看板 Beatles 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://blog.roodo.com/honeypie/archives/52692902.html 12/5 音樂五四三:The Beatles / Rubber Soul五十周年特輯! 週六22:00-00:00 首播、週日15:00-17:00重播 播出曲目: We Can Work It Out (demo) We Can Work It Out (take 1+2) We Can Work It Out (single, mono) Day Tripper (take 1) Day Tripper (single, mono) Drive My Car (album version, mono) Norwegian Wood (take 1) Norwegian Wood (take 4, with false starts) Norwegian Wood (album version, mono) You Won’t See Me (album version, mono) Nowhere Man (album version, mono) Think For Yourself (album version, mono) The Word (album version, mono) Michelle (demo) Michelle (album version, mono) What Goes On? (album version, mono) Girl (backing track) Girl (album version, mono) I’m Looking Through You (early take, 10/24/1965) I'm Looking Through You (album version, mono) In My Life (album version, mono) Wait (album version, mono) If I Needed Someone (album version, mono) Run For Your Life (album version, mono) 正是現在~ 聽John與Paul高歌 看來今晚能有個美好的Ending啦! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Beatles/M.1449326225.A.CE2.html
evils : 請問會有錄音檔能聽嗎? 12/06 12:48
這我不曉得耶,不過3點時有重播, 覺得剖析得蠻深入的,錯過的話還蠻可惜的嘍。 ※ 編輯: zeppelinn (, 12/06/2015 15:14:08
hsnufuji : 我有錄 12/06 17:28
yerblue : 求錄音檔! 12/08 14:24
hsuChen : 求錄音檔+1 12/09 00:22
theBATMAN56 : 錄音檔霸托 12/10 10:08
oasisrose : 二樓人氣+3 12/11 20:11