看板 Braves 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Braves suspend Uggla one game, add Gosselin Sources indicate veteran second baseman was late to game Saturday CHICAGO -- When it was revealed in May that the Braves were not willing to make the seemingly sensible decision to release Dan Uggla, there was reason to wonder when the frustration of being a seldom-used bench player would lead him to cause a problem in the clubhouse. Some indication was provided on Sunday when the Braves suspended Uggla for one game. Though manager Fredi Gonzalez opted not to discuss the matter, multiple sources have said Uggla arrived late for Saturday afternoon's game against the Cubs. While it may not be the first time Uggla has arrived late, Gonzalez did not provide any answers. Uggla, who was not permitted to be at Wrigley Field on Sunday, was unavailable for comment. "I'm not gonna say anything, other than it's an internal matter," Gonzalez said. "That's the way I like to handle stuff, and that's the way the Atlanta Braves like to handle things and that's it. "You can ask me that question 400 ways and my answer is gonna be that we'll handle it internally." The Braves had an open roster spot because right-hander Pedro Beato was optioned to the Minors on Saturday, so they called up infielder Philip Gosselin from Triple-A Gwinnett to essentially take Uggla's place for a day. Gosselin, who was recently named to the International League All-Star Game, was batting .345 with five home runs, 30 RBIs and 56 runs scored this season while playing mostly second base. "He's had a terrific first half of the Triple-A season," Gonzalez said. "We'll see if he can help us win a ballgame today, whether he's off the bench or pinch-hitting or defense or any of that stuff. "[Gosselin] is a super-utility guy because he can play the outfield and he can handle the bat, too. He's gotten used to that role." Uggla is owed approximately $20 million until his contract expires at the conclusion of the 2015 season. While many fans have said the Braves should simply see this as a sunk cost and release the veteran second baseman, the club does not share this view. Sources have indicated that releasing Uggla would impact some of the club's other financial commitments and loans. The Braves have been unsuccessful in their attempts to try to trade Uggla this past offseason. While they would still love to move him, they certainly are not finding much of a market for a 34-year-old veteran who has batted .074 with a .242 on-base percentage in the 33 plate appearances he has totaled dating back to May 6. Uggla has batted .182 with a .646 OPS in his past 284 games. Just two years ago, he was elected to serve as the National League's starting second baseman in the All-Star Game. Gonzalez doesn't believe the discipline will become a distraction or a problem in the Braves' clubhouse. "I have a pretty good pulse of our clubhouse, and I just came in and made a quick pass around the clubhouse," he said about two hours before the game. "If anybody wants to talk to me, my door is always open and they know that. So far, right now I haven't gotten anything. "Again, we like to handle our stuff internally. I think that's the best way to do it. Anytime you start airing things publicly, that's not good for anybody. We'll keep it internally, keep it as a family and we'll go from there." http://ppt.cc/-uNU 究~竟~~~Uggla 還能在陣中待多久呢~~~ 讓我們繼續看下去......... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Braves/M.1405297468.A.70C.html
simonown :TLS打成這樣 大概永遠不會再有Uggla的空間了..(嘆) 07/14 08:28
lowl99 :打這麼爛還有意思上場,這季打完就認賠釋出吧~ 07/14 10:35
ben5277 :簽打者的運氣遠遠不如簽投手 @@ 07/14 11:18
MKAngelheart:Uggla今年只有一場打超好 其他就..... 07/14 13:08
bosskiller :我以為會DFA勒 07/14 19:15
simonown :據說禁賽是手段拖延DFA的時間而已..感覺是遲早的 07/14 19:30
turkeyma :今年如果最後就以一場勝差贏了國民拿到國東冠軍 07/14 22:01
turkeyma :還是要感謝阿瓜那支八下神來一筆逆轉滿貫砲 07/14 22:02
opqasd :如果Uggla被丟掉, Gosselin拉上來 07/15 09:58
opqasd :Kubitza或是Peraza應該至少有一個會被拉到Gwinnett 07/15 09:59
opqasd :這兩個OPS在Mississippi都快超過0.9 07/15 10:00
synchron :Peraza不是剛上去而已~ 07/15 11:06
opqasd :打了20場, .374/.400/.484, 最近4場12支安打 07/15 13:53
opqasd :在Lynchburg打66場, .342/.364/.454 07/15 13:54
opqasd :有文章說修了一下他的打擊姿勢, 讓他揮棒速度快一點 07/15 16:25
opqasd :他反方向安打蠻多的, 就剛好打過內野手頭頂 07/15 16:26
opqasd :不過目前看起來2A的投手也拿他沒甚麼辦法 07/15 16:26
opqasd :反正你投內投外他都是能打到球, 揮棒很精簡 07/15 16:27
opqasd :再上去看看他會不會被更好的速球剋住 07/15 16:27
opqasd :Kubitza今年BABIP超過.400, 運氣可能佔一點成分 07/15 16:28
opqasd :不過他今年平飛球打了很多, 這點也反映在他2,3壘打 07/15 16:29
opqasd :比起去年增加不少. 就算BABIP下修, 他BB跟K rate 07/15 16:30
opqasd :也都跟去年差不多, 成績不會完全是假貨 07/15 16:31
opqasd :他4月打不好, 5,6,7三個月OPS都超過0.9, 還一個月 07/15 16:32
opqasd :比一個月高 07/15 16:33
opqasd :Peraza打的時候對方外野手都守蠻淺的 07/15 17:17
synchron :Uggla去了巨人...希望不要到時候被回頭重擊 07/22 11:37
synchron :巨人好像也收了不少前勇士~ 07/22 11:38
duppy :樓上你說強投Hudson ? 07/22 20:55
cj910 :還有 Blanco 跟 Hicks 07/22 21:14