看板 Baseball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://x.com/baseballstatcz/status/1709868493321961665 Czech captain Zyma is looking for some winter playing time overseas! 效力於布拉格鷹的捷克國家隊隊長Petr Zyma https://i.imgur.com/hqjdjKY.png
在這個冬天想要到海外打球啦 以下是他的求職資料 https://reurl.cc/q0rAxn 基本資料 Name: Petr Zyma Height: 188cm Weight: 85kg DOB: July 28, 1989 Date Available: October 31, 2023 Bats: R Throws: R Positions: 2B, 3B Positions (alt): 1B, RF, LF College: Creighton University; Southwestern Oklahoma State University https://i.imgur.com/SB5z0JX.jpg
履歷表 Career Highlights I have been elected captain of the Czech National Team 2 years ago and advancing through WBCQ into the WBC tournament in Tokyo was my biggest achievement and li fetime experience. 兩年前獲選捷克國家隊隊長 並且成功帶領晉級WBC會內賽 I have been also the captain of the Eagles Praha for the last 10 years. 同時他也是捷克聯賽母隊布拉格鷹的隊長(當了十年了) US Universities attented: D1 Creighton University, D2 Southwestern Oklahoma Stat e University 大學時去美國打NCAA Former member of the Czech national teams (U12, U15, U18, U21), 5 combined juven ile European champions attented. Two World Championships attented: U12, U15 European championship gold medals: U15, U21 從U12就開始打國家隊了 海外打球目標 Overseas Goals I would like to experience other baseball cultures, I have played with many play ers that speak highly of such playing experience. 想體驗各國的棒球 I have been also involved with coaching, managing games, running baseball clinic s for players and coaches – I believe this could also be added value that I bri ng with me. I am a kind of guy who likes to makes things happen. I am busy with Czech Extraleague from March till August, and September will be a ll about the national team and our preparation for European Championship. 他3月到8月是捷克聯賽賽季 9月則在備戰國際賽 待過球隊 https://i.imgur.com/XSq3uqu.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1696827295.A.F68.html
outsi: 想來台灣工作,就找艾迪啊 10/09 12:55
sam92084: 可惜冬盟沒有歐洲隊了 10/09 12:56
Edison1174: 可惜這次冬聯沒歐洲隊 10/09 12:56
f22313467: 富邦要了 10/09 12:57
super1315566: 問一下:為什麼這次冬盟沒有歐洲隊? 10/09 12:58
goldseed: 冬聯可以用洋將嗎XD 10/09 12:58
YuXun2021: 冬盟用洋將也太促咪XD 10/09 12:58
Kaberman569: @味全 10/09 12:59
hohohohohoka: 沒歐洲或韓國隊來很大原因都是$$$$$吧 10/09 13:00
nakayamayyt: 就沒人出錢所以沒有歐洲隊 10/09 13:00
yen097605703: 消防員還會計師? 10/09 13:01
chuegou: 澳洲那邊應該會有位置 10/09 13:01
nakayamayyt: 韓國說下半年國際賽多所以不參加冬盟 10/09 13:03
lizard30923: 冬盟練兵性質的,歐洲來打效益相對低很多 10/09 13:04
cd12631: 冬盟台鋼可以找吧 10/09 13:11
applehpsh: 他有經紀人的話應該可以找到去澳職或是中南美冬盟的門 10/09 13:14
applehpsh: 路吧 10/09 13:14
applehpsh: 或是台日看要不要給點名額讓他們幾個來 反正日本也是 10/09 13:15
applehpsh: 有和捷克合作的計畫 10/09 13:15
AAaaron: 來台灣,當消防員 10/09 13:23
Congopenguin: $$$ 而且主要是給職棒新秀練兵的歐洲來打也沒什麼 10/09 13:28
Congopenguin: 用 10/09 13:28
tsaodin0220: 冬盟可以用洋將 當初味全就有用 只是台鋼看起來偏好 10/09 13:32
tsaodin0220: 用日本的 10/09 13:32
moriyaorange: 冬盟應該沒有洋將限制,除了澳洲就只有台鋼了 10/09 13:34
LtoM722: 請來冬盟玩玩也不錯啦增加一點話題性 10/09 13:39
ShW678: 茲瑪 台鋼雄鷹 新入團 10/09 13:41
nh60211as: @台鋼 10/09 13:42
fp737: 冬盟打工 10/09 13:48
Minihil: 錢你出啊 10/09 13:53
JER2725: 澳洲打ABL 10/09 14:03
vovoson: 他這打爽的吧 二三流賽事本來就是練身體的沒什麼錢 10/09 14:07
chris0112: 歐洲球隊來一趟那麼貴 不要花那麼多錢吧 10/09 14:19
RASSIS: 他們不是打球外都有正職嗎? 10/09 14:57
Yan963: Zyma 謀尪 10/09 16:02
WANG064: 二壘手 我喵要了 10/09 17:31