看板 BlizzHeroes 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Production Director Kaeo Milker出來跟英霸玩家打招呼, 更新一下自從噩耗發布後內部的一些近況 Greetings, Heroes! I wanted to check in and give everyone an update following our latest announcements. 往後數月已經規劃的內容會照舊進行(應是已製作完成) 很快我們的第85隻英雄就會開始測試,也會有伴隨的主題活動與英雄重製 First, the next few months will unfold much like we’d originally planned. In fact, our 85th hero will be announced soon before hitting the PTR the first week of January, and that hero will be followed by a string of cool events and hero reworks en route to our next hero release. 再之後的規劃,我們英霸團隊內部還在討論。 雖然部門縮減,但是仍有產能。目前能給大家的資訊不多,我們會持續更新消息。 What we want to do beyond those releases is currently under discussion across the Heroes of the Storm team. The plans moving forward are going to be focused on the things that the Heroes team and all of you in our community are excited for. Our team has always thrived when we’re working on things we ’re passionate about. While our team is smaller, we’re a fully functional group of developers who can create the features and content we all want, in time. I know everyone is eager to hear more, but we’re still in the early stages of these conversations, so we’ll share updates once the team has made some decisions. 目前我們主要討論每次更新的頻率以及內容,還有遊戲的一些核心機制, 讓英霸可以更好。 包括: 完成英雄標籤的重定位 完成階級賽(Ranked Play)的改進 讓玩家可以直接用鑽石買特定外觀 讓金幣可以用來購買更多外觀與坐騎 下一個patch我們就會對快速對戰跟階級賽的配對機制做修正 And while I can’t give you all the details just yet, I will also say that we ’re actively discussing not only the right cadence for our patches and content – we’re also reconsidering some very core areas of the game to identify more ways we can make Heroes even better for players. Just a few of the many things we’re currently discussing include: Finalizing the Hero Role overhaul Timing for rolling out the Ranked Play consolidation and improvements we discussed at BlizzCon Bringing back the ability to directly purchase individual skins with Gems Adding the ability to get more content like skins and mounts with Gold More immediately, we just had a balance patch on Wednesday which will be followed closely by additional matchmaking changes to both Quick Match’s queue times and to the division spread used for matching high-level players in Ranked modes. Please check out the patch notes for all the details on the balance changes and be on the lookout for our matchmaking forum post as those improvements roll out. 結論:我們仍然努力生內容給大家,請大家繼續支持。 