看板 Blur 關於我們 聯絡資訊
咳咳...因為在跑render實在閒翻, 為各位端上熱呼呼的Tracy Jacks Tracy Jacks在Damon原本的歌詞中 寫做Tracey Jacks,各位想得沒錯, 這就只是個人名~ 這首歌是在Blur推出一系列的Britpop歌曲中,創作出所謂「虛構人物」的諷刺歌曲, 除了這首以外,這系列可說是他們當時在奠定 BritPop歌曲的指標。 有趣的是,專輯內的歌詞本中展示的畫作為 Graham所描繪的一名頭頂光禿且身穿花洋裝 的中年男子,為此歌曲的人物範例(誤)。* [*編按,這小段是我在網路上查到的資料, 我的CD本本是從來捨不得打開,所以也忘記 裡面長怎樣了~待我回家看看本子的圖片再來 跟大家更新一下~] 以下歌詞翻譯~ Tracy Jacks (Tracy Jacks) works in civil service (Tracy Jacks) it's steady employment (Tracy Jacks) is a golfing fanatic (Tracy Jacks) but his put is erratic (Tracy Jacks) saw a Harley Street doctor (Tracy Jacks) who prescribed healthy living (Tracy Jacks) but he's getting past forty (Tracy Jacks) and all the seams are splitting (Tracy Jacks) 在市民中心工作 (Tracy Jacks) 這是穩定的收入 (Tracy Jacks) 他有高爾夫狂熱 (Tracy Jacks) 但他推桿超不穩 (Tracy Jacks) 他在哈里街看病* (Tracy Jacks) 他過著規律生活 (Tracy Jacks) 但他已年過四十 (Tracy Jacks) 卻都已分崩離析 Everyday he got closer He knew in his heart he was over I'd love to stay here and be normal But it's just so overrated 日子一天天逼近 他知道他快完蛋 說想當個普通人 但真的只是吹噓 (Tracy Jacks) left home without warning (Tracy Jacks) at five in the morning (Tracy Jacks) got on the first train to walton (Tracy Jacks) and stood on the seafront (Tracy Jacks) threw his clothes in the water (Tracy Jacks) and ran around naked (Tracy Jacks) got stopped by the police (Tracy Jacks) and escorted back home (Tracy Jacks) 無預警離家出走 (Tracy Jacks) 在大清早五點鐘 (Tracy Jacks) 上了沃頓首班車 (Tracy Jacks) 就這樣站在海邊 (Tracy Jacks) 脫光衣服丟水裡 (Tracy Jacks) 一絲不掛的裸奔 (Tracy Jacks) 直到警察攔下他 (Tracy Jacks) 然後被護送回家 Well, everyday he got closer He knew in his heart he was over I'd love to stay here and be normal But then it's just so overrated 日子一天天逼近 他知道他快完蛋 說想當個普通人 但真的只是吹噓 Tracy Jacks Tracy Jacks Tracy Jacks Tracy Jacks And then it happened on a Tuesday morning Tracy Jacks bulldozed down the house he lived in Saying it's just so overrated 一切發生在週二早晨 他用推土機推倒房子 說著這只是吹噓過頭 Tracy Jacks Tracy Jacks Tracy Jacks Tracy Jacks Everyday he got closer He knew in his heart he was over I'd love to stay here and be normal But it was always overrated 日子一天天逼近 他知道他快完蛋 說想當個普通人 但真的只是吹噓 *譯註 Harley Street:哈里街,倫敦著名百年醫療街。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Blur/M.1601363628.A.5DF.html
color5bird: https://wawablahblah.blogspot.com/ 這邊我也有同步09/29 16:13
color5bird: 更新,為免廣告嫌疑,就只會po這一次連結~09/29 16:13
cherified: 推09/29 16:49
更新** 還真的找到圖了! 各位觀眾,讓我們歡迎TRACY JACKS! https://i.imgur.com/najpcJN.jpg
※ 編輯: color5bird ( 臺灣), 09/29/2020 20:16:52
Mews: 我覺得這首超Blur的 光聽前奏就讓人想跟著吹口哨 09/29 20:18
color5bird: 我覺得Blur每首都超有特色的~都好愛喔! 09/29 20:26
Mews: 對啊 每個時期喜歡的歌曲不一樣 有段時間我常聽Out Of Time 09/29 23:23
MochiHitler: 我想點bang ! 09/30 00:50
color5bird: 好喔!不過我要先搞清楚到底什麼是SDT 真的超難懂 09/30 10:10