看板 Baseball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源:Bauer推特 https://twitter.com/baueroutage/status/1570097489100808195 This was taken hours after I supposedly brutally assaulted this woman, when she claims she was terrified and desperate to get out of my house and in tremendous pain. Bauer剛剛貼出,他被指控攻擊女方 當天兩人事後影片 只見女方在床上自拍 然後Bauer戴眼罩在旁睡覺 https://i.imgur.com/qbIlgr2.jpg
八卦新聞網站TMZ報導 https://reurl.cc/2m7QGv Trevor Bauer is asking a judge to throw out a lawsuit filed by the woman who acc used him of sexual assault ... claiming he has video proof, taken from bed after their second sexual encounter, which proves she lied about her injuries TMZ Sports obtained a motion filed by 31-year-old Bauer's legal team in southern California, which includes a video that was allegedly recorded by accuser Linds ey Hill after they had sex the night of May 16, 2021. "She appears to be willingly in bed with a sleeping Mr. Bauer, and is smirking a nd uninjured," the Cy Young award winner's attorney wrote in the filing. The clip, which we've seen, is less than 10 seconds long and doesn't contain aud io. Bauer陣營認爲這影片能證明女方說謊 ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1663175660.A.030.html
luvuhahasiao: women09/15 01:15
skywendy: 感覺是被女方陷害欸09/15 01:15
legendd: 越想越不對勁09/15 01:15
Tokuseki: 看這張能看出什麼嗎09/15 01:16
nakayamayyt: 男孩兒也要好好保護自己09/15 01:16
EMANON231: 莫名好笑09/15 01:16
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/15/2022 01:18:39
rondo0417: 好好的賽揚投手...希望正義不要遲到 09/15 01:18
hancao0816: 逆轉囉09/15 01:19
hdotistyle: 好色喔09/15 01:19
WasJohnWall: 男生真的要好好保護自己09/15 01:21
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/15/2022 01:21:08
sustainer123: 女人就是09/15 01:23
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/15/2022 01:23:20
ShawDie: 但聯盟還是想搞他啊 09/15 01:29
loloool: 聯盟擺明要封殺他 09/15 01:36
nashQ: 重新回到球場的部分感覺還是有點困難唉 09/15 01:36
blackin: MLB版 強尼戴普 09/15 01:39
AnthonyEdwar: 有夠慘 09/15 01:45
H132196: 聯盟就是要搞他啊 09/15 01:45
driftfirn: 他的其他行為就像他隊球迷眼中的鄉長,大檸檬越走越保 09/15 01:47
driftfirn: 守自然容不下他 09/15 01:47
chugliang: 慘阿 09/15 01:47
thermo409: 有點當時中職被判無罪卻被封殺的既視感QQ 09/15 01:50
may0328: 沒看八卦版..要隨身攜帶自願交配同意書 09/15 01:50
marlonlai: 蠻慘的 就算最後水落石出確實無罪 也浪費不少時間了 09/15 02:05
easonxxxz: 床上有屎嗎 09/15 02:23
evan19983314: 少拿八卦可撥仔跟賽揚勝利組比吧 09/15 02:55
leo755269: 蠻期待法院到時候再認證一次 他直接告MLB看要賠多少 09/15 05:44
weidisue: 他真的有夠慘的阿 MLB這樣搞他 希望趕快回到球場阿 09/15 05:52
kenro: 難說吧,睡完打起來也沒人知道啊 09/15 06:07
Lawser1934: 被設局真慘 09/15 06:46
lightning879: 難怪一堆頂級男人還是會嫖妓,免費的最貴 09/15 06:56
toya123: 慘 09/15 07:07
LLN858: 明顯仙人跳,大聯盟只是找理由搞這美國聲仔 09/15 07:09
wangno77: 看看Ozuna 再看Bauer真心覺得失望 09/15 07:15
mschien8295: 都被禁賽到2024了... 09/15 07:16
a0912574942: 看得出哪天? 09/15 07:43
sdiaa: 有機會避開被默契封殺~ 09/15 07:58
kimja: 這能代表什麼嗎? 09/15 08:02
turkeyma: Ozuna 的案例,聯盟不願意在這種「小事」上面惹到工會 09/15 08:32
turkeyma: 所以完全消極介入,他的約尾大不掉我勇無可奈何只能默 09/15 08:32
turkeyma: 默接受讓他留在隊上…唉 09/15 08:32
xhung: me2變成政治正確 沒人在乎事實 ...... 09/15 08:54
apestage: 這女的哪個表情 看起來就是有甚麼意圖 然後得逞很爽 09/15 09:18
KAIXA666: Freebauer 09/15 09:20
jeter8695: Free Bauer 09/15 10:28
Ives20130: 可憐鮑爾被政確棒球害死 09/15 10:57
pttha: 可憐啊包爾 09/15 12:25