看板 BlizzHeroes 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源:https://twitter.com/r_ggHeroes/status/814296418672381952 2017: Sign & Rich taking a break. Black - Ttsst, Reset, Sake, KyoCha, Merryday Miracle - CMoving, Sniper, Darvish, Dami, HongCoNo 原MVP Black陣中的Sign跟Rich暫時休息 MVP Black新陣容: Ttsst(原Miracle), Reset(原Miracle), Sake, KyoCha, Merryday MVP Miracle新陣容: CrazyMoving, Sniper, Darvish, Dami, HongCoNo ------------------------------------------------------------------- I've talked a lot with Rich in the past few weeks about his decision to leave the scene so I think I can shed some light. Basically, Rich was really depressed in the past few months and had no fun in his life and in the game. A lot of stress and pressure, a lot of frustration (he told me "my team is always fighting" but I'm not sure if he meant fighting with each other or against the enemy team), and not a lot of money, to the point that he had to choose his personal happiness over his esport success. He had a lot of anger toward MVP, at the end of 2016 when the contracts ended they offered to all of them new contracts but without paying them because "Blizzard is paying you now". The fact that most of the players blindly accepted was the sign for him that he had to leave. Hide and Lockdown offered him to play in their team (and that would have been the best team in the world in my opinion) but he really needed a break. He said he was going to take a few months to think and find a game that makes him happy. Let's not forget that he is very young at 18. Right now he went back to LoL (currently diamond 2) to see how it goes. He wanted to play Dota but the only korean sponsor in Dota is MVP and he doesn't want to deal with them anymore. He wants to start a stream on Twitch where he would play LoL, Hots, and whatever he feels like. Obviously I was a bit devastated when he told me all of it but I think despite the language barrier he has become a real friend of mine and I support him in whatever he decides to do. Hots competitive lost a lot of its flavor to me tho. It's sad when the best player in the world doesn't want to play the game competitively anymore. 簡易翻譯: 過去幾個月Rich過得非常鬱卒,無論在生活中還是在遊戲中都沒有樂趣,太多的壓力和挫折(他的隊伍相互之間總有爭執),並且沒賺到很多錢,以至於他不得不選擇他的個人快樂而捨棄電競成功。 他對MVP俱樂部有很大的不滿,在2016年底合約結束時,MVP俱樂部給他們所有人提供了新的合約,但是沒給薪水(!!!)因為暴雪現在會支付給他們。大部分玩家接受的事實是 他不得不離開。Hide和Lockdown邀請他去他們隊伍,但是他真得需要休息一下。他說他需要花幾個月時間去思考,並找到一個讓他快樂的遊戲。不要忘了他還很年輕才18歲。 現在他又回去玩英雄聯盟了(目前鑽石2)去看看這遊戲現在怎麼樣了。他想玩Dota但是在Dota領域唯一的韓國贊助商還是MVP而他不想再跟他們打交道了。他想在Twitch開個直播玩英雄聯盟,風暴英雄或者無論什麼他喜歡的。 另外 https://twitter.com/r_ggHeroes/status/814490239611863040 https://twitter.com/MVPRich1/status/814459110712221696 "On reddit comments from henrax, I only said I'm having a difficult time with the new contract, never the specifics. Not all of it is true" "About team atmosphere, I only said we're having a hard time" r_gg翻譯了rich本人的回應 rich表示他只有跟henrax提到關於新合約的事他很苦惱 以及隊內氣氛不是太和睦 並沒有提及其他細節 henrax發表的這篇內容並非完全符合事實 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 我是覺得dami可以直接拉上mvp b,畢竟是狼人王(!?) -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BlizzHeroes/M.1483072769.A.DDA.html
Austin820920: Sign跟Rich一個夏季賽被針對,一個黃金決賽被針對, 12/30 12:59
Austin820920: 又有戰隊問題難免鬱卒吧 12/30 12:59
qqq35027zzz: 他離開了近刺要看誰學QQ 12/30 13:31
free120: 沒Sign和Rich mvp打屁啊... 12/30 13:31
comes111: 雖然不該這麼說…但是LOL比英霸有機會多了 12/30 13:36
wax96857: 其實才沒機會吧?人多競爭多 12/30 13:54
terry79: 話說BLX不贊助L5了? 12/30 14:28
joe675029: 不過說實話 black的後排確實都沒lockdown或scsc強 12/30 15:18
joe675029: 他覺得被拖累或常吵架可想而知 12/30 15:19
z83420123: LOL才更沒機會八 競爭者太多 12/30 16:58
z83420123: 就像SC說的一樣英霸當選手最大好處就是競爭少 12/30 16:59
dnek: 好想再看他們重回大魔王之姿啊 12/30 17:36