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官方版本104.0預計在 2022年08月23日(美國時間) 台灣時間08月23日~08月24日 更新 103.0.2 Release Note https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/103.0.2/releasenotes/ Fixed︰ Fixed menu shortcuts for users of the JAWS screen reader. Fixed an occasional non-overridable certificate error when accessing device configuration pages. Fixed an issue with Picture-in-Picture displaying in fullscreen on macOS. https://support.mozilla.org/kb/about-picture-picture-firefox 103.0.1 Release Note https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/103.0.1/releasenotes/ New︰ Enabled hardware acceleration on newer AMD cards. Fixed︰ Fixed a crash on Firefox shutdown caused by a bug in the audio manager. 103.0 Release Note https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/103.0/releasenotes/ New︰ Improved responsiveness on macOS during periods of high CPU load by switching to a modern lock API. Do you always forget something? Required fields are now highlighted in PDF forms. Improved performance on high-refresh rate monitors (120Hz+). Enjoying Picture-in-Picture subtitles feature? It just got better: you https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/about-picture-picture-firefox can now change subtitles font size directly from the PiP window. Additionally, PiP subtitles are now available at Funimation, Dailymotion, Tubi, Hotstar, and SonyLIV. Buttons in the Tabs toolbar can now be reached with Tab, Shift+Tab, and Arrow keys. View this article for additional details. https://is.gd/5ipMEN Windows' "Make text bigger" accessibility setting now affects all the UI and content pages, rather than only applying to system font sizes. Rejoice! You can now conveniently access Firefox, which will now be pinned to the Windows taskbar during installation on Windows 10 and 11. (This will also allow for Firefox to be launched quicker after installing.) Fixed︰ Non-breaking spaces are now preserved—preventing automatic line breaks— when copying text from a form control. Fixed WebGL performance issues on NVIDIA binary drivers via DMA-Buf on Linux. Fixed an issue in which Firefox startup could be significantly slowed down by the processing of Web content local storage. This had the greatest impact on users with platter hard drives and significant local storage. Various security fixes. https://www.mozilla.org/security/advisories/mfsa2022-28/ Changed︰ Removed a configuration option to allow SHA-1 signatures in certificates: SHA-1 signatures in certificates—long since determined to no longer be secure enough—are now not supported. Developerhttps://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/103 Web Platform︰ Your information now has increased protection from online tracking via Total Cookie Protection enabled by default. All third-party cookies are now isolated into partitioned storage. -- ███████☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★◢變態妍◣◢黃秘書◣☆★☆█現在是█ ☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆崔林☆★☆★☆★☆ ★☆★★☆█◢█◢█◢██◣☆★◥鄭西卡◣★☆★█少女時代 ☆★☆☆★★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆★☆鹿內☆★☆★☆ █████◥███◣◥小太陽◤◥權班長◤☆★☆█████ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Browsers/M.1658848952.A.103.html
rick: 界面跟版面都變大了 @@ 應該不是我的錯覺吧?! 07/26 23:24
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 07/26/2022 23:26:29
rick: 啊阿啊阿阿~ 原本的比較習慣阿! 07/26 23:38
rick: 原本都要調到140%大小 現在調回100%就跟之前一樣了 @@a 07/26 23:46
rick: 分頁格子太大可以調一下 browser.tabs.tabMinWidth 07/27 00:15
cck196h: 這算是叫使用者不要更新嗎? 07/27 01:01
mars90226: 用dev版已經遇到了,好像不管怎麼調都跟之前稍微不同 07/27 01:03
mars90226: 調小的話文字會太小 07/27 01:03
rick: 所以樓上兩位都回去102了嗎? XD 07/27 07:56
hohiyan: 看不出來版面有任何變化啊 07/27 09:55
rick: 如果你原本就都用100% 應該差一點點而已! 07/27 10:27
mayuyu: 新增一個數值 ui.textScaleFactor = 100 其他設定調回原本 07/27 12:58
DavisX: 120Hz+ 那個沒什麼感覺啊 是有什麼差異啊 07/27 13:16
MaDoKaGod: 等這版超久的 layout.css.backdrop-filter 終於正常了 07/27 13:27
ltytw: 感覺好像是調整給4K螢幕的用戶看的 07/27 18:17
ltytw: 畢竟以前win95設計給640x480的程式 在1280x1024就超小 07/27 18:18
rick: @mayuyu 感謝大大 ^^ 07/27 22:07
kc1446: 103.0.1已釋出 08/01 21:17
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 08/01/2022 23:25:59 ※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 08/01/2022 23:26:22
dosiris: 選Dark theme後是否有部分網頁會自動轉黑暗模式: 08/04 20:59
dosiris: https://i.imgur.com/cJldEuZ.jpg 08/04 21:00
dosiris: 但某些網頁卻又不會自動轉? 沒裝Dark reader 08/04 21:01
dosiris: https://i.imgur.com/scyR2SL.jpg 08/04 21:01
dosiris: 這正常的嗎? 不知道判斷轉黑暗模式的標準是啥? 08/04 21:02
CP64: 這個要看網站有沒有寫支援 m01 有但是自由沒有 08/04 21:12
CP64: 網站可以在他的樣式裡偵測瀏覽器設定決定配色 08/04 21:12
dosiris: 瞭解 原來是網站端css控制 而非瀏覽器決定 謝謝 08/04 21:38
rick: android 103.2.0 08/06 08:24
aiwheat: 請問升級到這版本,Outlook email裡的有密碼的PDF 08/06 20:19
aiwheat: 以前預覽時,輸入密碼後可以觀看PDF,現在輸入密碼後, 08/06 20:19
aiwheat: 畫面就一直轉圈圈,有方法可以解決嗎? 08/06 20:19
kc1446: windows版也有103.0.2釋出了 08/10 00:58
rick: @aiwheat 先試試看gmail的可以不可以開加密pdf 交叉測試一下 08/10 08:04
※ 編輯: rick ( 臺灣), 08/10/2022 08:07:05
aiwheat: 我gmail裡可以直接看,就outlook email現在不能在裡面直 08/14 22:59
aiwheat: 接看,只好下載,選用FX打開來看, 08/14 23:00