看板 Blur 關於我們 聯絡資訊
moroccan people revolutionary bowls club 歌詞中譯 今天這首是一首很符合Think Tank封面 Banksy畫作的反戰+環保之歌! 第一段應該是指與其擔心火箭之類的,雨林的 濫伐使得地球缺氧才是我們該擔心的問題。 而第二段可能是指伊拉克/阿富汗的戰爭問題 下面歌詞翻譯喔! Moroccan people revolutionary bowls club The trees are spinning oxygen They're the rockets we should fear If we go and let 'em off then we will disappear Yeah, we will disappear, surely, we will disappear 樹木供應氧氣不足 那才是我們該畏懼的爆裂物 如果我們就醬放任它 我們會消失 對 我們會消失 廢話 我們會消失 The road is hot and dusty, the desert needs a beer But if we go and blow it up then we will disappear We will disappear, surely, we will disappear 馬路炎熱塵土飛揚 沙漠需要杯啤酒 如果我們不鳥他 我們會消失 我們會消失 當然 我們會消失 If we go and blow it up then we will disappear We will disappear, surely, we will disappear We will disappear, surely, we will disappear We will disappear, surely, we will disappear We will disappear, surely, we will disappear We will disappear -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Blur/M.1608734429.A.C6A.html