看板 Braves 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Chris Bassitt Another Oakland player that could be on the move, Bassitt has become an ace fo r the A’s. Given he only has one year left on his contract, he will surely be moved if the A’s undergo a mini-rebuild as they often do. Bassitt is project ed to earn $8.8 million in arbitration for the 2022 season, so he makes sense for the Braves for several reasons. He’s a bargain financially, wouldn’t cos t an arm and a leg in terms of prospect capital, and the Braves wouldn’t be b locking any of their ultra-talented pitching prospects long term. 另一個運動家可能會離開的,Bassitt是運動家王牌,他只剩最後一年的仲裁。如果運動 家要小重建他會被交易,預測他2022年的薪資會是8.8M,所以勇勇有很多理由追他,比如 說價錢、交易他也不會動到農場主力,然後也不會擋到勇勇的年輕投手。 孤陋寡聞對他不熟 Frinkie Montas Montas is the third Oakland A’s player to make Bowden’s list, so you can tel l he thinks the A’s will be selling. Montas is coming off the best year of hi s career, posting a 3.37 ERA and finishing sixth in the AL Cy Young race. Howe ver, it was the first year of his career in which he’s ever thrown over 100 i nnings. For that reason, the A’s could be looking to sell high, and they shou ld receive pretty good value in return, given Montas is under team control thr ough 2023. 剛投出生涯年的Montas,3.37ERA和CY第六名,也是第一次投超過100局,就這個理由來說 運動家可能會想賣他在高點,而他們應該會收到不錯的回報,因為他還能控制到2023年。 這隻看起來比較有變數XD 比較想要Jon Gray啊呵呵。 但我們沒錢啊XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Braves/M.1637921235.A.F59.html ※ 編輯: kingwei520 ( 臺灣), 11/26/2021 18:10:57
kingwei520 : Jon Gray被簽走了,4年56M,其實不貴 11/29 12:17
kingwei520 : 勇勇是真的沒錢嗎?還是要梭哈Freeman? 11/29 12:17
kingwei520 : 可是SP再補一個不是更穩嗎?Wood嗎? 11/29 12:18