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官方版本94.0預計在 2021年11月02日(美國時間) 台灣時間11月02日~03日 更新 更新日誌 https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/93.0/releasenotes/ New︰ Firefox now supports the new AVIF image format, which is based on the modern and royalty free AV1 video codec. It offers significant bandwidth savings for sites compared to existing image formats. It also supports transparency and other advanced features. Firefox PDF viewer now supports filling more forms (XFA-based forms, used by multiple governments and banks). https://tinyurl.com/f2hkbndw When available system memory is critically low, Firefox on Windows will automatically unload tabs based on their last access time, memory usage, and other attributes. This should help reduce Firefox out-of-memory crashes. Switching to an unloaded tab automatically reloads it. To prevent session loss for macOS users who are running Firefox from a mounted .dmg file, they’ll now be prompted to finish installation. This permission prompt only appears the first time these users run Firefox on their computer. Firefox now blocks downloads that rely on insecure connections, protecting against potentially malicious or unsafe downloads. and see where https://blog.mozilla.org/security/?p=2812 to find downloads in Firefox. https://blog.mozilla.org/security/?p=2812 Improved web compatibility for privacy protections with SmartBlock 3.0. https://is.gd/ndwH3C Introducing a new referrer tracking protection in Strict Tracking Protection and Private Browsing. https://is.gd/ndwH3C Fixed︰ The VoiceOver screen reader now correctly reports checkable items in accessible tree controls as checked or unchecked. The Orca screen reader now works correctly with Firefox, no longer requiring users to switch to another application after starting Firefox. Various security fixes https://www.mozilla.org/security/advisories/mfsa2021-43/ Changed︰ TLS ciphersuites that use 3DES have been disabled. Such ciphersuites can only be enabled when deprecated versions of TLS are also enabled. Learn more. https://blog.mozilla.org/security/?p=2808 The download panel now follows the Firefox visual styles. Enterprise︰ Various bug fixes and new policies have been implemented in the latest version of Firefox. See more details in the Firefox for Enterprise 93 Release Notes. https://support.mozilla.org/kb/firefox-enterprise-93-release-notes Developerhttps://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/93 Web Platform︰ The UI for <input type="datetime-local"> has been implemented. https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/datetime-local -- ███ █ ████ █☆★ ★☆☆★◢█◣◢█◣☆★☆ █ █ █★☆ ☆★★☆██████★☆★ ☆★ ███ █ █ ██ 記得第一次直視那雙笑眼的悸動嗎◣ █ █ █★☆███ █☆★★☆★◥██◤☆★★☆★☆★ ███ █ ████ █☆★☆★☆ ★☆★☆☆★☆★◥◤Ψwilliam803 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Browsers/M.1633441401.A.866.html
rick: 可以少用一個擴充套件 LoadTabOnSelect 10/05 22:11
rick: 不過鏈結背景開啟還是會自動載入 那還是繼續用 Orz 10/05 22:14
issemn: 推 10/06 01:14
kc1446: 感謝,已更新 10/06 03:55
olduck: 移除書籤(E) 又改回 刪除書籤(D) 10/06 09:43
xvid: 這一版只能用 WebRender 了,字體渲染沒有 Direct2D 效果 10/06 12:53
sellgd: quantum版有好用的關鍵字突顯反白 插件嗎 10/06 16:37
Lomonosov: 老天鵝 火狐終於實作datetime-local了 10/09 13:35
aiwheat: 請問我的FF最近幾次的更新,不確定是那一版本,就是會有 10/11 11:21
aiwheat: 如果我在原本網頁開啟新連結到新的分頁,都會空白,要稍 10/11 11:22
aiwheat: 重新載入,該網頁內容才會出來,之前沒有這樣現象,你們 10/11 11:22
aiwheat: 有這樣現象發生嗎? 10/11 11:23
MK47: 我也會 10/11 14:28
aiwheat: 我的擴充套件最近都沒有安裝新的套件==,希望能解決問題 10/11 17:15
olduck: 沒畫面自己 Zoom Page WE 19.1版更新後常發生,19.0版字體 10/11 17:53
olduck: 控制有問題,目前退回18.7,幾天前開發者表示19.2會修復 10/11 17:54
MK47: 原來是這樣 感謝o大 那我先放著不管好了XD 10/11 17:55
rick: #1VuXtrsN Re: [-Fx-] 新版FF隔數天就需重新登入 需要M了吧 10/12 12:18
olduck: 用了快一個禮拜才發現界面多處配合Win11風格變圓角 10/12 14:29
tsairay: 版號破百還會繼續長嗎,還是要轉生重置一下 11/02 13:28
tsairay: 很少看到有軟體版號破百 11/02 13:28
rick: 用年份加月份? 比如202201 這樣...反正現在每個月都更新 11/02 15:38