看板 Baseball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The Athletic的教士寫手Dennis Lin昨天發了一長篇寫金河成的長文報導 然後發現裡面有布里悍xd 就大概翻一下片段 https://reurl.cc/a4rDZG He had long ago befriended Kim and Leo Bae, who started working for the Heroes i n 2018 as an English interpreter. Brigham found that Kim was a bit reserved but always welcoming. Confident but not arrogant. Serious about baseball but unafrai d to have fun. 布里悍很早以前就認識阿金和他的翻譯Leo Bae(2018開始在英雄當翻譯,之後被阿金帶去美 國) 當時他發現阿金有點保守,但總是很熱情 自信但不傲慢 認真對待棒球,但又不害怕享受樂趣 https://i.imgur.com/yZJjCyM.png
In 2017, on the night he debuted in the Korea Baseball Organization, Jake Brigha m watched from the mound as the Nexen Heroes’ shortstop made a diving play in t he six-hole. Man, this guy is good, Brigham thought to himself. How old is he? B righam guessed that his rangy new teammate was in his mid-20s. 2017年在布里悍來到韓國的第一次登場 他看到身後的金河成上演一個撲接守備 當時布里悍心想:哎呀這選手不錯喔,不知道他幾歲 當時他自己是猜大概20歲中段(25) Later, in the dugout, he learned Kim was only 21. “He always carried himself ol der than he was, which in Asia is a big deal,” said Brigham, a former Atlanta B raves pitcher who played a season in Japan before spending the next five in Kore a with the Kiwoom Heroes. “You’re not necessarily allowed to do that in Asia; there’s a respect level t here. But he was always such an excellent player and always such a respectful gu y that it didn’t matter what age he was.” 之後回休息室才得知阿金那時21歲而已 From 2018 to 2020, Kim and Lee both won three KBO Golden Glove awards, which are given annually to the league’s best overall player at each position. 之後在2018-2020阿金和風之孫攜手連三年拿下所屬位置的金手套 They drew on the experience of veteran teammate and two-time KBO MVP Byung-ho Pa rk, who’d earned a brief stint with the Minnesota Twins 它們兩人都在陣中學長朴炳鎬身上學習經驗 after home games at Gocheok Sky Dome, Brigham says, the three hitters often wor ked late into the night inside the batting cages. 布里悍表示在賽後,這三位常常會一起在球場練習到很晚才走 The players’ lounge was another regular gathering place. There, Brigham, Park, former Chicago Cubs pitcher Eric Jokisch and others on the team began meeting fo r lunch to discuss a variety of things. 布里悍、Eric Jokisch、朴炳鎬等人也常常在休息室討論各種議題 One frequent topic: What, Kim wanted to know, was life like in the U.S.? What ab out professional baseball and the majors? 其中最常被討論到的是 在美國的生活是怎樣? 美國的職業棒球? 大聯盟? Brigham, a sixth-round draft pick by the Texas Rangers in 2006, was happy to sha re whatever insight he could. 布里悍也開心的跟隊友們分享這些事情 When he and Brigham first met, Kim, who wore No. 7, introduced himself as “Luck y.” And as curious as Kim was about his American teammate’s background, he wanted t o know about current matters, too. Said Brigham: “He would ask me as the years went on, ‘Jake, how do you adjust here?’ 阿金也時常好奇布里悍是如何適應在韓國打球的 “It can be very isolating being in a foreign country,” said Brigham, who would know. The 35-year-old is now in his second full season with the Wei Chuan Drago ns of Taiwan’s Chinese Professional Baseball League, the third Asian league in which he has played. Though it has been nearly three years since he was teammate s with Kim, he describes that time as one of the distinct pleasures of his nomad ic career. 布里悍表示在異鄉打球可能會相當的孤立 這位35歲球員現在正在味龍隊度過他的第二個完整賽季 這是他打過的第三個亞洲聯盟 儘管和阿金當隊友已經快三年前的事 但他將那段時間描述為他海外漂泊生涯中獨特的樂趣之一。 “It’s just different when you’re playing with a guy that you can connect with and you care about,” Brigham said. “And he always made me feel that. If he ma de an error or if he felt like he should have made a play that he didn’t, he wa s in my face, like, ‘Jake, I got you next time. That will not happen again.’ A nd he just always took responsibility, but he always cared. And that meant a lot to me and my family, and I truly believe that leads to guys having success in o ther countries, if they can feel that connection.” 