看板 BlackBerry 關於我們 聯絡資訊
crackberry.com是最具權威的blackberry社群 能在上面看到台灣人作品 應該也算台灣之光吧 連結: http://crackberry.com/blackberry-app-roundup-july-18-2014?nopaging=1 截取內文: BPainter Pro by HSU TING YU I actually discovered this application through a Twitter recommendation and I could not be more pleased. While I am artistically challenged there is nothing like an easy to use native BlackBerry 10 drawing application to get the creative juices flowing. The pro version, offers a smooth drawing path, no ads, ability to search and select Flikr images as backgrounds, BlackBerry Express Support and a variety of basic drawing functions. The full version will set you back $1.99 but there is a free version available to try out as well. 雖然僅是輕輕點到, 相信也是對開發者的鼓勵吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BlackBerry/M.1405953427.A.37E.html
cksimon:難怪這幾天好多人買... 我還想說是怎麼回事呢XD 感謝分享 07/22 09:52
samuelwu1222:讚! 07/22 12:19
lazior:強大! 07/22 17:39
gargamel:記得好像有個方案 年底前銷售沒有1萬鎂 bb會給1萬鎂 是嗎 07/22 17:54
gargamel:ck有參加嗎? 還是我記錯 07/22 17:55
lazior:那活動過期囉~~ 07/22 23:53
cksimon:我也賣不到那麼多啊 (看著後台銷售記錄哭泣) 07/24 10:33