eager and motivated,” she said publicly in early June. “There are still three months to go. We haven’t talked about it [the World Championships]. When it gets closer to the date we’ll decide.” One crucial milestone in her comeback was a return to hitting shuttlecocks – 130 days after her right knee buckled during a rally against Saina Nehwal in the Indonesia Masters final. Her post on social media on 8 June was a sight for saw eyes. So, what’s been Marin’s recipe for the ultimate recovery? Hunger, discipline, determination and an amazing team behind her. “I dedicate 10 hours a day to rehabilitation between the physical and technical, with morning and afternoon physiotherapy sessions, and swimming pool work,” she told El Pais. “I [also] have one psychologist for sport and another for my personal life. “I think it’s necessary to have that mental help, particularly in such a competitive one-on-one sport. “People think that a psychologist is for crazy people but that’s not true. It’s just a person who can help you in your day-to-day life.” https://tinyurl.com/y4dhqwbz Could the fairytale comeback be possible in Basel? We look forward to seeing Marin back on the court in the not too distant future. If she does make it back in time, she will be gunning for her fourth world title in Basel. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Badminton/M.1561183924.A.4C1.html ※ 編輯: Rx770 ( 臺灣), 06/22/2019 14:22:11
es05440011 : 好佩服她的態度~話說大帝應該還是最怕小戴啦(? 06/22 14:32
yuuuying : 想念霸氣全開的馬琳 06/22 15:46
yuuuying : 有2位(驚)原來馬琳這麼借重心理諮商專業 06/22 15:47
tommy770726 : 她17年局末症候群發了好幾次 06/22 16:01
tommy770726 : 今年初打大帝又犯一次差點輸掉 當然重視 06/22 16:03
Alicealex : 心理諮商真的很重要,最近在上這些課程 06/22 16:13
comesome : 心理最難練阿 06/22 16:16
linchester : 馬琳自己就是心理系的喔 當然很重視 06/22 17:51
kelly51633 : 佩服馬皇 06/22 18:15
emmatiany : 懷念吼叫的馬琳 06/22 18:53
vins : 推心理諮商很重要,小拉不也說過以前是衝擊者的角 06/22 19:01
vins : 色,所以心理沒什麼壓力。等到自己來到世界前段班 06/22 19:01
vins : 的位置時,反而心理壓力越來越大,所以小拉近幾年在 06/22 19:01
vins : 大賽很容易崩掉爆冷提前出局也是因為沒做好心理上 06/22 19:01
vins : 的調整。 06/22 19:01
hellodio : 希望真的能出場比賽 06/22 19:11
tommy770726 : 希望馬皇不要遇到小拉跟戴后... 06/22 19:12
tommy770726 : 韌帶剛好不夠她們兩姊妹玩 06/22 19:13
Rx770 : 羽球女單的派系相生相剋真有趣 06/22 19:31
Rx770 : 衝擊者和保衛者,心情差很多啊 06/22 19:31
pipendunk : 希望國內也有,小戴跟老天也很需要。 06/22 22:19
windsson : 而且重傷後打球的心態也會受影響 06/22 23:32
windsson : 會擔心自己會不會又在場上負發 06/22 23:33
windsson : 可能會讓沒受傷那隻腳過度使用 06/22 23:33
AGODFATHER : 感覺台灣的都滿需要的 06/22 23:34
windsson : 這有可能是不自覺的~被心理影響 06/22 23:34
Rx770 : 希望國家可以幫這些奪牌重點選手配心理師... 06/23 00:33
iamshana : 心理師自己找會不會比較好?? 06/23 02:49
CoorsField : 大家不用太擔心,國訓中心有專業的運動心理學老師。 06/23 08:31
iamshana : 所以心理這方面本來就有配套 那大家說的需要是指隨 06/23 10:24
iamshana : 隊嗎? 06/23 10:24
hewittboy : 小戴不知道有沒有心理諮商師 運動員很需要的 06/23 22:16