看板 Baseball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Taiwan baseball legend Kuang-Hui Wang passes away, aged 56 台灣棒球傳奇王光輝過世,享年56歲 Kuang-Hui “The Charmer” Wang was the first batting title winner in the history of the Chinese Professional Baseball League, and one of the most celebrated baseball players in his era. The former Brother Elephants star infielder and manager passed away on the 30th of August following the months-long battle with liver cancer. 王光輝是中華職棒史上第一位打擊王,也是那個時代最著名的棒球運動員之一。 這位前兄弟象明星內野手及總教練與肝癌長達數月的奮鬥後,於8/30離世。 Kuang-Hui Wang, an iconic Taiwanese baseball star of his era whose playing career spanned over three decades dated from his grade school days, passed away on Sunday, he was 56. 王光輝是他那個時代具代表性的台灣棒球明星,他的棒球生涯從小學開始,跨越了三十 多年,他於星期日去世,享年56歲。 Coming from the Amis indigenous township of Tafalong Tribe, Wang’s baseball gene runs in the family as his grandfather dominated on the mound, his father was known as a solid catcher behind the plate, while his mom and aunt played softball. 來自阿美族部落,棒球基因是家族傳承,他的祖父打棒球是投手,父親是本壘板後方堅 韌的捕手,他媽媽和阿姨則是打壘球。 Wang started to play baseball while he was in elementary school and encouraged his younger brother Kuang-Shi and sister Shiao-Ling to also play, both later excelling in baseball and softball respectively. Kuang-Shi also played professional baseball with the Chinatimes Eagles after multiple selections in national teams at all levels. 王光輝從小學時開始打棒球,並鼓勵弟弟王光熙和妹妹王曉玲打棒球,後來他們分別在棒 球和壘球表現傑出。在多次入選各個層級國家隊後,王光熙也成為中職時報鷹球員。 Wang first set foot on the international stage in 1981 when he represented Chinese Taipei at the 1st IBAF World Junior Baseball Championship in Ohio, U.S.A. He was also selected to the national team for the 29th Baseball World Cup (1986), the 14th Asian Baseball Championship and 8thIntercontinental Cup (both in 1987) and the 30th Baseball World Cup (1988) before participating in the Summer Olympics in Seoul. 王代表中華台北參加在美國俄亥俄州舉行的1981年第一屆IBAF世界青棒錦標賽,首次踏上 國際舞台。他還入選國家隊參加第29屆世界杯棒球賽(1986年)、亞洲棒球錦標賽和第8 屆洲際盃(均在1987年)和第30屆世界杯(1988年),以及1988年首爾奧運。 In 1988 Wang joined the Brother Hotel Baseball Team, the pre-professional era team of the Brother Elephants. After the founding of the Chinese Professional Baseball League, Wang became the first batter in the history of Brother Elephants as leadoff in the bottom half of the first inning in the inaugural game of the League in 1990. 1988年王加入了兄弟象前身兄弟飯店棒球隊,在中職創立後,1990年在聯盟的首場比 賽中,王光輝擔任開路先鋒在一局下半登場,成為兄弟象歷史上第一位打者。 During the inaugural season, as soon as the Elephants fans found themselves out of contention during the second-half season, their attention shifted to the heated competition for batting title between Wang and Mathis Huff of the Weichuan Dragons. With Huff leading Wang by just four points with less than a week left in the season, the Dragons sit Huff to protect his lead. Wang, injured then, was forced to play, and came from behind to take the 2-point lead with one game each left for the season. On the final day of the season Wang again started and went 2 for 3, while Huff went 0 for 3 in the final game of the season. Wang became the historical first batting title winner of the CPBL, and Huff not only lost the batting title but also sat second on home runs and RBI. 此段描述王光輝與味全龍洋砲馬斯競爭職棒元年打擊王的過程,馬斯在取得領先之後休 息未再出賽,王光輝在球季最後一天的午場出賽,3打數敲出2安打,打擊率超前馬斯, 馬斯在最後一場比賽3打數沒有安打,王光輝奪得職棒元年打擊王。