看板 Baseball 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://baseball.com.au/news/little-league-girls/ The 2024 Australian Little League Girls Division Championships in Lismore has dr opped. The event, which runs from May 8-12 in Lismore, is the first of its kind. No oth er baseball country has hosted a national championships for a girls only divisio n of the Little League Championships. Little League is one of the most famous participation platforms in international baseball. Little League is for 12U players. The Adelaide Seahorses, West Coast Rays, Victoria Belles, New South Wales Blue, New South Wales White & Brisbane Rebels will each send a roster to compete for t he title of Little League Girl National Champion. 澳洲棒協最近將舉辦全國女子少棒賽(5/8-5/12) 共計六隊會派人參加 依照內文寫也是全球第一個辦全女生少棒比賽的 https://i.imgur.com/M2PahLj.jpeg
給12歲以下的小孩來打 然後最近澳洲也正在舉辦女子成棒的展示會(5/9-5/12) https://reurl.cc/OMVvyD The Adelaide Giants, Brisbane Bandits and Victoria Aces return in May 2024 for t he Australian Women’s Showcase. It’s a professional women’s baseball event, f eaturing the best players from across Australia and nine other international Wor ld Cup players. 聚集了澳洲最好的女子球員+9位外國世界盃代表隊選手來 分成三隊 阿德萊德巨人 布里斯本俠盜 維多利亞王牌 With the Women’s National Championships all finished up, teams are now busy con firming their rosters for the event in Lismore from May 9-12. https://i.imgur.com/VsfiWRC.jpeg
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ct13579: 澳洲有要舉辦女子職棒嗎 05/07 13:49
milleniue: 之前澳職還有位女投手出賽啊 05/07 14:04
milleniue: 澳洲女性運動風氣算是很高的 05/07 14:09
EvenYvonne: 澳洲有個女投超強左投還有140 05/07 14:16
ozformosa: 前幾年有募資要成立女子聯盟,沒達成 05/07 15:49
ct13579: 女子職棒在那一國有可能成真,美國? 05/07 16:01
home16124: 日本有女子職業棒球 05/07 16:15
pt510148: 真的有人會想看女棒的比賽嗎?包的緊緊也不能像女排女 05/07 18:53
pt510148: 網一樣吸眼光 05/07 18:53
iambackhaha: 不要噁了 05/07 20:14
cobras638: 日本的女子職業棒球還有在運作嗎? 05/07 21:09