桌遊活動因為廣受歡迎所以延續到二月,玩家最多可以刷50次桌遊,盡量玩吧! So, in summary: meaningful changes are here now, and more content and updates are on the way shortly. As we move into the new year, please be valiant with us as we take some time to evaluate our new approach to all the exciting things we want to do. And as always, please share your thoughts on what you would like to see in 2019 while letting us know how we can continue improving this game that we all love. Lastly, the team has been having a ton of fun with the Most Amazingest Board Game Ever and we’ve decided to extend our Winter Toy Event into February to give everyone more chances to play. The game can be completed 50 times during the event for up to 50 free Rare Toy Chests, so have fun, and we hope you enjoy the event as much as we do! Thanks, Kaéo -- 怎麼說呢... 感覺維生系統已經安裝好嚕~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BlizzHeroes/M.1545447381.A.E60.html
o07608: 要不要順便裝個葉克膜 12/22 10:59
※ 編輯: jedimull (, 12/22/2018 11:00:34
chen00: 不期不待,不受傷害 12/22 11:08
Aliensoul: 暴雪:手術成功,病人已死 12/22 11:22
hjbe5932: 不是已經拔管丟在安寧病房了嗎? 12/22 11:28
bikabikachu: 已經做完的會慢慢放出來,剩下的就看天吧 12/22 11:29
hitsukix: 第86隻可以放到2019/12再更新了 12/22 11:30
knok: 英霸到底是惹到誰啊 有虧到抽走大部分人嗎? 12/22 11:34
hitsukix: 投入/收益應該讓上面很不滿意吧 也給了一段時間試了 12/22 11:36
bikabikachu: 英霸真的火就不會一直在英霸要火階段了 12/22 11:38
Basedon: 葉克膜 12/22 12:11
aggressorX: 我猜BZ徵不到人才來做遊戲的關係 英霸有賺錢 就算不 12/22 12:13
aggressorX: 紅也還是有潛力 端看設計師如何處理 12/22 12:13
aggressorX: 同一批人到處串場只是讓同一種思維架構一直延續 12/22 12:15
strray: 潛力太多年了 動視看不下去了吧 12/22 12:16
gundam0613: 先把ow角刪掉再來談平衡更新吧 12/22 12:35
poptask: 動視要朝手遊公司發展了 誰管你PC成本高又賺不多 12/22 12:42
qscgg: 各位!插管成功!恭喜恭喜! 12/22 12:47
smashgdi: 直接全腳色skin大放送算了 12/22 12:58
theyolf: 手尤要倒了時候不都會開抽抽大放送嗎 英霸不來個免費箱子 12/22 13:21
theyolf: 開到爽 傳奇機率50%嗎 12/22 13:21
killer922: 把暗黑系統抓去魔獸世界用 這樣的高層還能期待他們用 12/22 14:13
killer922: 心嗎 12/22 14:13
killer922: 前一版這樣現在還是這樣 英霸還直接放生? 幹你BZ 12/22 14:14
wow924: 開全英雄了啦 在那邊死撐 12/22 15:13
Vincent4: 仍有產能,呵呵呵 12/22 15:13
biglafu: 桌遊活動因為廣受歡迎<--有嗎?? 12/22 16:54
biglafu: 刷50次.....我一次就覺得不想再刷了 12/22 16:54
yuiweq1999: 不要期待不要花錢不受傷害 12/22 17:20
shinobunodok: 不用瞎掰了 大家心都涼了 12/22 17:21
sillymon: 可能WOW七版這招抓別IP團隊來做獲得一點成效,所以他們 12/22 18:22
sillymon: 打算再複製一次ㄅ....不過我覺得這樣搞就算有利益可圖, 12/22 18:23
sillymon: 也會把本來的核心理念轉換掉 12/22 18:24
watwmark: 只是有賺錢不夠吧 之前看文章說暴雪的營收還不如手遊 12/22 18:38
watwmark: 公司 12/22 18:38
Kulan: 反正我現在連更新都懶了 12/22 18:41
jedimull: 說實話桌遊活動我真的覺得還不錯 算是一個額外的點綴 12/22 20:38
jedimull: 不過現在做甚麼 都會讓人家聯想到資源回收再利用... 12/22 20:38
KMSNY: 不如手遊是事實吧 轉蛋課金太好賺 12/22 20:41
KMSNY: 不過一樣是做遊戲 有人選擇當魏應充 也會有人當10元阿嬤 12/22 20:45
hitsukix: 桌遊真的刷一圈就不想刷...有的太拖台錢.. 12/22 23:07
t7yang: RICH 最近一部片錄了一段話,感覺非常難過,不敢置信 12/22 23:34
t7yang: 這些職業玩家也真的很慘,一夕失業、也失去自己的熱情所在 12/22 23:34
felaray: 他說了甚麼? 12/22 23:40
t7yang: 難以置信、每天不打hots不習慣、重複問聯賽就這樣沒有了 12/22 23:48
t7yang: 之類的問題,還說他有哭,影片最後講著講著也看得出眼眶 12/22 23:49
t7yang: 泛紅。粉絲也有支持他 12/22 23:49
felaray: 這倒是真的 雜魚玩家都很傷心了 何況投注這麼多的選手 12/22 23:51
BDBB: Rich說現在情況就像OLG要關服了 大家等著集合拍大合照的感傷 12/23 01:21
r1006274: 沒辦法現實 垃圾手遊比英霸糞百倍 但有可能賺百倍 12/23 13:05
waloloo: 馬的我全角色買齊了結果倒閉www 12/23 14:34
waloloo: 原來是因為爐石一季一單英霸免費仔QQ 12/23 14:34
devil0915: 改手遊有機會紅,認真 12/26 09:41