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話說最近在youtube上看到有人在bauer這次事件上有提到小帝士 就去查了一下 就看到每日郵報有一篇報導 https://reurl.cc/mLXYrY 就是女方一位朋友透露了過去和她的對話內容 然後這有交給雙方陣營的人(原告、bauer經紀人) He said: 'I reached out to both sides – to the plaintiff directly and Trevor's agent. My goal in getting these messages out is just to help the truth come to l ight. He added: 'This is a friend of mine accusing somebody I've never met in my whole life of something pretty terrible and my goal in this is just to make sure that all the facts that need to be are present for the parties so they can make the right decision. 目的是為了確保所有的東西都能攤陽光下 才能讓它們能做出正確決定 'I've spoken to both of them and given my statements to both of them. There's no secrets – my attorney's letter went to both sides and we're making sure both s ides have the information.' His attorney Dan Gilleon added: 'My client just wants to do the right thing and he has spoken to the police and MLB and passed on this information.' 他的委任律師表示,客戶只是希望作對的事情 也已經和警方、MLB聯繫,把手上這些資訊交給了它們 而就是這些對話內容扯到小帝士XD Ps.新聞裡都有附訊息截圖這邊就不貼惹 那是在2020/10/2 當時女方對小帝士一張跳躍的照片回了 “Thats how he hopped on top of me'” Instagram DMs obtained by DailyMail.com show Hill in October replied to a friend 's story about Tatis Jr leaping over another player during a game, saying 'Thats (sic) how he hopped on top of me' 然後朋友就問她,是否有和小帝士說過話 她的回答是 'He is king. Best sex OF MY LIFE' 這不用我翻吧XD When asked if she talked to Tatis, she replied: 'He is king. Best sex OF MY LIFE ' 接著還提到這就是為何她必須辭掉pad squad的原因 pad squad就類似是教士隊的啦啦隊的樣子(? Pad squad網站:https://www.mlb.com/padres/fans/pad-squad/team 有規定說禁止和球員發展關係 The woman added: 'I can't believe I achieved that. Life changing. He was the rea son I had to resign from pad squad [sic].' The Pad Squad is the Padre's take on a cheer squad, although the largely female group only perform a routine on opening day. The rules include a ban on having relationships with players. 之後四月曾向朋友炫耀和bauer搭上線 這時朋友還開玩笑對她說類似 敢不敢直接傳訊息跟bauer說小帝士比較棒之類的話 Hill's Padres supporter friend then replied: 'If you don't tell him [Bauer] "Tat is was better" after you are done via dm [direct message], this is the ultimate fail.' 後面就是bauer事件爆發惹 然後朋友一樣有和女方聯繫 話說朋友給小帝士那段是要幹嘛xd 根本這次事件沒啥關聯吧 但這事也沒多少媒體報就是惹 真實性未知 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1626341480.A.A17.html
tony890415: once you go 07/15 17:34
ghostl40809: 所以小帝士也跟她約過? 07/15 17:34
johntw: 女方的朋友認為女方是蓄謀 07/15 17:34
Eric1989528: 專業骨肉皮就是了?XD 07/15 17:34
kenkenken31: 想約球員玩很正常啊,但誰知道會被亂搞強包? 07/15 17:36
sustainer123: 原本的詐財目標:小帝士 07/15 17:37
Godofthebutt: 活該 07/15 17:38
kenkenken31: 球員如果自己不傻不衝動,又會把女方弄出一堆可驗傷? 07/15 17:38
catsondbs: 22歲開大車 07/15 17:39
kenkenken31: 想釣有錢帥哥不犯法的,但帥哥未經同意能把人打傷??? 07/15 17:40
beautyptt: 這女的是多正?都接觸得到球員 07/15 17:40
SULICon: 感覺會有人去找pad squad過去的成員交叉比對…. 07/15 17:40
sustainer123: 對啊 不犯法 女孩就該好好利用青春 07/15 17:42
sustainer123: 讓球星多個私生子或者來場仙人跳 07/15 17:42
sustainer123: 一輩子就不愁吃穿了 好爽 07/15 17:42
sustainer123: 男生記得要好好保護自己啦 07/15 17:43
godnessman: 有錢人的律師就是比較厲害 這種小道消息也能上報 07/15 17:44
mtyk10100: 還好小帝士沒被騙到 07/15 17:46
Spinner3: 說得太過了吧 結果都還沒出來就講得信誓旦旦的 07/15 17:46
cmsts2000: 紅到英國去了!? 07/15 17:47
Puye: 如果有約過 不就代表包爾更有問題 跟別人玩沒事跟你玩有事 07/15 17:53
MindWork: 1女方說法 2男方否認 站邊的糾究會是仇女強暴支持者 還 07/15 17:54
MindWork: 是仙人跳助長仔 賭盤開下去 估計46開 07/15 17:54
beautyptt: 怎麼又有沙豬仔 07/15 17:56
beautyptt: 不如先賭鮑爾何時可以回球場 07/15 17:57
mtyk10100: 更正一下我的用詞 還好小帝士沒發生爭議 07/15 18:01
nihow78: He is king 07/15 18:04
eon4: 就一個破麻咩 07/15 18:07
polanco: 欸不是 女方在解成就不代表男方可以把人打成豬頭吧 07/15 18:13
feont: 這些也只是小道消息 就把它當事實?看上了法庭會不會有用 07/15 18:14
liongood93: 男女都沒有結婚 結果只罵女生破? 什麼可憐觀念 07/15 18:14
liongood93: 小帝士沒事就你包爾有事 怎麼不先檢討男生 有夠沙豬 07/15 18:18
justinxue: 笑死女生到處約破 那包爾到處約又把人打成豬頭的算什麼 07/15 18:28
ChrisDavis: 窒息科學家 07/15 18:44
kkjjkkjj: 到處約,只是剛好想起來可以metoo 07/15 18:50
kkjjkkjj: 應該還好小帝士比較精 07/15 18:51
taddy0540: 自己打人怪人嗎 07/15 18:52
sdiaa: 搞不好尖帝士付錢惹~ 07/15 19:39
beautyptt: 怎麼會相信這種傳言 小帝士真衰 07/15 19:44
littlerocket: 這跟metoo沒關係吧,女方只是不爽被揍爆而已 07/15 19:49
gokingyar: 突然想知道女方到底長什麼樣子可以連釣兩隻大尾球星 07/15 20:04
kei1823: He is king! 雙關嗎XD 07/15 20:07
lostguy: 就像是新垣結衣我老婆的女生版而已啦 07/15 20:17
AAaaron: 還好尖帝士讓她很滿意.. 07/15 20:40
feont: 說達比修在我床上你也信 是要多愚蠢 07/15 20:59
heureux307: 幫我推文 07/15 21:22
heureux307: 太神啦教士迷暗黑兵法 07/15 21:22
abc12812: 這家消息來源根本沒有公信力 看看笑笑就好 07/16 00:30
awesomecheng: 我問天 我問天 剛誒當 麥衝抵 07/16 06:38