看板 Blur 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好~~~(傳來空蕩的回音......) 今天是parklife的中譯(阿你標題不就說過了 這首歌原來比我原本想像的難懂, 翻起來吃力的原因是內含超多比喻, 問了英國blur社團裡面也是眾說紛紜, 總之當作參考,我儘量把我找到的資料和比喻當作參考資料來融入翻譯了, 還是不夠順就大家幫忙指正囉~ (是說這裡有人會理我...的吧哈哈) Parklife 流浪生活 Confidence is a preference for the habitual voyeur of what is known as (Parkli fe) *1 And morning soup can be avoided if you take a route straight through what is k nown as* (Parklife) John's got brewer's droop he gets intimidated by the dirty pigeons, they love a bit of him (Parklife) Who's that gut lord marching, you should cut down on your porklife mate, get s ome exercise 大家都知道自信是種慣性偷窺的癖好 就像(PARKLIFE) 大家都知道晨起別鳥那些瑣事簡單就好 就像(PARKLIFE) 酗酒所以不舉的約翰被那幾隻髒鴿子嚇到,他們都有點愛他 (PARKLIFE) 哪來的肥國王遊行啊!別再暴食啦,給我去做點運動啊! (Chorus) All the people So many people And hey all go hand-in-hand Hand-in-hand through their parklife 所有的人 這麼多人 大家手牽手 牽手走向他們的流浪生活 Know what I mean? 懂嗎? I get up when I want except on Wednesdays when I get rudely awakened by the du stmen (Parklife) I put my trousers on, have a cup of tea and I think about leaving the house (P arklife) I feed the pigeons, I sometimes feed the sparrows too It gives me a sense of enormous well-being (Parklife) And then I'm happy for the rest of the day safe in the knowledge there will always be a bit of my heart devoted to it 我每天早上都睡到自然醒,除了禮拜三被掃地工沒禮貌的吵醒 (PARKLIFE) 我穿上褲子,喝杯茶,想著等下要出門 (PARKLIFE) 我餵鴿子,有時也餵燕子 這樣我覺得我超善良 (PARKLIFE) 接著就整天覺得開心, 安心地認為我有顆犧牲奉獻的心 (Chorus) Parklife *4 It's got nothing to do with Vorsprung durch Technik*, you know? (Parklife) (Pa rklife) and it's not about you joggers who go round and round and round (Parklife) (Pa rklife) 科技領導創新也不能怎樣,你知道嗎? (PARKLIFE) (PARKLIFE) 而且也跟你們這些繞繞繞不停地慢跑人沒關係 (PARKLIFE) (PARKLIFE) (Chorus) (Chorus) * 譯註 1. 此處意指偷窺別人生活後的比較心態。 2. 意指每早起床出門前的那些瑣事 3. Vorsprung durch Technik 為 AUDI的全球廣告詞,官方中譯為科技領導創新。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Blur/M.1601116759.A.B20.html
casd82: ALL THE PEOPLE 09/27 01:57
color5bird: SO MANY PEOPLE~~(跟著唱 09/27 10:27
cherified: 推 09/28 00:15
Eeli2008: blur的詞總是能尖銳又好笑 10/03 22:57