看板 Beyonce 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://www.beyonce.com/beygood-housing-assistance/ https://www.beyonce.com/uploads/2020/12/beygood-housing-web-v3.png
天后碧昂絲擬派錢近400萬 助民眾應對住房危機 2020-12-26 18:29 來源:香港商報網  據CNN周六報道,美國流行天后碧昂絲將為100個人提供5000美元(約3.87萬港元)贈款 ,幫助那些在新冠疫情中因欠租而遭遇住房危機的人免受被房東驅趕之苦。  碧昂絲在自己的網站上宣布,從2021年1月7日開始,人們可以申請這筆援助。援助金將 在1月下旬發放給100名被選中的人。  由於疫情導致失業、疾病和整體經濟低迷,許多家庭受到影響。根據預算與政策優先中 心對人口普查資料的分析,估計有920萬租戶在疫情期間失去收入並被迫拖欠租金。  一份新聞稿稱, 美國驅趕房客禁令即將到期。一旦禁令解除,這些租戶將被要求支付全 部欠租,或者向房東提交付款計劃,否則他們會面臨被趕出房子的風險。 [責任編輯:黃逸] http://www.hkcd.com/content/2020-12/26/content_1238757.html When we were faced with the pandemic caused by COVID-19, BeyGOOD created a plan to make a difference. We assisted organizations across the country that were providing people with basic needs like food, water, household supplies and COVID testing. We also provided mental health support. We then launched our BeyGOOD Small Business Impact fund and to date over 250 small businesses have received $10k grants. Beyoncé is continuing her heart of support and helping where needed most. Phase Two of the BeyGOOD Impact Fund will now help those impacted by the housing crisis. The housing moratorium is set to end on December 26th, resulting in mortgage foreclosures and rental evictions. Many families are impacted, due to the pandemic that resulted in job loss, sickness and overall economy downturn. This holiday season, while many are stressed with what they will do next regarding their housing, we are proud to share some GOOD news. Beyoncé is giving $5k grants to individuals and families facing foreclosures or evictions. All necessary documentation must be provided to the NAACP. Online Application process opens January 7, 2021, where 100 recipients will be selected and grants disbursed in late January. Round 2 will open in February. And there’s more holiday GOOD NEWS. Stay tuned next week as we announce the December recipients of the Small Business Impact Fund. #BeyGOOD Keep the Faith Remain in Hope Together we can all Help -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Beyonce/M.1609373998.A.800.html
ricky785785: 推 01/01 01:35