看板 Beatles 關於我們 聯絡資訊
4/25會在官方YouTube播放 黃色潛水艇 跟唱版 有歌詞字幕! 之前去中山堂看過 覺得很好看的動畫~~ 同時,STAYREAL也推出披頭四聯名 還有今年會上映一部紀錄片《The Beatles: Get Back》 - 原文:https://www.facebook.com/69116329538/posts/10158336265784539/?vh=e&d=n All aboard for the Yellow Submarine Sing-A-Long YouTube Watch Party! This Saturday, 25th April, join us on The Beatles Youtube Channel at 9am PDT / 12pm EDT / 5pm BST for The Beatles’ celebration of love, music, and surfacin g from strange seas into a beautiful world free of the Blue Meanies! Escape with us to a place where, for a little while, nothing is real. Have som e fun! Dress up as your favourite character from the film or in your Beatles f inest. You can set a reminder on the Youtube Watch Page here: https://thebeatles.lnk. to/YellowSubLive Share your photos and videos with us of you singing along at home and tag them #YellowSubLive. Following the film, we’ll be sharing your images and videos on Instagram Stories in our Yellow Submarine Sing-A-Long AfterParty. #YellowSubLive #StayHome and Sing-A-Long #WithMe -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Beatles/M.1587819879.A.A59.html ※ 編輯: blueskymaple ( 臺灣), 04/25/2020 21:05:26
blackpanther: 正在看,太令人感動了 04/26 00:05
blueskymaple: 我也正在看~ 04/26 00:28
blackpanther: Ringo用的這批LSD藥效很強啊XD 04/26 00:47
blackpanther: 天上的露西! 04/26 00:49
blueskymaple: 看一看眼睛好花哈哈哈哈 04/26 00:54
blackpanther: 本人出現了! 04/26 01:28
blackpanther: 結束了,peace and love! 04/26 01:30
evils : 哈哈哈原來大家都有跟上,我一直在youtube的聊天室 04/28 02:45
evils : 發言:這裡也有台灣人嗎XD 04/28 02:45
blueskymaple: 開全螢幕沒看聊天室orz 04/28 16:45
blackpanther: 聊天室留言洗太快了很難注意到 05/07 14:11
blueskymaple: 話說今天在五大看到這部賣98元而已 05/09 00:23