看板 Baseball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://twitter.com/cvivlamoreajc/status/1593250664746217472?s=46 Liberty Media President and CEO Greg Maffei at Investor Day on Braves payroll: " I fully expect to be in the top five. We can afford it." 勇士隊母企業Liberty Media總裁&CEO Greg Maffei表示 預期他們今年團隊薪資會衝到前五 「我們負擔的起」by 總裁 https://twitter.com/epjackson/status/1593252649163706373 Liberty CEO Greg Maffei expects #Braves to be in top-five of MLB payroll spendin g in coming years. “We can afford it.” Braves finished 8th in payroll this past season. Club had highest ticket sales s ince 2000. $252M revenue in Q3 今年團隊薪資排第八 門票銷售是自2000年後最好的一年 https://twitter..com/fos/status/1593236037417201664 NEWS: The Atlanta Braves are set to become a public company. Liberty Media will spin off the team and its associated real estate developments into a separate stock to “better highlight its strong value.” 他們也宣佈將球團和周圍房地產分拆 成為獨立子公司 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1668700960.A.4B0.html zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB 11/18 00:02
LukeSkywaker: 宇宙勇 11/18 00:03
evan09900966: 宇宙勇 11/18 00:03
A80211ab: 媒體這麼賺啊 11/18 00:06
zxc906383: 人家有F1呀 11/18 00:06
GIGAADSL: 國東也好硬阿。勇梅費沒一個是弱的,魚跟國民偶爾覺醒 11/18 00:07
cobras638: 所以之前球團跟周圍房地產是在同一個公司裡嗎? 11/18 00:16
sa13961387: 宇宙勇 11/18 00:21