看板 Baseball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Free-agent reliever Carlos Estevez in agreement with the Angels, source tells @T heAthletic. https://twitter.com/Ken_Rosenthal/status/1599899460552708096 --- Carlos Estevez has a career 3.51 ERA outside of Coors Field. Last season he had an overall ERA of 3.47, about the same at home and away. https://twitter.com/JeffFletcherOCR/status/1599900919319384064 生涯在庫爾斯球場以外的地方ERA3.51(查了一下 在主場是5.57) 不過上個球季主客場ERA都是3.47 --- #Angels sign Carlos Estevez to a 2-year deal for $13.5-million. Don’t know yet if they plan for him to close, but Bud Black just said he has cl oser stuff and a closer mentality. https://twitter.com/JeffFletcherOCR/status/1599910636045365249 合約價碼為13.5M/2年 還不確定天使會不會讓他關門但是洛磯總仔誇過他有終結者的stuff跟心態 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1670284284.A.A39.html polanco:轉錄至看板 MLB 12/06 07:53
Adam6613: 看到Carlos開頭還以為是辣個男人 12/06 07:56
ZaneTrout: 看到Carlos我以為是張可洛 12/06 09:25