看板 Beyonce 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. Beyonce Beyonce didn't win album of the year for her self-titled triumph, but she easily won the 2015 Grammys for her performance of the Thomas A. Dorsey Gospel classic "Take My Hand, Precious Lord." Her voice was restrained but strong at the beginning, adding a little bit of soul to the track of loss and hope. At the end, her voice was raised to the heavens, but selectively. While other singers might show off their range and ability to nail high notes, Beyonce only projected her voice to the roof when it was absolutely necessary. A true pro. 告示牌列了本屆葛萊美23組表演 並評選碧姐的表演為本屆最佳演出 http://ppt.cc/tJFh 這樣也行 碧神局好威...XD 表演影片(碧官方HD) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcNWxlHaAMo
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Beyonce/M.1423460212.A.D5F.html
npc95123: 但是撻伐聲也有,說葛萊美不尊重原唱Ledisi 02/09 15:26
nttu94310: Ledisi就坐在台下而已說 02/09 16:59
joyride: 比爾伯伯人好好 XD 02/09 17:26
joyride: 也覺得葛萊美這樣安排有點尷尬… 02/09 17:27
anjohn: HD表演!碧姊這造型好美~~ 02/09 18:53
joyride: 中午看的時候就被美到了 >///< 02/09 19:22
anjohn: 碧姊放出Behind The Scenes影片囉~ 02/10 01:07
※ 編輯: h344567 (, 02/10/2015 09:34:18
socrazy: 大家還記得碧姊某年奧斯卡包場這件事嗎XD 02/11 09:05
socrazy: 反正她不尊重原唱也不是一天兩天的事了 哈哈哈哈哈XD 02/11 09:05
socrazy: Bee:who run the world? 碧神局:Beyonce! 02/11 09:06
joyride: 可能會有Bee跟Jay Z的合作專嗎? 02/11 12:16
anjohn: 出張把當今最紅歌手都找來的合作專一起剋一剋啦 02/11 12:53
socrazy: 製作人在紅毯訪問的時候說有可能會有合體專輯 02/11 13:36
socrazy: 一次拉到兩邊的歌迷掏錢去買,應該會很賺XD 02/11 13:37
h344567: 快找泰勒妹ft XD 02/11 14:25
h344567: 還有神鵝 02/11 14:25
earthrise: Etta James當年也不爽啊 02/13 08:58
minilen: 請問碧包場葛來美是哪一年啊? 想看XDD 03/01 13:50
socrazy: 碧包奧斯卡喔~~ 03/03 19:51