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一位我很喜歡的棒球水管頻道Baseball Doesn't Exist 在推特上分享了這次代表墨西哥出戰WBC的Randy Arozarena 其和老墨的淵源 https://twitter.com/BaseballDoesnt/status/1637204170888343553 Randy Arozarena has been Team Mexico's best player. But last year, he wasn't even Mexican... Here's how he convinced the President of Mexico to make him a citizen just to pl ay in the WBC... https://twitter.com/BaseballDoesnt/status/1637204172960329729 Randy Arozarena is from Cuba, and reached the highest level of Cuban baseball at 19. His first season he was paid $4 a month, in his second season he made $38 a month. Apparently this was a higher salary than his mother. Randy Arozarena出生在古巴 並且在19歲就在古巴聯賽出賽 而他第一個球季的月薪是4塊錢 而第二年則調漲到38塊錢(這薪水比媽媽高了) https://i.imgur.com/jJZsjvm.png
https://twitter.com/BaseballDoesnt/status/1637204175346974720 In his 2nd pro season his team earned a chance to go to Puerto Rico to play in t he Caribbean series. Despite being one of the teams best hitters Arozarena was b locked from going, because officials feared he would try to defect. 而在他的第二個球季 他所屬球隊取得加勒比海大賽(中南美版亞職)的參賽權 而這比賽在波多黎各舉辦的 但官方怕Arozarena會趁這機會叛逃 所以不給他去 https://twitter.com/BaseballDoesnt/status/1637204177049796609 Being blocked from playing, along with the recent death of his father, left his family with very little money. In order to support them, he illegally fled by bo at to Mexico. A country where he knew nobody. 而當時他的父親也過世了 並且沒有留多少錢他們 對此Arozarena就決定自行搭船叛逃到墨西哥去 雖然他在墨西哥並不認識任何人 https://twitter.com/BaseballDoesnt/status/1637204178496806917 Upon arrival, Arozarena tried out for the Tijuana Toros, where he had so little money he had to share cleats and batting gloves with another prospect during wor kouts. He made the team... 到達墨西哥後,他去接受了墨聯提華納公牛的測試 但由於他沒錢 所以只好和其他人借球具 https://twitter.com/BaseballDoesnt/status/1637204180593934337 After two years playing in Mexico, Arozarena signed a 1.25 MILLION dollar contra ct with the St Louis Cardinals. By 2020 he broke out with the Rays breaking seve ral playoff records on the way to the World Series. He's since established himse lf in MLB. But every offseason... 之後他就在墨西哥聯盟打了兩年球 https://i.imgur.com/ssTuBIH.png
之後也順利在2016年獲得聖路易紅雀的合約(125萬鎂簽約金) 之後在2020光芒大爆發+2021奪下新人王 https://i.imgur.com/JkvYRUv.png
https://twitter.com/BaseballDoesnt/status/1637204183077072897 He returns to Mexico, where his mother, wife, kids, and brother all now live. In Feb 2021 he made a plea to the President via Instagram... "I only ask a favor, give me nationality... do me that favor to represent Mexico in the World Classic, it's all I want," 他在每個休賽季都會回墨西哥去 他家人目前也都居住在墨西哥 而Arozarena也在2021年透過IG和向墨西哥總統發出請求 希望墨西哥能給他墨西哥國籍 因爲讓他想要在經典賽為墨西哥出戰 https://twitter.com/BaseballDoesnt/status/1637204184624685059 Arozarena had been trying to gain citizenship for years... but this plea actuall y worked. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, stated he would put the count ries director of migration on the case. And shortly after Arozarena was a Mexica n Citizen. 最終墨西哥總統也答應他的請求 指示移民局局長處理此案,不久之後,Arozarena 成為了墨西哥公民 https://i.imgur.com/SfsVwbG.png
讓他能代表墨西哥打這次世界棒球經典賽 而他也在這次賽會打的相當優異 獲得C組的MVP https://i.imgur.com/I1eRaYw.png
帶領老墨首次打進WBC四強 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1679231979.A.9E2.html ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 03/19/2023 21:22:28
gadgets: 古巴所有叛逃的球員要是能代表古巴 戰力真的很誇張 03/19 21:25
holypiggy: 好慘… 03/19 21:26
takki07: 用IG就能要國籍,好浪漫的方式 03/19 21:29
t2134563: 墨對他有恩啊 推推 03/19 21:30
catsondbs: 不當美國公民嗎 03/19 21:31
takki07: 應該是惜情的概念吧,不然他要拿到美國籍應該也很容易 03/19 21:31
lovebulls: 好像是ESPN有關古巴叛逃球員打WBC的文 不同人對古巴政 03/19 21:34
lovebulls: 府觀感差異很大 有的很討厭 也有覺得沒差 回去打國家隊 03/19 21:35
ccl007: YT有政府控制價格下的古巴採訪 就餓不死 但也無法富有 03/19 21:35
u9596g12: 這Amigo真猛 03/19 21:42
smarthome: 他真的好可愛哈哈 03/19 21:45
JimK0511: 長的和以前也差太多 03/19 21:46
cd12631: 古巴叛逃球員有分不同派 有些人願意回去打 有些人不爽卡 03/19 21:47
cd12631: 斯楚政權的還成立自由古巴棒協 03/19 21:48
cd12631: 想爭取用別的名義組隊打WBC 其中帶頭之一就Chapman 03/19 21:49
ca1123: 古巴人登上美國領土就可以取得居留權 03/19 21:50
BlackCatXI: 在墨西哥不認識任何人還直接逃過去,真的很猛... 03/19 21:51
ca1123: 就跟以前香港無條件接受中國難民一樣 03/19 21:51
WasJohnWall: 讚 03/19 21:52
maxLOVEmimi: 好傳奇的故事 03/19 22:03
jkokpcu: 沒認識人完全不知道會不會被販毒集團詐騙黑騙走鋌而走險 03/19 22:03
jkokpcu: 也真的猛 03/19 22:03
ruffryders: 原來他是古巴人 今天才知道 03/19 22:27
ruffryders: 光芒道奇縮水球季那年超強 03/19 22:28
zx246800tw: 令人動容 03/19 22:39
FRANKYCHang: 棒 03/19 22:51
wagwag: 叛逃的很多都在當地有經紀人接頭 完全沒人脈直接逃真的屌 03/19 23:14
thenick: 古巴離Yucatan很近啦,那邊住一堆古巴人,墨西哥那邊一定 03/19 23:37
thenick: 有人接應 03/19 23:37
Carpro0329: 難怪沒代表古巴出賽 原來有這段故事 03/19 23:59
civil318402: 推 03/20 00:40
victor87710: 厲害了 03/20 03:03
pkajames: 我芒Azo 03/20 04:57
kiwi47: 是不會組一隊古巴哈瓦那哦 03/20 06:57
csylvia: 原來有這段故事,推 03/20 09:02