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Talks between the Yankees and Padres about a Juan Soto trade have progressed to the point of exchanging names on players, per @martinonyc San Diego’s initial ask was very high, and the teams are not close to an agreem ent https://twitter.com/TalkinYanks/status/1729887817436926293 雙方的討論已經進展到交換球員名字的程度 不過教士初始的要價非常高,所以目前距離完成交易還很遠 --- 節錄自這篇報導(https://bit.ly/3RoYKrm) While the exact names are not known, the Padres are said to be looking at top pr ospects/rookies like Jasson Dominguez and Anthony Volpe, young major league pitc hers in the Michael King/Clarke Schmidt category, and more. That is standard beh avior at the beginning of trade talks for a superstar player. It was also standa rd behavior for the Yankees to say no, but want to keep talking. 據說教士尋求大物新秀(Dominguez/Volpe)以及年輕的大聯盟先發投手(King/Schmidt) 等 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1701275831.A.1D3.html
flame1030: Volpe?要那麼多游擊幹嘛==11/30 00:50
travis915117: 教士可以賣到明年交易大限 現在開價高不意外11/30 01:03
abc12812: 剩一年約 能換到一個百大就算成功了11/30 01:03
HieryGo: 遊擊海11/30 01:11
ChrisDavis: Volpe再換來那內野是要大整理是不是XD11/30 01:25
saidon: 教士是要收集ss公仔還怎樣11/30 01:50
Tkukevin5566: Giolito半年都可以賣成這樣了Soto這樣差不多吧11/30 01:51
VaROne: Soto願意談長約,洋基交易他才有價值11/30 01:58
gogoDarvish: 這一包談成的話一定很精彩11/30 02:09
Notif520: 這包談成鐵定精彩 11/30 02:10
WildandTough: 再集一個SS守外野啊 蒐集SS就是開心11/30 07:54
sharkpops: 這樣老金明年合約滿 前會不會也被交易掉?11/30 07:57
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 11/30/2023 07:58:40
dknymaster: 老金一起來吧 11/30 07:58
Sechslee: 就看是誰比較急了,教士的薪資結構可能不允許他們拖到 11/30 10:06
Sechslee: 季中 11/30 10:06
appshjkli: 都得借錢了 他們肯定季後得清 11/30 11:06
appshjkli: 再來先發走光 他們不補先發可能嗎? 11/30 11:06
appshjkli: 有能力吃下30M以上再提供MLB Ready投手的球隊沒多少 11/30 11:07
ts012108: 急了 11/30 12:12