看板 Baseball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://reurl.cc/m3WMZ9 Upstairs in the general manager’s suite, Dave Dombrowski looked at his son, Lan don, a recent graduate of Wake Forest University, and brought up a name from the past that still sometimes haunts him. 費城人總裁Dave Dombrowski和他剛從大學畢業的兒子Landon NLCS G5是坐在總管包廂看球 而這時是八局下半,費城落後一分 此時第一位上來打擊的真木頭敲出一支一壘安打 然後換Harper上來打擊 “Landon, this is a situation in which Big Papi would have homered,” Dombrowski , who has been in baseball for four decades, told his son, referring to the Bost on legend David Ortiz. 這時Dombrowski就跟兒子提到了老爹David Ortiz 並說老爹會在這種情況下敲出全壘打 “This is where legends are made. If Bryce hits one here, this place is going to go wild.” Dombrowski:如果哈波現在也扛一發,那這裡一定會陷入一陣瘋狂啊 Seven pitches and four foul balls later, Harper tore into a sinker that did not sink the way the San Diego right-hander Robert Suarez intended. Instead, it hung up in the strike zone, belt high, over the outer third of the plate. It was a p itch Harper could drive, and so he reached out and sent it screaming the opposit e way, over the left-field fence. 結果Harper真的在這打席 將Suarez一顆99英哩的伸卡球,扛到觀眾席去 https://i.imgur.com/H40jdVs.jpg
直接逆轉戰局,最終帶領費城人睽違13年晉級世界大賽 https://i.imgur.com/KDof82x.jpg
Middleton said. “I looked at where we were in the lineup in the bottom of the eighth and said we’ve got J.T. followed by Bryce. I said to myself we’ve got t wo guys who can tie this game and win it. J.T. got the hit with two strikes and then Bryce stepped up.” 費城老闆也說,當時看到八局下會輪到真木頭+哈波上來打擊時 他就跟自己說他們有機會能贏下這場比賽(有兩位能追平比分+致勝的球員) https://twitter.com/mlb/status/1584556373005991936 "Oh my gosh, I just did that." Bryce even impressed himself yesterday. #Postseason 哈波自己也很訝異這轟 老闆和哈波影片 https://twitter.com/jclarknbcs/status/1584532293179219968 “Un ****** believable” “I think I’ve underpaid you. I said, ‘I’m not sure you can underpay somebody when you give them $330 millio n, but I’m pretty sure I underpaid you’” -I asked Phillies owner John Middleton what he told Bryce Harper here — https://i.imgur.com/Kavu7Qy.jpg
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edhuang: 這發真的是Harper太鬼 10/25 00:05
stardream226: やらないか 10/25 00:08
Fukudome: 看幾次帥幾次 10/25 00:08
MrHeat: Harper帥爆了!! 10/25 00:36
SlamKai: 打球充滿熱情 渲染力很強 10/25 00:42
hsnut27: 哪天鱒魚也可以這樣扛一發我會哭出來 10/25 00:44
c251970: 真的是有夠帥 10/25 01:34
bb810915q: 反觀 10/25 02:40
awesomecheng: 狀況真的很好,基本上那幾顆界外球也都很扎實 10/25 04:11
showpan1983: 真的帥! 10/25 05:33
FengQQ: 99伸卡玫失投還被扛著出去真的無言 10/25 06:24
boardsee: 投的好 打的更好 有這種球員老闆肯定更敢灑 10/25 08:12
saiulbb: 太神惹吧 10/25 08:30
kakashi71: 他打球真的有振奮人心的氣場,真的又帥又秀 10/25 09:05
kyo0721: 都這樣講了還不加薪嗎 10/25 09:07
yoji520: 以為是中職一年一簽哦? 10/25 09:35
j3024133: 那個打席很神….有顆變速球他竟然能忍住選掉很誇張 10/25 09:56
clothk14515: 鱒魚先進季後賽吧 10/25 11:50
Yofu: 老闆對自己的眼光讚不絕口 10/25 14:51
aki1116: 反方向進攻實在有夠猛 10/25 16:12