布里悍說到 當你和一個你可以交流,並且你關心的人一起打球時 情況就不同 阿金也總是讓有這樣的感覺 發生失誤、他覺得自己應該能完成的play沒完成後 他就會當著我的面說 下次我一定會幫到你,這種事不會再發生了 這對我和我的家人來說意義重大 我堅信,如果人們能夠感受到這種交流 這會讓他們在其他國家取得成功 文章內也提到的當初朴贊浩的招募 In late 2020, when the Padres were attempting to woo a versatile infielder from overseas, the winningest Asian-born pitcher in major-league history got on the p hone. Park had met Kim a couple of years earlier when the Heroes held part of th eir spring training in Arizona. He had heard enough to be intrigued; his best fr iend since elementary school, Won-ki Hong, was the Heroes’ fielding coach. Now, as he spoke with Hong’s protege, Park mentioned an expanding fan base, World S eries ambitions and the natural beauty of San Diego. He also talked about someth ing else. “Living in a new culture, you got to make sure you make new friends, friends who are like family,” said Park, who pitched for the Padres from 2005 t o 2006. “So I told Ha-Seong, ‘Padres ownership is like that.’” 身為教士隊的員工,朴贊浩自然參與了2020年的阿金招募工作 而她和阿金早在之前英雄隊去亞歷桑納春訓時就有見過面 而且他國小最好的朋友也剛好是英雄隊的守備教練xd 朴贊浩告訴阿金說 要能生活在新的環境,你必須確保能結交新朋友,像家人一樣的朋友 而教士正是能讓你做到這件事的地方 That growth did not come easy. Not long after his first season in the majors, wh en he hit .202 and started in just 63 games, Kim discovered evidence of the stre ss he had been under. Beneath his flowing black hair was a bald spot that had pr eviously gone unnoticed. It was about the size of a quarter. “There were moment s where I was really mentally at the lowest point of my career,” Kim said. “I thought maybe I don’t belong here, so maybe I should go back to Korea. “But on the other hand,” Kim added, “it was only my first year. So let’s challenge m yself and see what happens.” It proved to be a year of immersive education 還有第一年阿金打著打著覺得自己實力不屬於這裡 應該要回韓國去xd In major-league history, only four Japanese-born position players have compiled at least 10 career WAR, according to Baseball Reference. Just two Korean-born po sition players — Choo and Kim — have done so. No middle infielder hailing from either country had topped Tadahito Iguchi’s 6.4 WAR. Until Kim, who is deliber ately writing his own unique path. 在bWAR上只有四位日籍野手生涯WAR超過10 然後韓籍野手只有兩位(秋哥/金河成) 此外亞洲籍內野中線生涯WAR 之前最高的是井口資仁(6.4),現在也被阿金(13.0)超越 “There’s a lot of good players in Korea, a lot of young talent,” Kim said. “That’s what motivates me even more to play harder, so that they get more atte ntion from major-league scouts. And then they can start dreaming more about comi ng over here to play. So that gives me big motivation to play even harder so tha t you can see a lot of Korean players in the future.” 提到能讓更多大聯盟球探關注韓職球員 也是他現在打球的一大動力來源 話說最近發現阿金在韓職其實登錄身高是179cm https://i.imgur.com/ceLbhEa.png
所以其實沒有到175cm那麼矮 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1694229726.A.CAE.html
jeyun: 布現在回頭看自己背後的SS們,不知道會不會想念小金 09/09 11:32
WasJohnWall: 阿金!!! 09/09 11:32
flame1030: 我覺得是韓職登入灌水 還是以MLB為準 他絕對沒179 之前 09/09 11:34
flame1030: 看過有幾個韓職身高我也覺得怪怪的 09/09 11:34
RMJU: 推阿金 09/09 11:35
hexokinase: 今天又打得很好 09/09 11:36
flame1030: 你可以用機翻看一下他namu維基的身高備註XD 應該沒翻錯 09/09 11:36
allen0118: 我是覺得如果老布當初是在樂天的話、會比較想念阿金 09/09 11:38
zxc906383: https://i.imgur.com/qA07YlF.png 09/09 11:39
zxc906383: 笑死 阿金偷墊腳喔 09/09 11:40
WasJohnWall: 穿鞋+1吋也不是不行,那178差不多 09/09 11:41
hdotistyle: 阿金真的好圈粉 教士球迷超愛他 09/09 11:41
flame1030: OPS噴了不少 最近擊球狀態20轟真的沒啥希望 希望至少守 09/09 11:41
flame1030: 住一定的OPS 09/09 11:41
KyleBoros: 阿金加油 亞洲中線希望 布里悍看到現在的三遊會哭出來 09/09 11:46
KyleBoros: 嗎 09/09 11:46
s955346: 回到現在:布里悍心想:哎呀這選手不行喔,都打幾年了 09/09 11:50
punk1799: 那就看Betts和金河成站在一起有沒有一樣就知道了 09/09 11:53
JKjohnwick: Mlb是穿鞋量嗎? 09/09 12:06
mikechang829: 現在的布里悍轉頭 : 幹... 又包... 09/09 12:06
losa: 張政禹曾傳昇 09/09 12:16
a0561349: 現在是張政禹曾傳昇 布里悍哭了 09/09 12:17
xo1100: 阿金信心崩盤那段有印象 09/09 12:23
A80211ab: 苦練 09/09 12:27
s458963: 布里悍想回去了 09/09 12:35
nacl0497: 現在背後站兩個會騙挑戰的戳仔,哭啊 09/09 12:41
pl726: 回頭看看現在的游擊雙寶… 09/09 12:52
nctufish: 老外場面話都說的很得體。台灣球員要學學 09/09 12:54
mouse851130: 游擊從阿金換成奈斯哥 布:我真的謝謝你欸 09/09 13:33
manu1235566: 布:後面換成騙挑戰雙寶,當EQ訓練所訓練EQ好了= = 09/09 13:57
k33536: the 蹭 09/09 14:03
afa1919: 阿金才有實力這樣說話 台灣說下次不會然後又繼續失誤 09/09 14:12
pingtung34: 金河成真的厲害 09/09 15:26
arexne: 我記得美國運動員以前是可以穿鞋量身高的 是最近幾年才要 09/09 15:53
arexne: 求要脫鞋量 09/09 15:53
zx246800tw: 推 09/09 17:25
shenjade: 他沒有179 我前兩天才見過本人 09/09 18:12
Co13Yh: 阿金我的超人 09/09 18:20
Mikufans: 推 09/09 18:56