看板 Baseball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://twitter.com/chelsea_janes/status/1654626445082210305 Scary scary moment at Citizens Bank Park. Appears a fan fell into the Red Sox bullpen. Unclear at this moment. But the fan was upright and is being carted off, moving limbs as he does so. Wow. https://twitter.com/IanMBrowne/status/1654626719188279302 The spectator was conscious and speaking, it appeared, while being taken off on the cart. https://twitter.com/SmittyOnMLB/status/1654632370677460993 Red Sox- Phillies delayed after fan medical emergency in Boston bullpen I'll update this when more information is provided but this is all I know for now: 紅襪作客費城周末三連戰 第一場一局上就有意外發生 造成比賽延遲約十分鐘 一位外野球迷摔入客隊(紅襪)牛棚受傷 目前該球迷意識清楚已送醫 -- ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1683329704.A.1AD.html
karta1212999: .. 05/06 07:35
reactTW: 大概暫停10分鐘 05/06 07:40
※ 編輯: citpo ( 臺灣), 05/06/2023 07:44:43
ghostl40809: 希望沒大礙 05/06 07:54
kongsch: 費城主場客隊牛棚在上層,上面觀眾可以從飲食桌往下看 05/06 07:58
wtt168: 不是搶球的話應該就是玩太嗨了 05/06 08:15
Lions2020: 嚇死,一開始以為是紅襪主場,從綠色怪物掉下來,保佑 05/06 09:34
Lions2020: 無事。 05/06 09:34
iamshana: 我也看成綠色怪物掉下來 05/06 09:44