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Jacob deGrom is the fastest pitcher (61 2/3 IP) to reach 100 Ks in a single season since the mound was moved to its current distance in 1893. h/t: @EliasSports , @ESPNStatsInfo https://twitter.com/MLBStats/status/1403522428471549954 61.2局投出100K 1893年以後最快 Jacob deGrom has an 0.56 ERA through 10 starts this season That's the lowest ERA by any pitcher thru his 1st 10 starts of a season since ER became official in both leagues in 1913 (min 50 IP) https://twitter.com/SlangsOnSports/status/1403521483876585475 10場先發0.56ERA 1913年以來最低(至少50局) Jacob deGrom has an 0.53 WHIP this season That's the lowest by any pitcher thru his 1st 10 starts of a season since the mound was moved to its current distance in 1893 (h/t @EliasSports) https://twitter.com/SlangsOnSports/status/1403524788040130561 10場先發0.53WHIP 1893年以來最低 Jacob deGrom has allowed a .121 opponent batting average this season That's the lowest for any pitcher thru his 1st 10 appearances in a season since at least 1901 (min 50 IP) https://twitter.com/SlangsOnSports/status/1403524039356956672 10場先發被打擊率.121 1901年以來最低(至少50局) Jacob deGrom is the first pitcher to have more RBI (5) than earned runs allowed (4) in any 10-start span in a single season since RBI became an official stat in 1920. https://twitter.com/MLBStats/status/1403531477435011072 1920年後第一位在同一個球季內任十場比賽的範圍內打點(5)多於責失(4)的投手 Jacob deGrom now has 5+ IP & 1 or 0 ER in 10 straight starts, the 2nd-longest single-season streak since ER became official in both leagues (1913) He trails only 1968 Bob Gibson, who did it in 11 straight (not to start a season!) (Note: Kevin Gausman has active, 9-start streak) https://twitter.com/SlangsOnSports/status/1403522093069729796 連續十場先發投5局以上+失1分以下,1913年以來第二長,再一場追平Bob Gibson的紀錄 Jacob deGrom is the 1st pitcher since at least 1901 with 100+ strikeouts & 26 or fewer hits allowed in any 10-game span (not just to start a season!) https://twitter.com/SlangsOnSports/status/1403522538496573446 1901年以來第一個在十場比賽內投出100次以上三振+被打26支以下安打的投手 100+ strikeouts & fewer than 5 ER allowed, 10-game span since ER official in both leagues (1913): 2021 Jacob deGrom 2018 Chris Sale https://twitter.com/SlangsOnSports/status/1403522788648947712 1913年以後第二個在十場比賽內投出100次以上三振+低於5分自責分的投手 上一個是Sale -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1623491908.A.731.html
mtyk10100: 一堆上古紀錄 06/12 17:59
jack91303: 宇宙瓜 06/12 18:00
edhuang: ERA+ 688 06/12 18:00
jameshu1995: 2018大谷也投手先發10場,所以打點超越責失分那個怪 06/12 18:03
jameshu1995: 怪的 06/12 18:03
這個是以先發投手身分上去打才算吧 ※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 06/12/2021 18:08:13
mtyk10100: 十場比賽內打點多於責失這個條件應該是十場都要投+打 06/12 18:03
mtyk10100: ? 06/12 18:03
jameshu1995: 除非是把大谷跟翔平分開來看 06/12 18:03
jameshu1995: 原文沒寫清楚條件 06/12 18:04
edhuang: 去年Bieber的百K紀錄是62.1局 被地瓜刷新 06/12 18:05
edhuang: 原PO中文說明不小心寫成62.2囉 06/12 18:06
saiulbb: deGrom這麼強 不過還是小輸給巨人的Gausman 06/12 18:08
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 06/12/2021 18:09:02
edhuang: 打點那個紀錄感覺限定國聯投手先發時的打擊表現加總 06/12 18:08
APNA: 推整理 06/12 18:10
kkjjkkjj: 神獸瓜 06/12 18:14
kkjjkkjj: 是不是一堆人抹油使得競爭對手要更強? 06/12 18:14
zx8967: 現代神獸 06/12 18:14
terminator3: 真猛 06/12 18:16
Hsu1025: 新神右 06/12 18:17
yankees733: 外星人地瓜 06/12 18:20
coutji3184: 又一個百年難得一見的 06/12 18:21
edhuang: 10場26安8BB 103K 真的是歷史級的壓制力 06/12 18:21
FncRookie001: 還有一個 今天贏了後 deGrom先發生涯勝率達到5成 06/12 18:21
edhuang: 地瓜現在生涯不是76-53嗎 也沒有中繼過 06/12 18:24
FncRookie001: 因為一堆被牛棚砸鍋無關勝負 但最後輸球 06/12 18:25
FncRookie001: 應該說大都會在地瓜先發的勝率 反正很扯 06/12 18:26
edhuang: 啊 是指球隊的勝率嗎 06/12 18:26
edhuang: 了解 06/12 18:26
polanco: 應該是球隊贏球的勝率吧 06/12 18:26
danny2451: 跟神右那年一樣感覺 有夠強 06/12 18:26
FncRookie001: 對是球隊勝率 更正是從2018開始 43-43 06/12 18:28
edhuang: 地瓜2018到現在ERA 1.92 球隊5成XD 06/12 18:29
Jerrylin1212: 我就問... 06/12 18:32
alex813: 肯定是上古時代穿越來的 06/12 18:50
shigurew: 打點多於責失還可以2敗,你全隊砍掉重來好了 06/12 18:57
westwet: 希望地瓜別被傷勢影響本季結算的局數門檻 06/12 20:32
s310213: 剃光頭吧,這樣均速又要往上飆了 06/12 20:32
BalaBalaDaBa: 上古神瓜 06/12 21:15
timmy1eric: https://imgur.com/UEJAWYE 紅雀1A表示... 06/12 21:21
Mrlegend: 他哪裡有輸Gausman? 06/12 21:26
ekong: 運氣輸 06/12 21:58
ronbaker: 本季的健康輸 06/12 22:11
Ace100: 一堆清朝時代紀錄 06/12 22:55