看板 BaseballXXXX 關於我們 聯絡資訊
李承燁心情不太好XD https://www.mk.co.kr/en/sports/11004925 Coach Lee Seung-yeop continued his unusually strong remarks against Alcantara ah ead of the match against the Samsung Lions in Jamsil on May 1. This is why he ev en mentioned the possibility of replacement. 也提到可能會換掉手肘受傷的Raul Alcantara Manager Lee said, "Alcantara played catch yesterday and today, but I actually ha ve nothing to say. I'm not in a very good mood right now. No one knows when Alca ntara will be back. I think he's the only one who knows. 李承燁:心情不好啦,只有他本人知道啥時能復出 Alcantara was diagnosed with an outer sprain in his right elbow as a result of t reatment at three domestic hospitals. I'm doing catch training, but I'm waiting for a personal doctor's opinion from Alcantara in the United States. We plan to schedule training later as soon as we get an answer," he said. 跑三家韓國醫院診斷是手肘扭傷 但Alcantara 本人正在尋求美國醫生的意見 Alcantara丟出來,我們能撿撿看欸XD 這隻健康的話應該會很殺 但只怕直接壞了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BaseballXXXX/M.1714664668.A.F4B.html
Fitzwilliam: 韓國的崔東原賞投手,到了日本連五號先發都當不好 05/02 23:46
Kaberman569: 喵:勞爾 吱:砍特能 爪:坎德保拉 05/02 23:47
WasJohnWall: 他均速快150不是? 05/02 23:49
bearicheng: 啾:仁武 05/02 23:49
zxc906383: 今年均149 05/02 23:51
WasJohnWall: 他沒傷太重跟大退化的話有可能比當年索沙強吧 05/02 23:51
Fitzwilliam: 另一方面,李承燁會特別討厭洋人嗎? 05/02 23:52
angryhwc: 這幾年幾個韓國輸出日本的都不太能用...... 05/02 23:53
zxc906383: 李應該不是老害 05/02 23:53
Fitzwilliam: Alcantara和Rojas Jr.還剛好同時去阪神@@ 05/02 23:54
zxc906383: 蠻好奇肥迪不是去白襪而是去日職會丟怎樣 05/02 23:56
WasJohnWall: 日收韓的只能收沒大聯盟約的那種吧 Fedde跟Kelly等 05/02 23:59
WasJohnWall: 級不可能的 05/02 23:59
tsaodin0220: 12強不會遇到了 05/03 08:39