看板 Blur 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Trimm Trab 其實是Adidas 的一雙經典鞋款, 麂皮材質加上三條斜槓的外觀。有興趣的話 可以google看看,這裡歌名刻意重複字尾應 該是為了避免某些品牌專利問題~翻譯裡面 抱歉我有用了注音,因為實在是找不到更貼 切的字哈哈哈 然後我發現歌好多我怎麼翻不完啊啊啊... (這時候突然有點慶幸他們專輯不多XD) 中文翻譯這邊~ Trimm Trabb I got no style I'll take my time All those losers on the piss again I dose dose away That's just the way it is That's just the way it is 我沒特色 就慢慢來 魯蛇們又喝ㄎㄧㄤ 這關我屁事 反正這就是這樣 反正這就是這樣 I've got Trimm Trabb Like the flash boys have And I can't go back Let it flow, let it flow I sleep alone I sleep alone 我有雙Trim Trabb 像那些潮男有的 反正我回不去了 隨便他去 隨便 獨自睡去 獨自睡去 That's just the way it is Just the way it is Just the way it is Just the way it is Just the way it is That's just the way it is 反正這就是這樣 這只是這樣 *4 反正這就是這樣 I got Trimm Trabb Like the flash boys have And I can't go back Let it flow, let it flow I sleep alone I sleep alone I sleep alone I sleep alone 我有雙Trim Trabb 像那些潮男有的 反正我回不去了 讓他奔流 漂浮 獨自睡去 *4 I got no style I'll take my time All those losers on the piss again I dose dose away It's just the way it is It's just the way it is 我沒特色 我慢慢來 魯蛇們又喝ㄎㄧㄤ 這關我屁事 反正這就是這樣 反正這就是這樣 I've got Trimm Trabb Like the flash boys have And I can't go back Let it flow, let it flow I sleep alone I sleep alone I sleep alone I sleep alone 我有雙Trim Trabb 像那些潮男有的 反正我回不去了 隨便他去 隨便 獨自睡去 *4 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Blur/M.1603175309.A.4A1.html ※ 編輯: color5bird ( 臺灣), 10/20/2020 14:37:25
cherified: 這首聽了會想穿球鞋運動,是好事(讚 10/20 15:08
cherified: blur的前奏常常讓人海選後會想聽下去(trimm trabb, MO 10/20 15:16
cherified: R 10/20 15:16
cherified: charmless man, coffee tv之類) 10/20 15:16
cherified: 糟糕要找出他們前奏不怎樣的歌好像沒有XD 10/20 15:17
cherified: 我個人聽歌是很在乎前奏,沒印象的話很容易跳過 10/20 15:17
cherified: 但blur的前奏旋律性很強所以我幾乎不跳過都會乖乖聽完X 10/20 15:18
cherified: D 10/20 15:18
color5bird: 我常常覺得很困擾,他們幾乎每一首都讓我沒辦法半途 10/20 15:19
color5bird: 按停止鍵XD 唯一一首是intermission XDDDD 10/20 15:19
Eeli2008: 我不喜歡的是 On Your Own 感覺半調子嘻哈XD 10/20 20:37
homechen1990: 超愛這首 有一段時間睡前會當晚安曲www 10/20 21:39
color5bird: https://i.imgur.com/2Nc60io.jpg 10/21 00:42
color5bird: 我的睡覺歌單 XD 10/21 00:42
homechen1990: XDDD 我之前晚安曲也有「你腿內的電池」(握 10/21 20:53
color5bird: 握! 10/21 21:24