看板 Baseball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://twitter.com/gregbeacham/status/1362475420180901888 Shohei Ohtani says he doesn't feel pressure to establish himself as a 2-way player for the Angels in 2021: "More than pressure, I just want to have fun out there and do my job when it’s given. I want to make Joe use me as much as possible." 大谷翔平日前在接受媒體線上訪問時談到在新球季挑戰二刀流 而他也表示比起壓力,自己只是想要在球場上玩得開心 並且提到希望在這一季能夠讓總教練 Joe Maddon 盡可能使用自己 採訪過程當中碰上網路連線不太穩定,大谷也覺得很好玩 https://twitter.com/gregbeacham/status/1362471444618207232 Shohei Ohtani is hard at work with the Angels' pitchers and catchers. He also finds the wifi problems in Tempe quite amusing. https://imgur.com/oRO24Av.jpg
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charlie01: 這標題...... 02/23 21:15
VVizZ: 喔齁 02/23 21:20
MarcPolo: 沒事 絕對沒有想歪 02/23 21:21
kano2525: 像這種要求我這輩子第一次聽到 02/23 21:22
polanco: 我有個大膽的想法 02/23 21:28
sasadog: 此處應有本 02/23 21:32
chargebro: 笑死 02/23 21:37
avcddd: 笑死人的玻離仔 誰敢用啊 一碰就會碎 02/23 21:42
mtcoat: 教練:我可以盡情的讓你弄喔 (害羞) 02/23 21:42
DreamRecord: 大谷「私を使って♡」 02/23 21:53
lolucky531: 對我做什麼都可以哦 02/23 21:59
laieshen: 大谷:盡情蹂躪我吧~ 02/23 23:45
ca1123: 難道他不知道 02/24 07:24