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官方版本70.0預計在 2019年10月22日(美國時間) 台灣時間10月23日 更新 更新日誌 https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/69.0/releasenotes/ New: Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP) rolls out stronger privacy protections: The default standard setting for this feature now blocks third-party tracking cookies and cryptominers. The optional strict setting blocks fingerprinters as well as the items blocked in the standard setting. The Block Autoplay feature is enhanced to give users the option to block any video that automatically starts playing, not just those that automatically play with sound. For our users in the US or using the en-US browser, we are shipping a new “New Tab” page experience that connects you to the best of Pocket’s content. Support for the Web Authentication HmacSecret extension via Windows Hello now comes with this release, for versions of Windows 10 May 2019 or newer, enabling more passwordless experiences on the web. Support for receiving multiple video codecs with this release makes it easier for WebRTC conferencing services to mix video from different clients. For our users on Windows 10, you’ll see performance and UI improvements: Firefox will give Windows hints to appropriately set content process priority levels, meaning more processor time spent on the tasks you're actively working on, and less processor time spent on things in the background (with the exception of video and audio playback). For our existing Windows 10 users, you can easily find and launch Firefox from a shortcut on the Win10 taskbar. For our users on macOS, battery life and download UI are both improved: macOS users on dual-graphics-card machines (like MacBook Pro) will switch back to the low-power GPU more aggressively, saving battery life. Finder on macOS now displays download progress for files being downloaded. JIT support comes to ARM64 for improved performance of our JavaScript Optimizing JIT compiler. Fixed: Various security fixes https://www.mozilla.org/security/advisories/mfsa2019-25/ Changed: As previously announced in the Plugin Roadmap for Firefox, the "Always Activate" option for Flash plugin content has been removed. Firefox will now always ask for user permission before activating Flash content on a website. With the deprecation of Adobe Flash Player, there is no longer a need to identify users on 32-bit version of the Firefox browser on 64-bit version operating systems reducing user agent fingerprinting factors providing greater level of privacy to our users as well as improving the experience of downloading other apps. Firefox no longer loads userChrome.css or userContent.css by default improving start-up performance. Users who wish to customize Firefox by using these files can set the toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets preference to true to restore this ability. Enterprise: For Enterprise system administrators that manage macOS computers, we begin shipping a Mozilla signed PKG installer to simplify your deployments. Developerhttps://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/69 For our mobile web developers, we have migrated remote debugging from the old WebIDE into a re-designed about:debugging, making debugging GeckoView on remote devices via USB rock solid. The network panel will now show blocked resources to allow developers to best understand the impact of content blocking and ad blocking extensions given our ongoing expansion of Enhanced Tracking Protection to all users with this release. The new event listener breakpoint feature allows developers to pause on a host of different event types, whether it be related to animations, DOM, media, mouse, touch, worker, and many other event types. Firefox Developer Tools now offers an audit for the presence of text alternatives for non-text content, the a11y panel checks toolbar has been augmented to better help developers adhere to WCAG Guideline 1.1. 官方載點: http://mozilla.com.tw/firefox/download/?os=win&install=full 另一個載點: http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-69.0&lang=zh-TW&os=win Mozilla的FTP伺服器: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/ Unbranded版本︰ https://wiki.mozilla.org/Add-ons/Extension_Signing#Unbranded_Builds -- ▆ █★☆完美魅力--林潤娥★☆☆★☆★☆☆★◢█◣◢█◣★☆☆★ ☆★█ █☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆██████★☆ ◥███ ◢█◣ ◢█◣ █◢◣ ◢█◣ 記得第一次看鱷魚笑的小鹿嗎◣ ☆★☆★☆█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █☆★☆☆★☆★◥██◤☆★☆★☆★☆ ███◤ ◥█◤ ◥█◤ █ █ ◥██◣☆★☆☆★◥◤☆★Ψwilliam803 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Browsers/M.1567517867.A.010.html ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 09/03/2019 21:42:01 ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 09/03/2019 21:42:16
a0193143: Mactype在69會GG 09/04 03:44
Kagero: 那就別用了 09/04 10:12
a0193143: 沒辦法,Windows的渲染太醜了 09/04 11:32
Kagero: 聽起來是美術系 幫你苦逼 09/04 11:47
moocow: block autoplay對雅虎新聞還是無用啊 QQ 09/04 16:52
crescent3: 現在預設是點同一個網域的連結不會擋自動播放 試試 09/04 21:03
crescent3: media.autoplay.enabled.user-gestures-needed = false 09/04 21:03
aiwheat: 不小心被自動更新了,降版回去68,網頁又開不起來== 09/05 17:47
Bolty: 降版後用原本的profile開不起來 09/05 19:45
Bolty: 請去修改那個profile資料夾中的compatibility.ini 09/05 19:45
Bolty: 把LastVersion那行刪掉後存檔 09/05 19:45
Bolty: 就可以正常啟用那個profile了 09/05 19:46
acergame5: 字體渲染GG 只好降回68.0.2 09/05 22:50
Kuge: 真那麼想用mactype怎不去用68esr 09/05 22:51
hdd60311: 還好我改個微軟正黑就夠用了 09/06 00:22
jiangee: 用瀏覽器主要目的不是看網頁嗎?用Stylus去改字體呢 09/07 17:58
a0193143: 還是有差,內建的hinting會讓不少字體筆畫黏在一起 09/09 14:38