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大都會被批對旗下小聯盟球員太摳 Why is baseball’s richest owner squeezing his minor leaguers for pocket change? https://reurl.cc/yEA6dE 節錄幾段出來 這篇根據Advocates for Minor Leaguers@MiLBAdvocates的推文 把費城人拿來當對照組 https://twitter.com/MiLBAdvocates/status/1409194428384825348 The Mets and the Phillies are about to wrap up their weekend series. Between the two teams, who would you rather play for? https://i.imgur.com/zIrc8Zg.png
The Phillies fully cover the team hotel for players in High-A Jersey Shore while providing a housing stipend at other levels of the system and an out-of-season salary for players at extended spring training before the Florida Complex League starts. The Mets do none of that, as the organization Advocates for Minor Leagu ers pointed out over the weekend. 費城人全額支付高階1A球員的飯店住宿費 而其他層級也都有居住津貼 此外延長春訓也都有支付薪水(等待新人聯盟開季) 反觀大都會則全數沒補助+延長春訓不支薪 A Mets source said that while players in High-A Brooklyn are charged $300 a mont h for the team hotel, the two-person rooms cost $100 per night. 以梅子高階1A布魯克林旋風(Brooklyn Cyclones)的球員為例 消息指出,他們每個月須支付300美金的飯店錢 Harry Marino, a minor leaguer-turned-lawyer who runs Advocates for Minor Leaguer s, estimated that the hotel deduction was a sixth of players’ post-tax salary, and that Cohen’s Mets could simply make the hotel free for a cost of about an a dditional $50,000 annually. A major league club spends more than that on laundry in a season 這佔了球員稅後薪水的1/6 但其實Steve Cohen若幫他們付這筆錢 每年也只需增加5萬美金的支出 這數字比大聯盟花的洗衣費還少XD “The Mets only charge the Brooklyn players $10 per day to stay in the team hote l, demonstrating an understanding that no player can afford the actual cost of t he room on his paltry salary,” 每月300美金,相當於每日10美 這也表示以球員的薪水根本付不起實際的住宿錢 (這邊應該是指大都會其實也少收錢惹XD) Speaking of laundry, the Mets do cover that cost for players at extended spring training, for what that’s worth. The Mets also pay players at all levels at lea st $100 a month more than the new baseball-wide minimums, the team source said. But those minimums are positively puny: $500 a week at Class A, $600 at Double-A , $700 at Triple-A, and only during the season. 但說到洗衣,梅子倒是會幫延長春訓球員付這筆錢 然後所有層級每月薪水也比最低規定高至少100美金 1A:每週500美金 2A:每週600美金 3A:每週700美金 但一樣只有球季中才支付 最後這篇新聞的結語 “The Mets have the richest owner in all of baseball. ... That they send players to the most expensive city in the country, pay them less than $10,000 a year af ter taxes, and then charge them a nominal fee to stay in the team hotel, is insu lting. 梅子擁有全大聯盟最有錢的老闆 它們將旗下小聯盟球員放在最貴的城市裡(剛看小聯盟主場多半在紐約附近XD) 但卻只支付每年稅後不到1萬美的薪水 然後入住飯店,還要每天象徵式收個10美金 It doesn’t matter if this is how it’s always been done. New ownership promised better, and this is not better,” Marino said. “Mets fans and players deserve more.” 以前是不是都這樣做不重要 因為新的老闆承諾會弄更好,但實際上沒有 梅子粉絲、球員值得比現在更多的 註: Steve Cohen買下球隊時,有說過會重建好梅子的農場 As Steve Cohen took over the Mets, he repeatedly emphasized his desire to rebuil d the Mets’ depleted farm system. When he called the Dodgers a model franchise, he didn’t cite their blockbuster spending; he said he admired their “really s trong farm system.” https://i.imgur.com/EWN8nwt.png
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1625367928.A.268.html ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/04/2021 11:06:44
GreenReYang: 大都會教主:多貪則憂 07/04 11:07
dkl1027: 就是這樣才能刺激球員上大聯盟阿 07/04 11:08
polanco: 大聯盟跟小聯盟有差別待遇不代表要摳成這樣吧 07/04 11:09
citpo: 大都會A頭家 07/04 11:09
theorton: 大都會想翻身估計比洋基還難 07/04 11:10
pikaaco: 每天10美金的飯店都不幫忙付也太扯 07/04 11:10
gnorimim: 小聯盟的月薪不到三千鎂(還只有球季才有)然後還要自付 07/04 11:10
gnorimim: 伙食跟住宿 真的很難過生活 07/04 11:10
Adam6613: 錢都拿來砸在341M身上了(?) 07/04 11:11
CREA: 在美國稅後年薪不到1萬鎂要怎麼活 07/04 11:12
nastycurry: 回某樓 大都會分區第一捏 洋基第幾呀? 07/04 11:12
saiulbb: 小聯盟就這麼刻苦克難阿 希望未來可以改善拉 07/04 11:13
nastycurry: 推回來,馬的這些大老闆怎麼小錢都要摳成這樣 07/04 11:13
IRPT001: 林多: 07/04 11:14
MK47: 打到3A跟我公司新人工程師差不多錢 還只有球季的時候= = 07/04 11:16
MK47: 打小聯盟真的是為自己的夢想買單 07/04 11:16
arnold3: 不爽不要打 07/04 11:31
Evanaz: 能搭飛機誰想搭巴士lol 07/04 11:49
ricky8978: 王電火:沒本事就別殺價? 07/04 12:16
p08171110: 以前運動家大聯盟連汽水都沒得喝 07/04 12:19
salkuo: 有時想想NBA的老闆和MLB的老闆差蠻多的xd 07/04 12:22
CJMcCollum: 規模不一樣啊 NBA一隊球員才幾個 MLB一隊又有幾個 07/04 12:29
CJMcCollum: 養整條MLB球隊農場貴太多了 07/04 12:29
qoo2002s: 王電火你最好別太超過 07/04 12:35
suits890726: 喝汽水要自己投幣嗎 07/04 12:40
pon23twtw: 看勒好勢好勢 其實勒欺騙社會 07/04 12:42
Mrlegend: London來付吧 07/04 12:48
Mrlegend: I R 07/04 12:48
scatman: 費城人終於贏大都會惹QQ 07/04 12:50
ParuruChan: 0簽3萬 不爽不要打 07/04 13:22
bestbaseball: 錢都被游擊騙走了啦 07/04 14:29
hayato01: 是有多貴www???這是你自己的投資耶 07/04 14:31
salkuo: 恩恩我知道啊 不分好壞我意思是看兩邊老闆對球員節節高升 07/04 15:08
salkuo: 的薪水所採取的措施有明顯的差別就是了 蠻有趣的www 07/04 15:08
iwinlottery: 難怪豆爺閃了 07/04 15:57
mikechang829: 0簽3萬鎂 Cohen我老闆 QQ 07/04 16:01
tikitaka: 小氣老闆 07/04 16:18