為了拚打擊王,王光 輝決定帶傷上陣,10月13日代打敲安,14日午場出戰三商虎,3打數擊出2安打、2打點, 打擊率0.342超越馬斯後隨即退場,迫使馬斯在晚場對統一獅先發上場,結果3打數無安打 ,王光輝戰到球季最後1場戲劇性地奪得打擊王,馬斯不僅輸了打擊王連全壘打王以及 打點王都輸了。 In 2001 Wang collected his 1,000th career hit, becoming the third player in CPBL history to reach the milestone. Wang made 12 consecutive appearances in All-Star Games from the league’s inaugural season among his 13 selections, setting an early day CPBL record. His successor Cheng-Ming Peng of the Elephants / CTBC Brothers later broke his record with 19 consecutive appearances before his retirement. 在2001年王光輝完成職業生涯第1000支安打,成為中職史上第三位達到千安球員。王光 輝13次入選明星賽,其中連續12次參加明星賽,創造中職早期紀錄,在退休前被接班人 彭政閔(24表示:)以19次打破。 Wang spent all fifteen years of his professional career with the Brother Elephants and wore number 26 only. Due to his frequent clutch hitting, kind and easy-going personality, Wang was nicknamed by the fans as “The Charmer.” 王15年職業生涯都在兄弟象隊、只穿26號球衣。由於他頻頻出現關鍵打擊表現,從容悠 閒的個性,被球迷暱稱「萬人迷」。 In 2004, Wang decided to call it a career and received the grandest ever farewell ceremony in the history of CPBL at his hometown Hualien County. Wang was honored by the elders of his tribe for his achievement in baseball and was awarded the status of the tribal leader during the farewell ceremony. 王光輝在2004年高掛球鞋,當時太巴塱頭目特別授予王光輝象徵極高榮譽的頭飾,表揚他 在棒球界的成就。 Wang was was named the coach and manager of the Elephants. At the time when he took the helm of the team in 2007, he became the first manager with indigenous ancestry in the history of all professional sports in Taiwan. In 2009, he resigned from the post and started to contribute to academic baseball programs and grassroots development. Between 2012 and 2017 he was also the manager of the national reserve team in addition to duties with colleges and high school baseball programs. Wang was very active at charity events and was a frequent participant in old boy tournaments. 王光輝在2007年擔任兄弟象總教練,成為台灣職棒第一位原住民總教練。2009年辭去總教 練,開始為學術棒球項目和基層棒球發展貢獻。2012年至2017年期間,除了大學和高中棒 球教練,他還是國訓隊總教練,並且在在慈善活動中非常活躍,經常參加OB賽。 Wang was diagnosed with liver cancer last year and was survived by his wife and two sons. His elder son Wei-Chen now plays for the CTBC Brothers and was named All-Star Third Baseman in the II WBSC Premier12 2019, while his younger son Wei-Lun is currently enrolled with high school baseball programs. The CTBC Brothers has announced to hold tributes and ceremonies at their first home game following the passing of Wang. 王光輝去年被診斷出罹患肝癌,今年8/30病逝。大兒子王威晨現在效力中信兄弟,並且 在2019年第二屆WBSC世界P12強賽入選為大會全明星最佳三壘手。2人是中職史上首對父 子檔。他的小兒子王威倫目前正在還在打高中棒球。中信兄弟昨日也在主場比賽舉行哀 悼儀式。 https://reurl.cc/831V57 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1630466530.A.867.html
crazy0228: 哇喔 09/01 11:23
thuplayer: 王威倫已經要升大一 09/01 11:29
JT07: 原來他全家人也跟棒壘有關,那怎麼媽媽還是反對 09/01 11:32
she192224: 謝謝WBSC報導 09/01 11:41
kkmark: 他是大哥帶頭打球吧 09/01 11:42
Tako55: 那年代的父母的觀念打棒球工作不穩定吧 09/01 11:42
super5566go:轉錄至看板 Elephants 09/01 11:47
mjonask: 推 09/01 11:50
thatislife: 哎 肝癌 09/01 11:50
hjt11201213: 外電寫得真是詳細,道盡輝總精彩的棒球人生 09/01 12:02
livec: 寫的好 感謝翻譯 09/01 12:07
enkidu0830: 推 09/01 12:09
bye2007: 推 很詳細的外電報導和翻譯 09/01 12:11
dnbda: 謝謝翻譯 09/01 12:14
CTBA: 應該是波哥寫的 09/01 12:19
chiro1982: 感謝外電 09/01 12:33
※ 編輯: super5566go ( 臺灣), 09/01/2021 12:46:30
cyjerk: 推 09/01 12:47
kinper: 揪感心 09/01 13:03
chen7168: 推 09/01 13:07
chikkkkk: 推 謝謝翻譯 09/01 13:49
gooduyy: 謝謝翻譯 09/01 14:27
MDay56: 謝謝翻譯 09/01 14:46
MDay56: 話說小兒子跟哥哥差好多歲喔,希望都有好成績 09/01 14:47
justinwuu: 推 09/01 16:10
ourstory1736: 推 09/01 20:34
Arodz: 謝謝翻譯 09/02 04:03